MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

yeah its not anything to worry about. im pregnant and you've been pregnant. it might not even be that hun im just wondering out loud really.

i still think that was your positive the other day x
I agree with pos, i think you positive OPK was the other day, try not to worry

Pos is proof that you can get a sticky BFP :)
I wish you had a better GP, if you could have hormonal bloods done that might give a better clue to what was going on :hugs:
Thanks ladies. Going to do a cheapie later and see what it's like. Is there any point doing a second digi? x x

My GP won't let me have anything done, blood tests, scans or referrals - when we asked he said we hadn't been TTC for long enough. He just complained about the cost of all the tests. :( Hubby may be entitled to private healthcare so he's going to look into that for me. x x
Thats great, i hope he has private so you can get tests done, i still think you also have grounds to complain to your GP, as maybe said long cycles like this are classed as abnormal so should be investigated, if its hormonal there are ways to treat.
That's what we told him but he just kept on with the fact we'd been TTC for under a year. :(

If we don't get a BFP this cycle and we go back to him, we will defo complain right to his face that he's kept us in the dark for months and it's not right. In the past year I must have had something like... four, maybe five periods?? That's CRAZY and should warrant blood tests etc but he doesn't seem too worried. :strangle: x x
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I've been treated badly by 2 of the male docs at my surgery miss J and a lot of the time they're just ignorant to the female reproductive cycle because they are men and I get the impression that they see you (fig of speech, I don't mean you Miss J) as a spoilt brat that is used to getting everything they want and are impatient to wait and want a baby RIGHT NOW, you know there probably are people like that out there but at the end of the day take TTC out of the equation then your cycles should still be investigated, if the average couple take a year to get pregnant you will take 2 because you get 6 chances per year instead of 12, you are much more likely to get pregnant with the help of something like Metformin or Clomid, even if that's just because it shortens your cycles.

There is a fairly good chance that you don't OV or at least don't OV every cycle because of long cycles.

I started the ball rolling with tests at least 6 months ago and it's a good job I did as I'm only just getting treatment in September, if you have anything to diagnose that could take months adding to time spent TTC and it does get pretty stressful the longer you try as you know.

Do some research over the weekend, get together with Hubby, go through everything and get an appointment and go armed with the questions you want answering and be assertive, tell them you would like whatever tests doing rather than asking for them.

If you need any advice give me a shout. :friends:

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Maybe - We know that I probably don't ovulate very often if at all, because my cycles are so crap. Hence why I was so excited to see a smiley. I've been reading that it's possible to get positive OPKs and not ovulate but at the same time, I've had negative cheapies and a negative digi so I thought my smiley really meant something. Maybe it does and my surge is just going down slowly... I know what you're saying about male GPs, before I married and changed GP, my last one was a woman and she was shocked about my cycles and sent me off that very same day for blood tests. I sometimes wish I had never changed but I moved out of that area. :(

We would have started tests sooner but my GP was a huge obstacle. Is it even possible to go straight to a hospital and ask to be seen by a gyno? x x
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Yep I understand you were excited by the smiley I was too!

Well there's a difference between getting referred for fertility and getting referred for gyno, for fertility there are a set of rules that you have to have had bloods, smear and swabs done and been TTC a year before getting referred.

I don't think that is the case to see a gyno, in fact I'm pretty sure it's not.

What I don't know is whether the gyno will do bloods and things for you, my fertility doc has suggested a couple of the blood tests I've had but instructed me to have them with my GP.

I know that doing you CD21's will be a bit difficult but the others done on CD3 will be easy-

-Thyroid function

If you do go to the docs I would tell them what's happening with your OPKs too.

If you can get as far as a fertility specialist they may well not even bother checking if you OV and give you Clomid anyway because of the length of your cycle.

Thanks Maybe, that's really helpful. :) Done a cheapie and it's exactly as it should be, faintest one yet, line is almost non existent. Bit confused about my digi and cheapie result. Could my digi have been positive cos it was FMU? x x
Will upload piccie tomorrow as logging off soon, but it's very faint! Plus, I remember when I got my positive digi on CD29, it came up within seconds, today's digi took AGES to come up. x x
Ok. Will post results if I can, might not be able to do digi til later tonight as I don't need to go, the cheapie was done with forced pee lol. Checked my cheapie again and it's so faint, I'm wondering if it really was the surge going down. :) x x
Hi - Just to say I had my tests done privately (lucky I know) but I only had the day 3 blood tests done. He said if they are ok, and everything else is ok, there is no point in doing the 21 day progesterone tests as it follows that if there are no problems with the day 3 tests then the day 21 test will be ok too. He did also check the lining of the womb on day 3 and then day 17 too. But the interesting thing was that he said He said the day 21 progesterone test on the NHS because its the cheapest...
Thanks Emily. x x

Aw thanks Becki, hope you're ok. x x

I did another digi but not til late last night I'm afraid, however it was NEGATIVE! :yay: No smiley!! Line was even fainter so it must be that my surge was going down. x x

Have included piccies. :) x x


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  • cd32cheapie.jpg
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Glad your surge is going hun, now you can get on with your TWW :)
If was me I'd say 1DPO from your first negative, sorry to be a party pooper


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