MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

Well, I'm considering doing a digi ov test now to make sure there's no more smiles... Hmm... POAS addict...Me? :oooo: ;) x x
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I would do it! no harm in using one to check your surge has gone.

As for digi opk, not sure exactly but i'm sure i remember reading somewhere 35-40miu

Much higher than cheapies anyways, my cheapies are 20miu
Ok, I'm persuaded (mwahaha) am off to do the digi. Will post results when I'm back, got to pop out afterwards v. quickly. x x
I would do it! no harm in using one to check your surge has gone.

As for digi opk, not sure exactly but i'm sure i remember reading somewhere 35-40miu

Much higher than cheapies anyways, my cheapies are 20miu

Ah that's good, my cheapies were 20miu as well. x x
Thanks Louize. :D x x

Pos - I got a positive opk on CD28 but threw my pee away and then remembered the digi! I reckon I would have got a smiley face, the cheapie on cd28 was darker than the one on cd29 and I got my smile then. I was going to do another digi on cd30 but my dogs used my digi as a chew toy (don't know what the heck possessed them!) so I've ordered a new one. x x

CD32 and 3DPO?... I think? LOL. Was so tired last night I got into bed and fell straight to sleep, not like me as I'm normally up til the early hours! Felt rotten yesterday, major headache/nausea and kept feeling like I needed to burp (excuse me lol) but everytime I tried, it was just like acid reflux. :sick: Had a little blob of ewcm yesterday with red stringy bit in it (again, sorry lol) but other than that, I think the EWCM is trailing off. Cheapie opk was slightly fainter which makes it negative - I think I agree with Maybe, perhaps I have elevated levels of LH which means I will always get lines but just not positive ones. I panicked a bit thinking I hadn't ovulated yet but remembered my smiley face - defo ovulated!!

Does anyone know the miu of the digi opk?

x x

I would say you are 4dpo then!? positive surge 28th, 1 dpo from 29th - that's 4dpo??

on the month i got my bfp i had smiley faces for two days and wasn't sure which day was 1 dpo so i went for the day after the second smiley face :)

i agree you have elevated levels too. i think i do as well, maybe not as hight but i got lines throughout. xx
Well, I'm considering doing a digi ov test now to make sure there's no more smiles... Hmm... POAS addict...Me? :oooo: ;) x x

you may find there is a smiley though hun and then you may be confused. i had a smiley after ov before, on dpo 4/5/6.

Pos, you're right!! Here's my opk from today, FMU. Why do I have another smiley? :confused: The line isn't even very dark. :confused: x x

I didn't do a cheapie cos I didn't see the point, wanted to do a digi as I thought it'd be more reliable.

x x


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Hmmm strange! as line is lighter your surge must be taking a long time to settle down? i usually get smiley for 2 days so lasts about 48 hours.
My darkest cheapie was CD28, I used the digi CD29 and had my smiley and this is CD32... :confused: I honestly think had I used a digi on CD28, I would have gotten a smiley, my cheapie was darker then than on CD29. :confused:

I've had a negative digi before though, so was expecting this one to be negative too. :think:

x x
see..im psychic! :whistle:

that line is light, i would deffo say ur positive was cd27/28. i often got that with the digis, a few times thought i had a bfp coz they were smiling on 14/15dpo - got way too excited and then bfn!

put them aside now, they're too expensive to keep using. xxx

... i can't remember if you have actually been diagnosed with having a problem with your fertility MissJ?

After OV, progesterone goes up causing LH to go down so if your LH isn't going down it implies that progesterone isn't going up.

I don't know if it possible for OV to happen more slowly than usual or maybe it hasn't happened at all.

There will be a persistant positive feedback loop causing repeating surges of LH until you actually ovulate properly.

Hopefully pos is right though and it's just a sensitive test ;)
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Mmmmm....?? not sure what's going on Hun but you can see the line is fainter, to be honest if that was a tiny bit lighter then you wouldn't have got a smile, I've seen pretty dark lines before that haven't got a smile.

I would test again tomorrow or later tonight and hopefully it will be no smile maybe do a cheapie and see how that turns out, I expect it might be dark though as it's more sensitive than the diggi...

Hope we can suss this one out and you can get back 2WWing!:)


... i can't remember if you have actually been diagnosed with having a problem with your fertility MissJ?

After OV, progesterone goes up causing LH to go down so if your LH isn't going down it implies that progesterone isn't going up.

I don't know if it possible for OV to happen more slowly than usual or maybe it hasn't happened at all.

There will be a persistant positive feedback loop causing repeating surges of LH until you actually ovulate properly.

Hopefully pos is right though and it's just a sensitive test ;)

louise does make a good point coz i remember a cycle where you had positive opks throughout!??

Mmmmm....?? not sure what's going on Hun but you can see the line is fainter, to be honest if that was a tiny bit lighter then you wouldn't have got a smile, I've seen pretty dark lines before that haven't got a smile.

I would test again tomorrow or later tonight and hopefully it will be no smile maybe do a cheapie and see how that turns out, I expect it might be dark though as it's more sensitive than the diggi...

Hope we can suss this one out and you can get back 2WWing!:)


i must admit, the line is light for a smiley!? my lines were usually strong too xx
Just did an OPK to see what mine was like in comparison, I have no line at all, I was gutted at that as I was thinking positive OPK=BFP, having read what Lou has said I feel better, negative is good at this point then Lou?

Just did an OPK to see what mine was like in comparison, I have no line at all, I was gutted at that as I was thinking positive OPK=BFP, having read what Lou has said I feel better, negative is good at this point then Lou?


maybe, the month i got my bfp i didn't get a smiley face on the opk until after the FRER positive xx
Eeep, will try and reply to all in one go lol.

I thought the line was way too light, was very surprised when I saw it, thought I'd had a dodgy test! I haven't been diagnosed with anything, had bloods done for PCOS which came back fine and a scan in March which came back with a result of "a few follicles but too mild to diagnose as PCOS". :confused: The GP refused to do further tests and we had planned on going back to the GP and insisting on being referred if this cycle doesn't work out with a BFP.

With regards to my previous cycle with OPKS, the lines were dark but never slap in my face positive I don't think, I reckon they were pretty consistent throughout. However, this cycle, only CD28 and 30 had particularly dark lines which is when I got my smiley face. I did a cheapie yesterday and it was fainter than CD28 and 29 so I assumed ov was over and the LH was going back down. :confused:

I'm so surprised there's a smiley face, the line is very light!!

x x
I haven't been diagnosed with anything, had bloods done for PCOS which came back fine and a scan in March which came back with a result of "a few follicles but too mild to diagnose as PCOS". :confused:

x x

strangely miss j, i was diagnosed with pcos when i was a teenager because of my hormones.

never got it checked again and was just put on dianette. In 2007 i was pregnant and i had a miscarriage. after they done a scan and i asked them to look at my pcos, i was told i had very very mild pcos, not much there at all.

so i wonder if you and i both have that and it contributes to the smiley faces appearing??

it may not be but just thought i'd mention it as if they had said there are a few follicles it may be why you are getting positives so much !? xx
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Maybe we do. But my GP didn't think there was anything to worry about he said it was too mild? :confused: I do want to be 100% sure and get things checked out though. Feeling a bit gutted cos I thought the AC had really helped, when I saw the smiley face, instead of feeling excited like before, I felt deflated. :(

x x

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