MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

Hooray, am over the moon for you sweetie! Gotta love the digi's, no deciphering of lines, lovely!

I would go from when you had the last positive OPK to determine what DPO you are - I remember getting a positive on the Mon & Tues but I think my egg didn't actually pop until the evening of the Tues/early Weds morning and my due date has been worked out on that.

I bet you are excited, isn't it like a mini BFP? :) x
Thanks Louise.x x

Jen - Thank you, I was gobsmacked! My cheapie opk today is still a nice colour but not positive. Looks like it's going negative now. :) Well.. By that theory I'm only 1DPO? I got what I consider a positive on CD28 and obviously CD29, so as today is CD30, I'm 1DPO? Eeeeek. So excited! And yes, I was soooo ecstatic it was defo like a mini BFP haha! x x
Yeah I would go 1DPO as of today! Well done for being so persistent with them, they are a bloody nightmare but it's so handy having the digi's to confirm! Fabby fabby news, everything crossed for you that you get your BFP sweet! x
Thanks Jen. :hugs: x x

Unfortunately my digi opk got broken - the dogs used it as a bloody chew toy!!! :strangle: But hubby is convinced that digi opks are worthwhile and so am going to buy some more just in case. BDed again last night as I've still got a fair amount of red tinged EWCM and didn't want to miss an opportunity!

I had mild crampy feelings last night, so think this could be it! Exciting!! x x
Good luck MissJ, its so exciting you having a confirmed TWW :) you should really have a ticker now ;) so we can count down!!!

Thanks Nurse, will have to find one! :yay: So chuffed for you by the way, saw your digi results. Fab news!! :) x x

Just ordered a new digi opk. :yay: Hopefully I won't need it! :D

x x
Yes Miss J -it goes even slower when you know where you're at lol!

Just a thought, could the red EWCM be from 3 weeks of solid bd-ing lol! You can have a rest now for 2 weeks!

Good Luck!

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:rofl: We haven't been too bad with the BDing, we DTD maybe 4 times over the ovulating period...? Not sure. I think we BDed on the right days, we did miss one but we had done the day before and after. And defo the day I got the smiley face lol! I've been having red streaked CM since just before positive digi... Assumed it was all down to ovulation... TMI ALERT but I had said before I had so much EWCM I could feel it when I was walking, I can't now so must be getting less of it.

Will do a cheapie later to make sure the line is getting fainter. x x
I reckon the EWCM was down to the AC you know, I had much more than usual and a tiny spot of blood too!

I'm dying to test...ALREADY!

I've just ordered 50 cheapies :shock:

I'll be testing from Sunday or maybe even Saturday, I got a BFP at 9dpo last month, so there could be a chance at 8dpo right, not 7 obviously but hey ho, I'll give it a go!

Ah, now you mention it that's probably true as I don't recall having so much EWCM. :yay: for the AC! As for the testing, DITTO! I'm itching to! I'm trying to be sensible (epically failing) but have at least ordered a new digi opk so I've got the arrival of that to look forward to...Although not sure whether I'll bother using any of them, especially as my smiley face was 2 days ago!! :dohh: I still can't believe my dogs have broken the original digi! :(

I have about 15 cheapie HPTs left but I'm away next week and when I get back I'll be 14DPO and able to test! So I can't do any sneaky early testing! :(

x x
I feel sooooo sick! Nauseous and headachey. :sick:

Going to curl up in my pyjamas and watch rubbish on TV. x x
awww that smiley face every month used to get me through ttc, i used to get so excited by it! stick with them hunny if you can as well as the cheapies (altho obviously u wont need them coz ur gonna get your bfp).

so exciting. i would say that today you are 2dpo. one dpo is the day after the smiley face. did you try another digi the day after the first smiley face? i used to sometimes get them for 2 days xxxxx
Thanks Louize. :D x x

Pos - I got a positive opk on CD28 but threw my pee away and then remembered the digi! I reckon I would have got a smiley face, the cheapie on cd28 was darker than the one on cd29 and I got my smile then. I was going to do another digi on cd30 but my dogs used my digi as a chew toy (don't know what the heck possessed them!) so I've ordered a new one. x x

CD32 and 3DPO?... I think? LOL. Was so tired last night I got into bed and fell straight to sleep, not like me as I'm normally up til the early hours! Felt rotten yesterday, major headache/nausea and kept feeling like I needed to burp (excuse me lol) but everytime I tried, it was just like acid reflux. :sick: Had a little blob of ewcm yesterday with red stringy bit in it (again, sorry lol) but other than that, I think the EWCM is trailing off. Cheapie opk was slightly fainter which makes it negative - I think I agree with Maybe, perhaps I have elevated levels of LH which means I will always get lines but just not positive ones. I panicked a bit thinking I hadn't ovulated yet but remembered my smiley face - defo ovulated!!

Does anyone know the miu of the digi opk?

x x
Oooh my new digi opks have arrived this morning! :yay: I didn't even ask for next day delivery!! :yay: Much :love: for ebay! x x

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