MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

Eeeeeeeeek!! I feel sooo silly for moaning about it all now. :blush: Just when I was about to pop into the GP! Absolutely amazed, I really am. I thought I'd never see that smiley face! x x
Yay MissJ! Jump his bones ASAP!! :dust: x1,000,000,000 xx
Aw thanks hun! x x

I think my surge may have been yesterday? The cheapie has dried out now and so has faded but it's slightly fainter than yesterday's. We didn't BD last night, but we did on Sunday. Worrying now!! x x
Also, not sure what to do cycle wise? When am I 1DPO? I only have one digi left...x x
WOOHOOOOO!!! Made up for u!

I would say you are 1DPO today, but thats only from personal experience.. everybody is differant

I have had that happen to me a few times with my OPK's, I classed what you would class tomorrow as 1DPO and my AF arrived on 14DPO meaning I either had a shorter lutual phase of 13 days that month when they are usually 14 days long and AF would usually arrive on 15DPO, or I actually had my surge as you think you did yesterday. (Sorry if thats all gobbly gook, not very well explained at all lol)

Besides.. Sundays fine!!!!! That is the perfect day to DTD for a girly :)

Don't worry and just relax!

(Bob Marley.. "Don't worry, about a thing... coz every little things, gunna be ok!!") :)
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Thanks Lou! I've compared my cheapie opks and yesterday's line looks slightly more solid. I suppose I will have to do another OPK tomorrow to confirm? Agghhh I feel so lost lol. The digi opk has blown me away lmao. :rofl:

x x
Thanks hun! x x

Should I count myself as 1DPO or is that tomorrow? x x
hmmmm thats a tricky one! i would say today as i hate to wait lol xxx
:rofl: That's exactly why I'm asking haha! I want to be through the 2ww asap! x x If today is 1dpo then AF should be due on the 25th... x x
Don't worry too much about the DPO Hun, just enjoy!

Either way you can test at 13dpo and you can test at 14dpo so you're cool!

So what CD are you on today? Has the AC shortened your cycle somewhat? xx
That's true Maybe. I ask partly because I didn't think the blue line was as strong as I thought it would be for a smiley face, which is why I thought perhaps I did ov yesterday....Wish I'd done the digi now! :dohh: I'll do an opk tomorrow and see what that's like. Ah, I'm so relieved that it's finally happened!! x x

Louize - Today is CD29 so if I'm 1DPO, I'm due AF on 25th July which makes this cycle 40-something days which is a massive improvement from 60-100+ day cycles! :yay: I reckon the AC defo helped kick it up the bum. x x
:dance: woo! so glad the AC seemsd to have shortened ur cycle loads. good luck in ur 2ww xx
Thank you hun. I had started thinking it hadn't worked and doing the digi opk was pointless when I got slapped with a smiley face! :yay: x x
its goin to be my turn to have fun with opk's, never used them before but after the mmc i want to know when i am ov. still getting dark lines at the mo tho, and had a very faint pos on hpt today. hoping the opk's go neg quickly so i can get on with this cycle. xx

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Kanga, what CD is the bottom one? What CD are you now hun? x x

Thanks Sue! So excited!! x x

P.S. Did an OPK around 40 mins ago and it's fainter! Tomorrow's should be even fainter...! x x
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trust the smileys.....worked both times for me.. :D good luck xxx
Thanks hun. :) x x

I think CD28 was it though, have compared the cheapie opks and CD28's is darker. I wonder if I'd done a digi, it would have been positive....? Anyways, managed to BD last night so have only missed the night before last night. :thumbup:

What DPO am I? :confused:

I know it doesn't matter too much, I can test 2 weeks from now, but just wondering??? Would I be 1 or 2DPO?

x x

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