MC number 3

You poor thing. I'm so sorry this is happening. We're all here for you. Bug hugs xxx
I am so sorry you are going through this, please take care of yourself and go to your doctor for a referral when you feel better physically and emotionally. Do take time to heal and hope they can find the problem.
I know from my experience that nothing we say will make you feel better, the pain is horrible and the only thing that will help is time.
Oh Sh*t hun :(
I'm so sorry, I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better.
All I can say is that I hope you look after yourself, and that you are ok and have a good support network.
so sorry to hear this, its hard when everyone tells you to be strong and you dont feel like it at all, maybe give yourself a little time before ttc again? also i dont know anything about you but have you seen the docs to ask if there may be a cause you could take something or do something to limit? try and relax as much as possible as stress doesnt ever help, it will happen one day am thinking of you xxxx
thank you. i feel so lost atm, why is god doing this to me? I cant even bring myself to get off the sofa, my house looks like a rubbish dump, i need a shower and i just cant!
Now i have just read that my chance of mc increases after each mc i now have a 43 per cent! is there any point even trying now?
thank you. i feel so lost atm, why is god doing this to me? I cant even bring myself to get off the sofa, my house looks like a rubbish dump, i need a shower and i just cant!

there is no reason, when these things happen its very sad but nothing you can do, i feel for you, i forced myself back into work after my d&e and because im "newly wed" everyone kept asking so pregnant yet? i wanted to scream and found it unbearable at times as none of them knew, i had to go to toilets and cry, it was very very hard, i still get days im down, my termination (for medical reasons) was in november and i always ask myself what if? i know deep down in heart i did right thing but i will always question it, i think you will always ask why it happend to you, there is not always an answer our doctors have said its just bad luck, but as a precaution i am taking folic acid at a higher prescribed level, i feel im doing something but considering i took it last time its unlikely it was the real cause. its very hard and frustrating,

all you can do is try and get on with life as best you can do it in small steps and try and get into a routine, eg try today to have a shower and get dressed then tommorrow try to go for a short walk (if able) or to sit in garden or to watch a happy movie i think sometimes we have to force ourselves to getting back to normal as it takes time, how about asking a freind over to see you? someone who knows the situation who maybe can cheer you up? x
Now i have just read that my chance of mc increases after each mc i now have a 43 per cent! is there any point even trying now?

only you know that,
1. do you still want a baby of your own? if answer is yes then there is a huge point trying again, maybe give yourself a few months to allow your body to settle before you try again?
2. 43% huh? well that means that you have a 57% chance of not misscarrying the odds are stll in your favour,
3. even with the lowest odds things happen we had a 1 in a 1000 chance of our baby having the condition it still happened, but some one with a higher chance may never expeirinace it, EVERY pregnancy is different EVERY pregnancy has the possiblity of a different outcome,
4, dont give up unless you truely dont want a chance

and someone said to me. if you dont try you wont have any chance if you try you always have some chance.
iv learnt this is true.

ie: you dont buy a lottery ticket =you will never win
you buy a lottery ticket odds are low but you have a chance
you buy more tickets your chances increase

i think what im trying to say is even with the lowest odds if you try there is a chance when you give up you take away any chance you ever had. xxxxxx
I am so sorry to read this, and dont feel bad for feeling why me and theres no point, you need to greive and feel sorry for yourself you wouldn;t be normal if you didn't. if you want to stay on the couch then stay on the couch, give yourself time you need it. I replied to one of your other posts when you 1st started spotting saying that I have infact lost in total 7 babies, and I got no help because i had 2 babies then 2 losses one of those was twins, then 2 babies again then 4 losses, then a baby then this pregnancy started off as twins, make sure the doctor listens to you as I know some women are given progesterone and something as simple as that can help in early pregnancy, I dont know all the details but someone advised it to me after my 4th miscarraige in a row so when i saw my gp he just said i was unlucky and my chances improved with each miscarraige not to have another one.
I just really feel for you right now and i know from experience time helps but nothing will take it away till you actually get your baby. Only you know wether its worth the risk again, but there are positive stories out there even though you wont be ready to read them yet, but give it time then research the positives. and for now you and your OH lean on each other and if you both want to cry then do it.
i want a baby so much but the emotional effect of these mcs are just unbearable.
i want a baby so much but the emotional effect of these mcs are just unbearable.
i know hun, but seriously dont give up. you obviously want a baby very much and give yourself any time you need there is no point rushing something if its meant to be in time it will happen for you. have your time now to greive and then try again When and only when you feel ready xxxxxx x big hugs. its never easy xxxx
i want a baby so much but the emotional effect of these mcs are just unbearable.

I totally understand we nearly gave in, but somehow we got the strength from somewhere to carry on. I hope you two are th esame when the time comes.
Oh hun I'm sorry to hear that its happened again. You will get the strength one day to try again. Are you going to be able to get some tests etc to see if there are any reasons for the mc?

Big hugs and take care of yourself. xxx
so sorry for you Mrs Mc, hang in there and do ask the docs , once you have three Mc they will help with more testing etc, sending you a hug xx JJ
:hugs: Much love to you and your OH, hope things work out well soon hun.

:hugs: I'm sorry hun! Your in my thoughts, try and stay as positive as you can through this hard time

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