MC number 3

So sorry hun, I would be asking "why me" too! Life is so hard and random sometimes :( Thinking of you, I hope someone is there looking after you!

x x x x
So sorry for you and oh, was hoping not to see this xx
I'm so sorry to read this, my thoughts are with you :hug::hug:
I'm so sorry to hear this hon we are all here for you x x x
So sorry this has happened to you again. When you feel up to it you should go to the docs - my DH's cousin kept getting pregnant and then mc and it turned out her blood was too thick and all she needed was half an aspirin a day and she kept the next pregnancy and now has a healthy one year old, it can sometimes be a simple solution :hug:
I'm so sorry this is happening to you, you must be shattered. Big hugs.
i can't believe this mrsmc, i'm so so sorry hunny, i agree you need to find out why this is happening xxx
really really sorry to hear this has happened MrsMc x
Really didn't want to read this :'(
But I know how unfortunate some women can be.
Agree with the other posts, you're fertile, it can happen.
I'm so sorry for your loss and I really hope next time is it for you, I hope the pain goes away too :hugs:
You have a lot of support from a lot of people, chin up, things happen for a reason. xxx

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