Posstive hpt after---during mc?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Do pregnancy tests fade after a mc?

Thought I had mc on 12th been having blood loss since but now I'm wondering if I did or not.

I have 2 empty sacs so I know there are no babies just wondering why tests are still so strong...anyone else had this?
Are you sure you had a MC? are you going back for another scan? it is nromal for the hormones to stay in your system for a while after a mc :(
It looked like clots...not sure but I assumed it was mc.....got another scan Thursday. It was to see if anything had happened to sacs.... but as all my pregnancy symptoms have gone and I've had such a lot of bleeding...plus my last af was 29th July...higly unlikely anything has happened within sacs since.....it's just all so confusing
from what i can gather the hcg in your body can stay in your system for a while only the scan on thursday will be able to give you a clear outcome
My tests didn't go negative until a week after!! Fingers crossed you didn't have a mc though x x
when u posted up before about a m/c i did say get it checked hun!! i have my fingers crossed for yah!
I did call a&e at time but they didn't seem bothered, said as long as I was feeling ok just to monitor it and wait for scan.......have to admit there is still a little bit of me that wishes for something to be on scan.....even though I know there won't be :(
they never seemed bothered as we are before 12 weeks hun, lots off other ladies have had the same problem with the so called medical profession!! get ur arse up there tomorrow and deman a scan there and then dnt take no for an answer as u need to know either way!
will keep my fingers crossed for you hun. So sorry for what you have been through. thinking of you.xx

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