May Testing Thread

I’d say test again in 2 days like @Fsb676 said. It’s to faint to tell, and photos can be rubbish at saying how it is in real life! Really hope it’s an early BFP for you.

Hope it’s implantation for you @Clarkecharm :) @RainbowMama yay for peak!

Would be amazing if we all got our bfps together after this journey so far. Praying xxx

I’m 8dpo,
Symptoms today are itchy nipples (random) could be the heat! As it’s been hot all day at work.
also sharp twinges down below .. (not often I get this!)
As usual probably reading too much into it. But AF due in a week; so we will see :)

how is everyone? X xx
Yay it’s gone back up. I’m keeping everything crossed! Never seen this before. Ordered FR so should be here tomorrow. Hope everyone’s ok.

That’s good @Clarkecharm ! Hope it’s a good sign for you.
I’m 9dpo and I know it’s too early but I’m useless, haha.. I’ve tested on a cheapie and FRER, I saw a super faint line on the FRER... I am not sure whether it is or not. It’ll be clearer in a couple of days if it was actually a BFP. Or my AF will arrive next week if it wasn’t.
Waiting game! Ha :) x
That’s good @Clarkecharm ! Hope it’s a good sign for you.
I’m 9dpo and I know it’s too early but I’m useless, haha.. I’ve tested on a cheapie and FRER, I saw a super faint line on the FRER... I am not sure whether it is or not. It’ll be clearer in a couple of days if it was actually a BFP. Or my AF will arrive next week if it wasn’t.
Waiting game! Ha :) x
I’m 8DPO I took a Frer I’m sure I could see something but will test tomorrow. Temp stayed the same too. So I’m in the same boat as you really lol. Baby dust for both of us xx
81D701ED-1819-426A-A78F-CA9A21D66762.jpeg Today’s test, trying to take a half decent photo for a faint line is so hard! It has a little colour to it and it’s more noticeable than yesterday’s vvv faint squinter line...but hopefully if it is an early BFP then it’ll get darker. Don’t know why I do it to myself and test early!! :) haha. I’m 10dpo.
Yes @Clarkecharm , we are very similar for dates hope yours is an early BFP x x
That looks positive @Sugar10!

Pretty sure I’m 2DPO and against my better judgement I did pull the trigger shortly after my peak.

The last time I took Clomid at this dose & a trigger shot at this unit - I fell pregnant. So here’s hoping. <3
Thanks @Unicorn , it’s clearer in real life, I’m just worrying.
The last 3 bfps I had in dec-feb all ended in miscarriage. So I can’t even feel excited yet even if it is a BFP. Arghhh.
Still a waiting game :(

really hope its it and it sticks .. praying for us all x
Thanks @RainbowMama :) hope it is, and it sticks. such an anxious time these first few days!
I hope this helps you get your BFP, and it’s a sticky one :) :) welcome to your tww :) not long and you can test, x x
Why against your better judgement RainbowMama? Xx
That must be soo hard Sugar, have you got any idea why that may be happening? Have you had your progesterone levels tested? Xx
I have to share my win over here lol….I’m in testing week and I successfully made it through grocery shopping without purchasing any tests lol. I have a busy week of work and preparing for a relatives wedding, so the chances of getting tests before af is due is quite slim. I’m such an addicted poas. Lol
That must be soo hard Sugar, have you got any idea why that may be happening? Have you had your progesterone levels tested? Xx
Haven’t had any testing done, I couldn’t even get seen at my local hospital, it’s a joke. I’ll porpbably get seen when I no longer need to - let’s hope!! :)
Really hope this is a BFP and not dodgy tests tricking me :( but then I usually lose it by week 5, so can’t relax anyway.
If this ends up in m/c I’m going to be screaming at the doctors to see me! I have healthy children already, so I’m very lucky, but confusing why this keeps happening now. X x
Yay @Fsb676 for not buying any tests! That’s amazing , I have a bag full of cheapies for this reason haha. Just ordered some FRER off Amazon. So will see how this line is tomorrow.. hopefully still there and not a crappy indent! :(
Just confirmed.

I did my first test on Saturday and could not believe my eyes. Have not told my partner yet as this is a complete surprise. Won't get a chance to tell him until tomorrow or Wednesday.

You are the first people I've told.

this is today’s test. It is definitely clear now!
Very anxious as I’m expecting to start bleeding any day now as I never get past a week after finding out. Wish I didn’t test tbh as then I wouldn’t know. :(
Praying it sticks .. x
Ah, huge congratulations both :dance: I'm crossing everything that this is it for you this time Sugar :pray: xx

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