May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Hope you're OK bettyhoop.
I have been to a few baby showers, even arranged one. Some people do them themselves and others have friends do it. I don't know if any of mine will be brave enough lol. I am a perfectionist and I know they would worry, I would be grateful with whatever though (as long as there were not too many games). When I went one them they have games such as 'baby bingo'. Bingo basically but with baby objects. 'Guess the size of the bump'. Everyone gets ribbon and they guess how big bump is by cutting the ribbon to size that they think will go around bump, closest wins a prize. Also 'chocolate nappies'. Different types of chocolate melted into nappies and have to guess by smell what chocolate it is. They are just a few xx
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Lol sounds delightful!

My work have totally messed up. They have overpaid me and given me far too many holidays I'm completely baffled! it's good coz my car needs about £600 repair job. but still I don't understand!!
Those games actually sound quite fun!

Sorry - CTS = carpal tunnel syndrome. I basically can't sleep much at night at the moment, unless I'm sitting up and then I only manage about an hour at a time then it takes about 2 hours for the pain to subside enough for me to try again. I have constant pins and needles in both hands and can't grip very well, can't drive or even hold a knife and fork very well for very long, it's pretty debilitating, as well as all the aching pain up to my neck which is more intense at night. I've had it for years but it's only become this bad during the last year, and being pregnant makes it worse.

I'm trying to enjoy being pregnant as I've wanted it for so so long but I'm so tired and in pain and discomfort all the time. It's been hard work trying to get the NHS to help at all. My oh wants to try and get a loan and go private as the problem is that the nerve damage that causes these symptoms could become permanent and may already be by now, so even surgery may not help. I keep hoping and praying that by the time my baby comes I can use and feel my hands again so I can hold my baby.

Sorry, ranting again :( xx
Ouch! When is it safe to have surgery? It sounds nasty. I get pins and needles a lot down my arms but that's due to an inflamed nerve in my neck and fortunately my physio and the fact I've been pretty much on sickness induced bed rest it hasn't really played up. is there any physio or pain relief you can have? I hate the pins and needles feeling! Would a pregnancy pillow help support you better?

Lol sorry for the barrage of questions I'm sure you've tried all the obvious!
Oh Betty, that sounds so difficult. I had carpel tunnel for over a year after they pulled a cannula out of my wrist too quickly and aggressively after an op. It was so uncomfortable but nothing like what you are dealing with. I know there is no relief really. I used to find squeezing my hand and arm would give relief at that moment but thats it.
I hope they can book you in for op, from my understanding its all done when you're awake so should be fine during pregnancy xx
Lol! It's OK, I think it's making me feel better just that someone is taking notice and cares - the NHS have been less than helpful.

Its safe to have surgery anytime in pregnancy as it's only a local anaesthetic, but now I'm over 12 weeks I feel better about having it, but it's looking like it's going to be another 2-3 months before I'll get an op date.

It's pretty horrible, you'd never think having pins and needles would be so uncomfortable but along with all the other symptoms it's a nightmare. I got a pregnancy pillow but threw it out of the bed after one night!! There aren't many positions I can sleep in, just sitting upright now which has started to put a lot of strain on my back and neck when I eventually nod off.

I can have the steroid injections now I'm past 12 weeks so I'm seeing the GP tomorrow to try and persuade him to do it at the surgery asap - I have an appointment with the consultant at the hospital for this bit it's not til the 29th Nov and I have no idea how I will cope if I have to wait till then. I'm dreading getting through one more night let alone three weeks! Xx
Have you tried the hand support things? sorry about the rubbish explanation xx
Lisey that sounds horrible!!! Made me cringe reading that!

I'm also feeling a little pathetic as the sympathy is making me a bit tearful lol!! (I'm blaming pregnancy hormones!) Thanks for your support, it's so nice to talk to someone about this, I've just been trying to muddle through for weeks now xx
Yes, I wear them every night for years and recently during the day now too, they only seem to make it worse now weirdly..xx
It eased horrible. The whole lower part of my arm was yellow from bruising!!
You can come and vent to us anytime, sometimes it helps to just get it out. That's a shame the brace things don't work, I found them uncomfortable so gave up. I still can't write for long periods of time, it's a good job everything is mostly typing now. It must be far worse for you. Nag, Nag and Nag some more at the doctor, tell them it's affecting your emotional wellbeing, can't sleep etc xx
Yea I with my neck thing I went back sooo many times. They told me I had frozen shoulder twice in the same shoulder which would have been so rare especially coz of my age lol. I went for a scan and the guy basically accused me of just wanting prescription only painkillers coz he couldn't see anything. it was my physio that first inspected my neck for the cause and was like I can feel the swelling on your nerve! Also I've discovered I'm never having a ptofessiobsl (that's me typing professional through hiccups) massage because I'm unnaturally ticklish lol. Every time I had something that needed working out if he touched it I got insane giggles he said he's never had anyone like it lol. he said it's a varient on the fight or flight reflex I laugh my ass off!

Anyway my point is be persistent coz now I actually have methods that work for me. I know it's different to what you have but don't give up!!!
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I dreamt I had my gender scan lol.
Also bubs is now the size of a house mouse :) so cute!
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I'm in pain today :( got pain to the side on my left and pains down there lol
I keep getting those too. Could be a number of things
Round ligament due to stretching
Spd or pgp due to hormones
Dehydration or

X x hope they pass soon x x
What gender was baby in the dream ery?
Nikki, I get that too, its fleeting though. If its consistent then look out for urine infection signs. hope it passes soon xx
Ah yea uti I've been lucky touch wood and never had one despite my bladders inability to empty.

In my dream it was a girl.
Clearly bubs doesn't like trump being president just thrown up for the first time in several days and now just got a nose bleed woohoo!
Awww, a little girl. Do you have a preference? I can't remember if you have said before?

I don't blame your bubs, I was shocked when woke to that news!! xx
Lol I don't mind because we've been through so much to get here. I think a girl would be nice it's what hubby and son both asked for lol and it would feel like a "complete family" but honestly as long as it gets here and is healthy I couldn't care less!
We felt the same. I have always dreamed of having a girl but after what we have been through, I just want a baby. My OH didn't have preference at all but he was overjoyed when I told him she was a girl. Plus my son was happy too.
I think most in this group are finding out aren't they? Lots of exciting news just before Christmas :) xx

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