May mummies and rainbows to be :)

oh Ery! you make me chuckle!! i havent had leakage yet! your huge cant get over your bump xxx
Lou I've not had my results yet but when I do I'll share. Sounds like Ery has done plenty of googling for you though so hopefully that has put your mind at rest a little.

Ery your boobs are massive compared to your 5 week photo!

I had my flu jab last Monday and today the lump has nearly gone and I can lay on my arm again!

I've also not booked in for my 16 week appointment. I suppose I had better call them as I suspect they will only work one day a week or something and it will be difficult to fit in.

I don't think our heating problem is covered by the insurance as it is either too old or not actually burst and caused damage, it just doesn't work. I've ordered the plastic storage boxes to pack stuff into and while I'm at it I think I will put aside a huge selling pile to try to fund it. Our ensuite has also needed replacing since we moved in (6 years ago...) and I think while we have all the furniture out and the carpets up we may as well try to replace that too. I don't think we ought to put it off any longer as I think the shower has started to leak this summer and I don't want it going through the ceiling. Better hope I can sell some of this stuff!
Lol I know they have grown as fast as my bump lol. It's weird I've always been slightly concerned but never mentioned it.... my milk never completely dried up even last year (which was the last time I tried out of curiosity) I could still quite easily get my milk to flow :s

Good news about your arm too! my midwife works one day a week and I'm 14 weeks on wed she works on thus but they don't have the diary dates open until next week. I hate feeling so rushed to get in!

You sound like you have a house renovation job to rival mine!
I've got my 16wk appt tomorrow. We arranged it at my booking in appt.
I'm actually only 15 wks but she was going off my lmp at the time which put me a week ahead. She said it wasn't a problem if I was actually 15 wks because she should still be able to find the heartbeat ok.
It'll be nice to have the reassurance of hearing the heart beat.

You do have fewer appointments with subsequent pregnancies, unless they're keeping an eye on something or if you're over 35.
I wonder if they will see me as normal then because of my history. I am going to ask her at my 16 week appointment and plead that I get seen as if my first xx
Do you get extra because your ivf or not?
I kept getting asked if mine is an ivf baby. Which I thought was odd.
No, I don't think so. Was discharged from them at 6 weeks. That is odd, I would understand more if you were having twins or triplets xx
Yea at first I was like that's normal but after 2 or 3 times being asked. Maybe it's just because I'm under the consultants care too. maybe she specialises in ivf or something.
I've got a consultant appointment after my 20 week scan. I've had so many problems in my last 2 pregnancies I'm scared it's all going to happen again

I had pre eclampsia with my first ended up in hospital as was so poorly then I was losing my waters slowly so he stopped growing ended up having him at 37 weeks

second high blood pressure, also ended up in hospital, had steroids at 36 weeks to have him early ended up going till 37 but then lost so much blood was really poorly had a massive clot come out and ended up having an emergency blood transfusion :(
I lost alot of blood too, thats what I am panicking about too xx
all I remember is being in recovery after my c section and all of a sudden feeling this massive gush and loads of doctors running in and doing an internal etc it was horrible! I was so weak I couldn't even hold reilly when he was born
It's scary this baby stuff isn't it! Nikki that sounds scary! I was convinced I was going to die when Harrison was born because we had lost our beautiful dog 3 weeks before and then Harrison I honestly thought I was next! I can't tell u how scared I was.. I think I am going to be just as scared this time but in a different way and for different reasons.. Will be terrified of losing baby more than worried about myself..

Lisey some hospitals class any IVF pregnancy as high risk, they don't at mine but I know ladies who have been high risk just from having an IVF pregnancy.
Very scary! I'm nervous now everyone knows too lol. But I'm jot bothered about the birth yet. My son's was fairly smooth and uneventful. I've not felt baby today but it's very early days and I've been mega busy today. Anyone else getting "foof pain" a lot? I think I'm achy from all the walking my phone says I've done an hours work out today lol. Paying for it now lol.
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Kabuk I had a dream about you last night lol. I dreamt you your wife and child got turned into ants and I had to find a way to break the spell. All three of you crawled onto my plate wearing clothes lol.
I'm so close to 14 weeks! only 6 more days to go! lol I always find the second trimester goes a bit quicker lol
Not long nikki. I hope it goes quicker xx
Ery, that is a mad dream lol xx
I want to get Xmas done so I can start buying stuff lol. oh says he has loads of stuff from his daughter and I know he's trying to save money but I want to buy some stuff new so I can go out and shop!
Ibe not started Xmas lol I still have mine and my son's party. I've never left it this late before ever! I'M usually wrapped my now!

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