May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Just had my flu jab x I just popped down to the local pharmacy that I was passing.
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I haven't had mine yet. not sure when to phone the doctors to book in my 16 week midwife appointment
oh i wanna join, but not been given an official date yet :( - just love seeing how you all are getting on xx
I am going to do that too ery, popping out tomorrow so will probably do it then.
Nikki, do you have a midwife number that you can call about the appointment or do you have the appointment at GPS? Mine was made at booking in.
Is it true you have less appointments with second baby? I hope not as I had my son almost 15 years ago and with my history, I would like to be monitored like it's my first xx
You have less appointment's if it's your nd and you are not a cause for concern. I've got a few extra appointmentspecial I know that.
I have to wait until next week until I can make my midwife 16week appointment.
I was told earliest I can have flu jab was 14th Nov at docs or Iwalked about 20 steps to pharmacist and they said "Yea we can do it now for free" lol

Leigh join in. I'll update when you get your dates (or add you as an honourary may mummy if you end up in June lol)

I hate when they tell you to wait for 5 min after though I always start imagining that I'm feeling faint sick or struggling to breathe lol. Then as soon as they say "OK you can go" I'm like woop instantly back to normal lol well normal for pregnancy lol
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OK I'm annoyed just got outbid on the dress I wanted for the wedding I give up!!! if Any sees a dress suitable for a wedding in size 10 that's suitable for my expanding belly lol (lady on playground thought I was 5 months today lol) please let me know! I don't want to spend too much coz it will probably only be worn the once top budget maybe £30. I'm losing the will to look for dresses lol
What kind of style do you like, fitted, flowy, patterned, plain? xx
I like semi fitted I guess fitted round the bust the rest I'm easy. I like plan and subtle paternal maybe a few flowed but nothing to hawaiian lol. thanks I'll look at that link x
Yea that's very pretty I think I just need a little more busy support or else it felt like they are bouncing around too much lol. I'll browse that site some more though I've never been on asos before always presumed it would be crazy expensive.
Yeah, I get what you mean, my boobs are HUGE!! Asos are great, some stuff is expensive but when they have sales they are fab. I just typed in maternity dresses and changed view option to low to high in prices otherwise the designer stuff pops up, you like it and then see 'oh £300!!' xx
I only have the gp number so I'll phone them and ask.

what is the papp-a?
Thanks so much
I've just spotted this but not sure if it's too leg show offy but it's beautiful I may buy it anyway lol

I love that 3rd one too! I'm as pale as data from star trek lol but that got enough colour too.

I put on a top I used to wear all the time and was like geez where have these puppies come from I'm not surprised I've put on weight it's all in my bust and belly lol
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I only have the gp number so I'll phone them and ask.

what is the papp-a?

Papp-a is something they test for for downs and other chromosome disorders by can also indicate some placenta issues x
Thats lovely ery, I really like the 3rd one too, wrap at the front is good for big boobs so its a style I go for often. I love tea dresses. I am pale too, with black hair. Have been compared to morticia in the past lol xx
i only ever wear black - im boring, im a skinny little thing but i hate standing out from the crowd, also im like a ghost so pale haha xx
Lol I'm the same my whole wardrobe is black I've tried in recent years to invest in colour.... but I always start looking at black

Just realised I'm wearing the top I wore at 5 weeks


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Looking lovely ery. I do tend to go for darker colours but not black tops generally because my hair is black and then it just all blends in and I look even paler xx
Yea my hair is now darker so I've ventured into more colours.

P.'s. Just discovered something gross. for about an hour I've been smelling a foul smell thought it was just me smelling the remnants of my hot chocolate but I've just discovered my boobs have been leaking and I think it's soured :brat: :sick:

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