May mummies and rainbows to be :)

these midwife appointments aren't sounding very good :(

ery I sent a naughty text to my mum instead of oh never been so embarrassed in my life!
She was nice enough and asked if I had any questions several times so I guess if I had been able to think of anything to ask my appointment would have been longer!
Snowbee, it seems we were both disappointed today. I felt like she wasn't interested in actually seeing me, just needed to tick boxes!!

Ery, that would be odd to have a midwife friend do the sweep lol and the text :lol: The worst I have done is send a message about how I felt it was time to break up with my boyfriend of the time, was supposed to send it to my friend, I sent it to him lol xx
Oh no least I'm not the only one lol. Luckily my mum didn't have the context the text was sent in so I may be able to think up a good back story??? Lol yea I hadn't thought of the sweep until reading some tri 3 threads this morning! I don't think hubby would ever look her in the eyes again if she was the one doing the sweep lol too many images in his head lol. Last time with my son 2 midwifes came to my bedroom to do the sweep an older lady in her 50s and a younger trainee her 20s.... my hubby was sooo happy it was the trainee doing the sweep it prevented many a fantasy of his being ruined lol :rofl:
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Iv been looking into this nub theory..... but I'm not sure I can see the nub on my scan photo! Although there is a huge possibility that I'm just useless at spotting it lol. Hopefully iv attached the scan photo..... but knowing me maybe not lol xx


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I'm useless at seeing them lol I can't see one on mine either
Iv been looking into this nub theory..... but I'm not sure I can see the nub on my scan photo! Although there is a huge possibility that I'm just useless at spotting it lol. Hopefully iv attached the scan photo..... but knowing me maybe not lol xx

You can't see between the legs at all, so I don't think it's visible.
Thanks dovekie, I didn't think it was visible when I looked but thought I'd check incase I was missing something lol. Not long til i find out anyway so will just need to be patient! X
I can't see a nub at all on your pictures mayday. I can't see one on mine either. The examples I've seen on the internet have all been really obvious!
I'm at a gig tomorrow well I've actually I've got gigs planned up until January lol I'm dreading it well I'm excited but all the standing is not going to be good with my legs and back
Mmmm . . . I've got pumpkin cheesecake baking in the oven and it smells so good. I can't wait to dig into it tomorrow. Peeps at work are going to love me!
Well I'm off to tell my parents eek. Is it bad that I would be quite happy to keep it a secret at the moment! I feel like a naughty school girl haha!
Lol it does feel naughty to keep it a secret lol.
I've just had mw I'm being tested for OC for my itchiness but it's probably just my progesterone allergy. We heard the hb all my bloods and urine are fine and she took more blood and pee lol she said she normally wouldn't see me until 28wk's but she's booked Mr in at 24 anyway to discuss consultant at 23 wk's oh and ky womb is up by my belly button which is slight bigger thsn norm but I think we could all tell that anyway lol
Good luck snowbee!

Hope all your tests come back OK Ery.

I couldn't see a nub on any of my scan pics even when it was pointed out to me! I put my pic on a nub theory page on fb and everyone who has seen it has said it's a girl nub.

Yay Lisey 17 weeks! I feel so behind! I've reached 14 weeks for the 3rd time after being put back a couple of times! Good luck snowbee xx
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