May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Hehe ty x for both (I'm a bit ocd about lists and detail lol)

I was terrified of birth with my son I was convinced I would die lol. I was 5ft 3 and when I fell pregnant it was the first time my weight had hit 7st before that I was usually 6 - 6.5. (A weight I'll never see again lol) I've been underweight all my life until after birth and I was told my son would be a big 10lber I was mortified I was 6.2 hubby was similar. But son ended up being 7.2 so they got that wrong lol!

But I got told just relax as hard as it sounds let your body do the work don't force or over think anything. Think like the animals do if needs be. If you tense up your muscles clench and it makes everything harder (make a tight fist with your left try to put your finger from your right into the middle of it now do it with your left hand relaxed.... you get the idea!) Im not saying it's easy or it will work for everyone but I only ended up with a minor graze and no stitches x
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I am a little nervous about birth, I wasn't at all with my son but I was younger and took it all in my stride. I lost alot of blood last time and that is playing on my mind a bit. Has anyone tried hypnobirthing in previous labours? I am not going to go to any classes but might get the CD/download to get some techniques, I wouldn't follow it to a T though xx
I haven't but may give it a go it does sound interesting. There's posters all round my hospital about it lol.
I've not had that realisation yet so I'm in blissful ignorance at the moment! I wonder when I will get that oh shit moment, I suspect I need to be a bit bigger and feeling the little one.
I'm worrying about the birth I always end up in hospital about 36 weeks I lost a lot of blood with my last and ended up with 2 c sections really hope I get a natural birth this time although I'm worried about that as well I've never gone into labour so it's all new for me! worried about ending up with another section with 2 kids to look after at home and a baby as well!
Welcome SkatinBabe and congratulations Snowbee!
Beautiful pics Betty!

I've been debating classes. I'm also considering pregnancy yoga.

The boys reaction to watching a video with one mother giving birth naturally and one have a c-section was priceless. It's the first time that expressed any sort of sympathy about pregnancy and having a baby. They are watching a video on human development from conception. It was priceless. They were all cringing. They couldn't believe woman went through that.

My 16wk mw appointment is on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. I weighed myself yesterday and and I haven't gained much weight, just 0.5kg. Everything I read says I should've gained closer to 2kg by now.
Between my first and nd weigh in I lost 2.5kg so I'm interested to see what I am tomorrow lol.
I am a little nervous about birth, I wasn't at all with my son but I was younger and took it all in my stride. I lost alot of blood last time and that is playing on my mind a bit. Has anyone tried hypnobirthing in previous labours? I am not going to go to any classes but might get the CD/download to get some techniques, I wouldn't follow it to a T though xx

I did it with just the cd for both my labours. My husband thought I was sleeping when he turned up at about 9cm cos I was so chilled and the second time I had a homebirth with just a couple of paracetemol 20 mins before he arrived. I am usually a VERY stressy person but with both my labours I have been so calm and I can only put it down to hypnobirthing!

I am feeling a bit more anxious this time around...its quite complicated having a baby where I live as you need to leave the island at 38 weeks as there are no midwives here. If you decide to have a homebirth they will put 2 midwives here from 38 weeks till you give birth but in case of transfer you would need to be helicoptered off really. Last time I was very sure about homebirth but this time I have this anxiety so may try hypnobirthing cd asap and see if that calms it!x
Oooh sounds interesting where about do you live?
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afternoon ladies,

i hope you are all well, im really crampy today, i had some form of sickness bug yesterday and im hoping my pains are down to that and my baby is okay. really starting to worry about friday :(
I'm sure all is fine it's probably just down to expanding waistlines etc x
yea scan day friday at 12pm getting nervous cos of these pains, i also havent eaten a great deal with feeling poorly the last couple of days so thinking maybe its hunger pains also - i just dont know.

wish there was a scan you could do at home
Could be. Have you erm been for a no2 recently too lol that makes me crampy!
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erm a tiny one yesterday and nothing today that could be the cause also!

think and hope im over thinking things xx
Any type of pain immediately has me assuming the worst.

I had some really sharp, stabby type pains on the right side of my uterus yesterday and my immediate thought... Placental abruption!! Talk about over reaction!! After rushing to the loo to check if I was bleeding I remembered that I have had this pain before when not pregnant (used to get excited over it during the tww!) I really thought I was feeling better about being pregnant the further along I got but I'm getting bad again! The more I'm buying things and organising things I'm feeling like it'll all go wrong again.

I popped into the florist to check if she could do the balloon gender reveal idea and she was really excited about it! Plus tomorrow there's 10% off at the store we want to buy our pram from so I'm going to go in and order it in store to save some pennies. But making all these plans is freaking me out!! I'm just imagining that we'll go for our scan and baby won't have a HB.

every pain has me worried, im not bleeding or anything.

just getting shooting pains now and again, i dont think its baby im just worrying myself in case it is. my moto is always expect the worst and never be let down i know its not a good way to look at things.

i have also spent a lot of time in bed yesterday curled up in a ball maybe that wont have helped things.

im just a big worry pot! my boobs still hurt so thats a bonus lol xxxx
I'm constantly worrying! every little pain I have! looking forward to midwife next week so I can hear the heartbeat and that will make me feel a bit better lol
im looking forward to my scan on friday but also dreading it! when do they do the tests? at the scan or a separate appointment? that will be my next worry lol

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