May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I had mW 2 days ago and she said baby was very happy with a lovely HB.

But today I'm feeling so anxious again!

your 4 weeks ahead of me! and im a nervous wreck! wish we could scan at home! id be at it every day but i suppose it wouldnt change anything
they normally do the tests at the scan hun it's normally just a measurement from the back of baby's head/neck and blood tests! I'm sure it will all be fine :)
oh god!! haha i didnt think pregnancy would be this much of a worry! but im such an anxious person!

pains are easing off now ive just done a big burp haha charming xx
I suffer from anxiety really bad so I worry about everything lol got my midwife next Wednesday so counting down the days till that lol
Oooh sounds interesting where about do you live?

West coast of Scotland. It has it's perks but not when you wanna have a baby haha!

@Leigh - I was really crampy over the weekend and was making me worry but I think it was just a wee tummy bug or something. I heard the heartbeat at midwife yesterday so defnitely all fine in that department. It seems to have given up now but were a lot like period cramps! Good luck for your scan :) xx
All my losses have been in the first trimester with the latest being at eight weeks, so I really thought I'd feel OK in the second tri but apparently not.

thank you Missy - these arnt like period cramps its right across my belly now and agian, think its just the bug still in my system.

well loud mouth girl at work has just told the whole office im expecting knew i shouldnt have told her!

i was on tablets for my anxiety but i stopped them when i found out i was pregnant, have you suffered with panic attacks during your pregnancy? i am fine for ages and then ill get a few bad ones one after another and i find they are harder to control
Eek, the midwife asked me where I feel movement and I pinpointed to it. She found the heartbeat straight away. Still in a debate with my husband Whether to find out the sex or not xx
aw that's great! how close to your belly button are you feeling them for 16 weeks?
Mine are about an inch or two below belly button quite often more on the left hand side.

I had a feeling you were Scottish but living on an island sounds lovely!

I've just brought these from eBay. For the gender reveal. But obviously I don't know what I'm having yet so had to order one of each as I doubt it would arrive in time otherwise lol


  • 2016-11-23 14.40.01.jpg
    2016-11-23 14.40.01.jpg
    35.8 KB · Views: 6
Those are cool Ery!

I spoke to a lady today about doing the balloon thing and she was really excited about it. I mentioned about the journey we'd had to get to this point and she started to tear up! Bless her!

Had my midwife appointment, quite pointless really. I found the midwife quite impersonal and like she was just doing the job rather than caring about her job. Had urine checked, blood pressure checked and told me all my bloods were ok. They don't check the heartbeat at this stage and her words were ' it doesn't change anything if we check it or not'...that's positive!! I'm glad I have my doppler.
Next appointment is at 25 weeks, she gave me that at least! xx
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Aww bless x x x I need to slip one scratch card into a Christmas cracker at the dining table lol. Gonna be interesting I'm hoping I can pop the side slip it in and close it back up. Depends on what crackers my mum buys lol.
Had my midwife appointment, quite pointless really. I found the midwife quite impersonal and like she was just doing the job rather than caring about her job. Had urine checked, blood pressure checked and told me all my bloods were ok. They don't check the heartbeat at this stage and her words were ' it doesn't change anything if we check it or not'...that's positive!! I'm glad I have my doppler.
Next appointment is at 25 weeks, she gave me that at least! xx

Wow that is impersonal! Glad I'm already friends with my midwife. She knows our journey well and asks me regularly how I'm doing she's so lovely. Kinda hoping if I need a sweep I get a different one though. Be hard to face her for the next few years if she's had her fingers there :rofl:
Oh no just sent a text meant for hubby to my mother!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha my OH did that before sent a right lovey dovey text which was meant to go to me - ended up he sent it to his daughter! haha
I've had my mw app too. Seemed like a bit of a waste of time! The midwife I should have had been called out so they had got another one from another area in to see me. My wee was fine, my bp was high (it always is in the doctors!) but they seemed happy enough with it. I found out my blood group and that was about it. She said she would look for a heartbeat if I wanted but she couldn't guarantee she would find it and even if she couldn't there wasn't anything she could do about it other than wait for the next appointment. I said don't bother as we heard it yesterday and little one likes to hide, so it would probably be tricky. I don't know what I was expecting but I thought it would take longer?

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