May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Hi all
I'll be moving from June mummies to may
Now due 30th may

I'm pregnant with baby number 3 but pregnancy 5. Had my scan this afternoon and was a sigh of relief seeing a little hb
Hello skatinbabe :) Thought there might be some re-shuffling at this stage. Do you think your baby will be born in June anyway?! Glad to hear it went well today.
Hello hun welcome to may mummies! I'll add you after tea lol x congrats on a good scan must be such a relief!
Welcome Skatin :)

So we went for our private scan. Loads of lovely sofas in the scan room but my husband stood as close to the monitor as he could to get the best view! Had a peek and little one was all curled up in the top corner, it was really weird to see, there was this huge empty space then they were all hunched up in one corner. We tried to make them move round a bit but they weren't playing ball, just tucked the legs up right in front of their face and hid! They certainly are more flexible than me or my oh as we are about as flexible as a rock!

It was quite interesting, she showed us lots of bits, like the face and arms, legs and the heart and we also heard it beating which was pretty cool. It was slower than I thought it would be after hearing you guys describe it as galloping horses. I guess I must gallop faster on mine ;) I was itching for a pee so we decided I could go and empty my bladder and see if that encouraged them to move about a bit. I also had to go and do some star jumps haha.

Sooo empty bladder and star jumps later back in the scanning room and had another look... Still curled up! Pesky little one (is this a sign of things to come?!). We wiggled about a bit more and they finally decided to uncurl and promptly hid the crucial bits with their hands... Helpful! At least we got a really long scan for our money! A bit of coaxing later and the lady finally got a brief glimpse, wanting a bit of a better look she persevered with a few different angles and settings on the scanner and finally decided that it is a.... mini oh :) Trust a boy to be so difficult...
I've not had any baby dreams so far. I've had plenty of crazy dreams though, not unusual for me so I don't think pregnancy has made them any more nuts than usual.

Midwife appointment tomorrow. This is starting to get real! My oh has told the first person tonight, the chap we work with. We are planning on telling my parents at the end of the week and his dad when we are back. Eek! We need to work on some names, our no list gets longer but our shortlist is pretty bare.
can't believe you have managed to keep it quiet for so long snowbee lol

one week tomorrow till my midwife appointment can't wait to hear the heartbeat!
At least you can focus on boy's names now which will hopefully make life easier.

I've got the headache. I've had it all day today. Paracetamol didn't help much :(

Have you tried Vicks vapour rub on your temples. That does help some of the time and can take the edge off x

No, but I have one of those headache sticks, which is similar. I wasn't sure if it's safe to use or not.

I think they're pretty safe Hun. I used it during my last pregnancy. Just used Vicks this time as I already have it in the house. Have you been better today? Xx
Yay, Snowbee. So exciting to find out.

6th January is my birthday too Anne!
Welcome Skatin!
Snowbee that's fantastic news! So lovely that people are getting to the stage of finding out the gender. Shall we keeping a list of what teams people are on like team blue/pink/yellow?
Eryinera that's amazing your feeling your first movements! Don't think I've felt anything yet but to me it all feels like wind in the early stages :lol:
I'm huge at the moment and people keep noticing my not so shy bump. Can't remember when I started showing with my dd!
I've just had a horrible battle with my dd at the dinner table. Lately she's been refusing food that I know she likes and will only eat what she wants. We're having constant tears and it's so draining that me and my oh are dreading meal times! She used to be so good and have the best appetite. Feel like such a bad mum for making her cry but I don't want to give in:wall2:
Terrible twos are truly terrible.
I admire those of you selling your stuff. I wish I had the patience as I just had a recent sort out of my girls clothes and I've got 5 large sacks:shock: I look at them and think I can't just get rid! I so need the room though so just thinking of giving in and dropping them at the local charity shop this week xx
Glad all your scans have gone well ladies x

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