May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I've not heard of chilli oxo''s! ! I thought I hated all old fashioned names but Leonard is pretty darn cool! Aside from spock and your oh grandad which is awesome it's also big bang related lol
Means brave hardy lion hearted pretty awesome meaning too.
Whew, I've had a busy week or so, so not been on here very much. Hope everyone is doing well!

I know it's early but we've just bought our pram and car seat.:dance: I wanted the Silver Cross Wayfarer that's exclusive to Mothercare and they have a deal on at the mo for a free Silver Cross car seat with the pram, so I didn't want to miss out on the deal.
I've not heard of chilli oxo''s! ! I thought I hated all old fashioned names but Leonard is pretty darn cool! Aside from spock and your oh grandad which is awesome it's also big bang related lol

My grandad (mum's dad) was called Leonard. I like it cos you can shorten it to Leo, which I also like, but it's what my ex has called one of his kids so that's a no.
cheesy egg bacon cups I found on fb lol bread in the bottom in cake trays bacon round the edge cheese and an egg in the middle pepper and a bit of spring onion on the top lol so yummy
I had an uncle Len :) I like the name too, nice choice.

Rachel I don't think it is too early when what you want is on offer! We are hoping to view some prams next weekend so we know what we would like in case we see it in the sales.

So do you guys just eat oxo cubes by themselves? Aren't they a bit dry? I don't really know as I've never used an oxo cube I just got the impression they were powdery??
You just lick them to death lol. If you bite it it's a bit strong but it goes kinda gooey lol.
Yes they are powdery I guess but they are so good you get a lot of saliva!! I'm having to restrain myself to one every now and then as they are quite salty but I've heard because your blood volume increases when you're pregnant you need more salt anyway :D but after eating one I did need a pint of water!

Is anyone else feeling really impatient to meet their babies? I feel like the childless part of my life is over now and I'm just killing time until it arrives. I'm a bit of an instant gratification girl anyway - I want it and I want it now!! I could quite happily sleep til I'm 37 weeks pregnant! Xx
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LOL Eryinera! I used to lick them but now I crumble them up in the packet, make a little hole and shake a little bit into my mouth! Xx
betty I'm the same I should enjoy it but I keep counting down like 16 week midwife 20 week scan lol to make the time go a bit quicker! me and oh are sorting through the baby stuff tomorrow then going to have a look at some stuff next weekend lol not buying till after Xmas tho
I'm just enjoying it now as much as I can x it's the last time I plan to be pregnant after this hubby is going for the snip. It will take quite a while for us to get the OK on that last time we checked because of our age.. I always said 2 and an accident lol. But it's been so hard I doubt that will happen lol. For someone who can't have the pill so we've been using the infamous "pull out method" having 2 children is pretty good for 14 years lol.
Actually looks like we have reached the age were allowed to have the snip now x
I doubt I'll have anymore after this I'd love a big family but we will already have 4 children between us I don't think oh would agree to anymore lol so I need to enjoy it!
I always wanted 4 children but I am too old for that now and plus it's too hard for us to conceive. We do have one frozen embryo that we will use at some point xx
I would of liked 4 and even tho oh has a daughter I'd still like 4 of my own
4 would be lovely wouldn't it. It's the norm in my large family of aunts, uncles and cousins to have 4 children so it's what I imagined. After this journey though I will be more than happy with my son and this little girl on the way xx
I have a big family but the max is 3 children by any one woman. Most have 2. We have a big family history of losses too as far as I'm aware.
But thanks to the early death if my uncle. Blood disorders are being found in my family left right and centre so that may explain things.
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I always fancied 3 children, my husband would like 2. Being as we have had so much trouble with just getting to this point this one could well be an only child. Depending on how the rest of the pregnancy goes, how getting them out goes and how I actually like it when they are here will depend if we bother with contraception or not. If all ok then we probably just won't use any and see what happens...
I've always wanted two, one of each ideally.

We'll have three between us as hubby has a son from a previous relationship.

We're off to play with prams again today! Was supposed to be up and out by 9 but all slept in! I'm full of cold though so needed a few extra z's.

16 weeks today!!

Yay for 16 weeks x
Good luck pram shopping. I've seen one I like online and it's on less than half price too. But my cars broke and so I can't get to the shop to try it out. I think I'm going to not look at anything now until I know the gender too. Then maybe I'll find something I like better x

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