May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Good luck for your scan dovekie.

I can knit but never really picked up crocheting.
The only reason I found out the gender last time was so I could knit a blanket for baby in the right colour!

I've been craving Dr pepper, but trying not to give in to it because I don't want to drink much caffeine. Since I still don't fancy coffee I suppose I could have that instead. I looked it up and there's about 70 units of caffeine in a 500ml bottle and the limit is 200 in pregnancy I think.
Yea 200 you can drink about. 1.5l of the stuff lol remember things like chocolate have it in too though
Added your scan to the front too Dovekie so when you get a due date I'll update you properly x x
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I have been craving pimms!
I am getting different movements now, more than flutters but not proper kicks. Way more noticeable now xx
Dovkie mine was 2 hours. My little one wouldn't get in a useful position and when they finally did I had to queue to get my bloods done.

I'm still not that interested in proper food. I'm missing eating! I'm making my oh homemade pizza tonight. My diet is appalling. I had 4 rich tea biscuits and 2 satsumas for tea last night. Not sure what I want tonight.
Hello girls!

Just popped in to see how you're all doing!

Glad you're all ok bubs too of course!

I'm not ttc til Jan/Feb as I'm going away on a 2 week holiday to Mexico!

Got a recurrent miss appointment at the end of the month and I'm on a health kick with lots of vits and coq10.

Will look forward to all the genders!

Aw well jel maybe! 2 weeks im Mexico is what I keep telling DH I want for Christmas but I've got no chance haha. Hope you have an ace time!

Good luck with your appointment :) xx
Aww fantastic. Make sure trump doesn't build a wall around you :p have a fantastic time and good luck at your appointment and for your future rainbow x x x nice to hear from you x
I have been craving pimms!
I am getting different movements now, more than flutters but not proper kicks. Way more noticeable now xx

That's so exciting I hope to feel that soon! I seem to have a quiet day then an active day at the moment.

Red wine and pimms? Did you see that recipie for non alcoholic pimms?

I fancied larger the other day I blooming hate larger lol. I smelt fuel today too taking son to school and I totally freaked hubby out by saying ""I totally get why some women eat coal if I had some coal I'd totally give it a lick" lol it just smelt soo good!
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Hello girls!

Just popped in to see how you're all doing!

Glad you're all ok bubs too of course!

I'm not ttc til Jan/Feb as I'm going away on a 2 week holiday to Mexico!

Got a recurrent miss appointment at the end of the month and I'm on a health kick with lots of vits and coq10.

Will look forward to all the genders!


Have a fab time xx
Good luck TTC in 2017 xx
Lovely to hear from u X
Enjoy your holiday maybe!!!
Good luck with tcc in 2017- hope it's your rainbow year!!!!!
Good luck Maybe, enjoy your holiday xx
Hope you have a lovely holiday maybe and good luck with the appointment xx
Ery, I have seen the recipe, the ingredients in it make me feel sick so can't try it. I want real pimms with all the fruit.
The movements are still not consistent, there isn't a part of the day I feel her more. It's nice though xx
My hubby and son are still asleep lol!
I really fancy an all day breakfast sandwich from the fridge. But I don't have that so I'm going to have to make myself breakfast soon I'm starving!!
Me and OH are away for a couple of days and he has just made a delicious breakfast. Was delicious but couldn't have the eggs as they are off of the farm that the apartment is situated on xx
I think you'll be OK as long as they aren't runny?

Yea lion eggs are fine even if runny is the new advice and farm egg's and non lion stamped eggs:

For eggs that are not stamped with the British Lion mark, err on the side of caution. Cook the eggs until the yolks and whites are solid. This will destroy any salmonella bacteria, making them safe to eat
We just had me son and hubby listen in on the babys hb it was cute. We only caught it for a few seconds coz it kept kicking the doppler
My neighbour makes pickles and chutneys and gave me 2 jars of lime pickle the other day. I ate one while jar in an evening, I only wanted a taste but then couldn't stop, then had terrible indigestion the while night and couldn't sleep! Xx

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