May mummies and rainbows to be :)

These are some of the ones I'm looking at.
And yes everything goes at once. Just manage to save a bit if money and then expensive things go wrong lol


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I can't see them clearly as when I zoom in they go blurry but they are fab prices xx
All on sale just unsure about the wheels for the clay fields near me buy I can use my graco if I plan in advance for those prices lol. Yea they are not the best pictures but all are on babies are us. (I've got lots of toys r us vouchers lol)
Happy 16 weeks Emily (+1day!) Hope your appointment goes well today xx I've got my dating scan (finally) tomorrow when according to my new Edd I'll be 13+5 xx
We are going to need a pram or something for on the farm, what is best for pushing through mud/cow poo?! Bigger wheels? I assume double wheels will get blocked? Anyone any experience with this? I'm hoping to get a nice pram for 'best' and using at home, taking in the car etc and then get a second hand one for getting dirty there and leave it up there but not really sure what to look at.
I am not sure snowbee, maybe look up high terrain pushchairs or mountain buggys? xx
Good idea thanks. It is a bit of an odd request I know! But I'm there twice a day to do my horses so it is going to be used quite a bit. I assume you can still buy cat nets for prams? I'm going to need one to keep the yard cats off.
Me and oh were looking at those kind of prams snowbee as we live on top of a hill in a forest! We've decided not to use a pram for now and to use a sling, will help me lose weight quicker anyway! But let me know if you find a good one xx
Good luck for dovekie's dating scan today too.

I found the bigger wheels help with the clay field's near me snowbee. I had double wheels on the front of my pram and single in the back most the time it was OK sometimes I had to tip the pram so it was just rolling on the back wheels through paticularly tough patches. Best advice is really test how easily the prams rock onto the back and front wheels as you will be doing both manoeuvres regularly! Some are great for rocking onto the back wheel but just attempt to tick onto the front and its not going to happen!
I did think about a sling but I think it would be too dangerous when I'm grooming the horses as they could knock it, so I think they will be better strapped in a pram out of reach. I do want to try a sling though for other bits and bobs, there are so many different ones to try though it is difficult to know where to start! I hear people saying about sling librarys but there isn't anything like than anywhere near me.
Hang on - I've just looked at the front page, is it your gender scan tomorrow snowbee? Xx
Yes it is! My husband is super excited. Final day for guessing folks ;)

Good luck Dovekie :)
OMG I'm so excited for you! Will you tell everyone or keep it secret? We want to stay team yellow but I'm tempted to ask at the scan tomorrow if they can see anything. My mum never found out with me or my brother and she says it's a really great thing to do but she was convinced I was a boy but she really wanted a girl after my brother and when the hospital staff told her it was a girl she thought they were lying for ages!! I'm rubbish at guessing so I have no idea what yours will be snowbee. Is it a private gender scan? Xx
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Good luck doveki :)
Snowbee, tomorrow, so exciting. I can't wait for the news xx
ooh snowbee how exciting! just picked up my sons bike his last present for his birthday next weekend :)
We will be keeping it a secret. My mum is funny about that sort of thing so we will just say we don't know to keep the peace. It is a private scan, my hospital won't tell you at the 20 week scan it is their policy so if you want to know you have to go private.
Wish my son would would ride a bike lol. We've got him lots of lego dimensions stuff a few books. I'm really stuck a's to what he wants lol. He's got like everything! !!

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