May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I was thinking the same nikki-how big is spongebob?! ;)

I am going to be brave today and pop to the shops, so far not feeling sick so will see how this goes. The thing I find hardest is waiting in queues as I get faint and hot. Hopefully will be nice and quiet xx
I was sick just before leaving to take Cam to school, then nearly baked to death in his classroom as he needed a cuddle. He was very upset that the girl he invited around to his house to play said no! Bless! I'm just having a sit down and then going to crack on with the housework. Joy!

I don't know about the size of an apple I guess lol.

Good luck lisey x x x

OK so ive had 4 crumpets and I'm just about to drink my 3rd glass of milk. Definitely eating 2 breakfasts lol I'm starving in the morning then hardly eat anything else all day. Oh I'm going to be such a fatty lol
I normally love a nice cold glass of milk.

Last night it made me feel sick!

Oh Emily, poor Cam :( I am sure he is just fine now xx
Poor cam. And oh no for milk not being good. I've been mad on it this week but I know soon I'll go off it and won't be able go look at it soon. That's what's happened with every other drink so far lol.
I'm sure he's fine now but he was proper crying at the time. Dear little man! The trials and tribulations of a four year old eh?!

Lol aye i involuntary burst out laughing when my son the other day was crying and said he had the worst day of his life. Coz I said he wouldn't have time to play on the Xbox as he had to have tea and nanna's then he was going to the circus lol. I was like oh hunny... you have no idea lol.
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Oh bless him!

I just wanted to scoop Cam up and give him the biggest cuddle! He was proper upset! He said yesterday about her coming over to play and how he was going to share all his toys with her, it was so sweet!

I look at him and I feel so overwhelmed with how much I love him. I do wonder sometimes how I could possibly love another baby as much as I love him?

Oh but you will x and soon cam will be able to share all his toys with his brother or sister :)
I still haven't figured out the whole ticker thing lol. I got the one I wanted but then still didn't know how to get it on my posts lol xx
Go to user cp at the top down to signiture them copy (ctrl a then ctrl c) the bb code (square bracket [ ] rather than triangular bracket < > ) code from the tickers website and paste (ctrl v) into signiture box in user cp.
Oh dear that sounds awkward haha I will give it a try though thank you ery xx
It's quite simple x I probably made it sound worse than it is you basics llc copy the code from one website and paste it into the right place in this one lol. If you struggle let me know I'm having a sit down mid way through putting shopping away coz my heart just played up silly thing.
Yay well done mayday.

And so they say dovekie lol. Gosh I'm pooped now I've put that shopping away lol

It now doesn't fit in the freezer coz of a silly substitution lol. Instead of 2x garlic baguettes they gave me 4x 10 garlic slices I mean what's lol that's like twice as much lol
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if that old wives tale is true then mine must definately be a girl haha
I'm craving savoury/salty stuff mainly, so maybe there's a boy in my tum?

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