May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Yey for tri 2 Emily :)
I got lime cordial a soda water on the suggestion of a friend. Really thirst quenching. I like orange and apple juice but gives me indigestion xx
I'm May 9th May next scan 23rd dec. gender scan 22nd nov :) xx
Can you add me for May 8th please? My scan is 20th December.

I've been really craving raw carrots the last couple of weeks!! Assuming I needed a wee vit C boost! x
yeah I read it was a girly sign don't want to get my hopes up tho! lol I feel so much better nausea has gone and more energy yay
I'm still sick every day but it's getting less intense.
JUST having my first cup of tea since about week 4 and I felt baby do a flip or two! I think it either loves it or hates it lol
Exciting times Ery :)

I just checked on baby this morning as heartbeat was a little higher than normal. She was moving loads at the time so I am hoping thats why. I checked again after a few minutes and it was back to normal. Will check again soon xx
Aww she's just doing her morning workout lol. my son was a very quiet still baby lol in his scans he was just lying there this was was doing acrobatics lol
Lol, she was, as I was checking she moved from one side to the other. Just checked and she is calmer now. I hadn't drank anything when I checked this morning and apparently being dehydrated can cause higher heartbeat and I had just had a bath so maybe she was excited about that. My son used to go crazy when I had a bath xx
I still wonder what they think is happening when I roll over in bed or like this morning have a sneezing fit lol
I know, we went for a nice drive yesterday and we went over little hills, you know the ones that make your belly go over? I said I wonder what she thinks of that, surely it would make her flip more xx
I'm trying to work on oh for a 270 pound pushchair that I want but it's not going very well lol
Thats a good price, I don't think you will find one much cheaper. How are things now Nikki? xx
it's a carry cot, buggy, car seat and raincover he wants to look on ebay! not sure if he's winding me up lol. better thanks hun he came over on Friday and we spoke for 2 hours about everything, things we wanted to change, he's agreed to move to another house here which is good I'm taking him to see it later and he's said he can start be in happy about the baby now we've spoken about everything. he doesn't find it easy to talk so think it did us both good. he's going to try and make amends between me and his family as well. we all went to see the fireworks last night and he's agreed to sit down later and write out a list of what we need for the baby
my friends think I'm mad but I love him and we're having a baby so I'll try anything I can to make it work I told him he needs to sort himself out a bit as in when he goes out and gets too drunk so just going to see how things go
Love us a wonderful thing and as I said earlier. sometimes a break can do you good I just hope he realises what a wonderful woman he's got in you and how lucky he us to have a second chance!
Thats good nikki, the most important thing is that you're happy. Other people may think you're crazy but you have to do what is right for you. Hopefully this is the start of things changing and him becoming more involved with baby and making an effort with you too.
That is an amazing deal for all of that, I haven't found any packages like that for less than 600!!
I want to make a list of things we need too, I was thinking of stuff the other day and I actually couldn't believe how much there is to get, I like a list anyway xx
thanks girls means a lot. he knows this is his last chance I can't deal with all the stress so hoping it's made him realise now.

it's the billie frairs one lisey but I want the grey with stars I've fallen in love with it lol
I would snap it up st that price too that's bloody fantastic. The ones I've seen are like 800+ geez I went in for a car seat and that was £350! do so pricey. might pop to toys r us once the car is fixed. That's where I got my last one. I'M hoping just to but a car seat that will fit my current pram. As my car seat is out of date :(

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