May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Possibly but I think we will go with a budget so that we can't go too mad. We can be impulsive buyers, especially with all the excitement. Will make sure we don't go ott!!
None if my normal clothes fit, I don't even find buying a couple of sizes up works as just won't be room as belly grows. The supermarkets have good deals. I have got a lot of my stuff from asda as good price and looked out for sales on newlook xx
I have found that I can wear a maternity vest with one of my usual longline shirts over the top but open xx
1st May please, and 20wk scan is 12th Dec.

I need to get more maternity clothes. I have some from last time but some of it got lent to my sis in law who had her baby 2 weeks ago, so I don't have that back yet and she's in Oxford but I'm in Newcastle.

I'm ok wearing normal tops but my tummy needs space in trousers and I've only got 1 pair of mat trousers I like.
Need to go shopping.
I think lots of my normal tops will fit for quite a while yet. I don't really like tight fitting tops so most of mine have a bit of room. My weight is also very up and down so I have a box of 'fat' clothes somewhere, some of those might be ok too. Trousers are a different matter! I do need to get myself another pair of jeans that I can wear inside my boots.
Just wondering if anyone has noticed any cravings yet?
Mine is hot chocolate and chicken (not at the same time though thankfully lol)
Not really. I'm still feeling a bit funny about food, I either want something random or I'm hungry but don't fancy anything.
No consistent cravings but I get things I fancy and have to have it but then don't think about it again once I have had it. My thing tonight is chinese xx
A few weeks ago all I wanted was orange but now it's hot chocolate I'm sure it'll change in a week or two. Strangely swapping from Orange to chocolate my weight has gone down?! Lol
I'm the same as you lisey. I want one off things. Yesterday I had to buy a chocolate orange.
I have noticed that some of my food aversions have gone away though. I can eat mince and drink coffee again, and I'm not sick at the smell of onions!
I'm still not feeling 100% though.
mines fruit I'm eating so much fruit and I never eat fruit lol
Officially in Tri two today!!


I've been craving orange juice and now apple juice!

Happy 14 wks Emily. My fridge always has both orange and apple juice in there. I started craving both last week.

No maternity clothes here yet, but I did go to H&M yesterday and picked up 2 pairs of jeggings a size up for 12.99 each. I figured I should get at least 6 weeks out of them. I needed something for work, and I'm just not ready for maternity clothes yet. These do have a bit of space for my slowly growing belly, and at that price, even if I just get 6 weeks, I'll be happy. I can't do a hairband anymore, too much trouble when I have to pee.
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I ordered some navy, maternity, cargo trousers for work.

They arrived yesterday.... Cargo trousers my ass!! They are like velour tracksuit bottoms!! They look all velvety!!! No good for walking dogs in the middle of winter!! FML!!

Lol my ibe just put bida on a few items I have a wedding in a few days to go to. Don't have a clue what to wear!
That's awful emily. That is one of the reasons I hate shopping online. I prefer to try things on and see them, and I'm so lazy when it comes to returning things online. I couldn't believe my luck in H&M as the jeggings were in colours that don't make them look like jeans, so I can pull them off with my boots at work.

I'm already feeling the tri2 energy surge. I'm not 100% with energy, but I managed a crossfit class yesterday, shopping, dinner out and a two part play. It was the latest I've been out (getting home around 11PM) in a while. But I was falling asleep as soon as I got on the train home, so tired and out of it that I don't even remember the journey home.

I'm so excite about energy to get back to crossfit or any kind of working out. I keeps me sane. It's my stress relief and I get very moody without it.
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I've started with insomnia does that count as an energy surge lol?
Oh Ery . . . hopefully some of the positives associate with tri 2 will find you! You and the others who have been so sick in tri 1 really deserve a break!

Anyone have any suggestions on pregnancy pillows? There are so many options out there. I need to get soon as I have a habit of rolling onto my back at night. Plus, a normal pillow between the legs doesn't offer that much support.
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