May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Sorry it wasn't all plain sailing at the scan kabuk. I hope the results come back quickly to put your mind at ease xx
Oh, and the little one was more than happy to cooperate. It's a boy! :blue:


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Oh sorry to hear that kabuk. I hope tests all come back okay and congrats on a blue bundle!xx
Thanks. I just hate the waiting game on the results. For now I'm taking comfort in all the movement I feel and just trying to relax.
Oh no sorry the scan didn't go perfectly least your bring looked after x I hope you and your little boy are back to normal and healthy soon x
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Ah kabuk congratulations on a boy! How exciting. Sorry the scan wasn't plain sailing but hopefully you won't be waiting long to find out everything is ok x
I hope all comes back clear kabuk I am sure it will and it's just precaution xx gorgeous pic and congrats on your beautiful boy :) rest up xxx
Thanks. The consultant was fantastic. And they really do look after you at this hospital. It's why I'm nervous about changing hospitals with the move coming up.
Congrats on the blue news kabuk! I hope your results are positive, try not to worry x

Since baby spun around yesterday, I've been feeling lots of kicks. I don't think pregnancy agrees with me. I hate going to bed now as my hips wake we up multiple times through the night. I'm still so tired and can't walk very far. My belly aches quite a lot. Not sick as much now though, thankfully.
Congratulations on team blue Kabuk1.

I'm sure it must be worrying waiting for your results but hopefully it'll all be good news for you.

Congrats on team blue kabuk sorry it didn't go as planned but I'm sure the results will come back fine glad everything else looked OK xx
Thanks again everyone! Next scan on 15 Feb (28 weeks) with a consultant.

Had a lovely dream last night. First time my little one had a gender in my dream. My little boy was completely perfect and extremely cuddly. After waking with the memory of his cuddles, I lay in bed and enjoyed feeling him go through his morning ninja training!
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Hope you feel better nikki xx

I went to doctor regarding sick note but my normal GP is off sick. He wasn't comfortable giving me a ft for work note as he doesn't know my history and never met me before so signed me off for another 10 days from today so that I can see normal GP on Wednesday.
I got print out of ECG, ery, you might understand it? It doesn't really tell me much. Highest heart rate was 146bpm. Min 74bpm.
In the comments it says;
Sinus rhythm
Single VEs
One AE
A high heart rate maintained during night

Doesn't say anthing about it being ok or not or if I need further investigation. The doctor on Wednesday should be able to help more at least. The one today was a bit useless xx
Sinus rhythm means it's a normal rhythm X I think VE means ventricular escape ( a random extra beat that escapes from the ventricles - two lower chambers of the heart) and AE means atrial escape so escape beat from atria (top chambers) I think that's what they mean.. Escape beats can be completely normal esp if you are in sinus Rhythm. I am sure the doctor will explain it to you on Wednesday X are u feeling better? How do u feel about being signed off again? X
Sinus rhythm means it's a normal rhythm X I think VE means ventricular escape ( a random extra beat that escapes from the ventricles - two lower chambers of the heart) and AE means atrial escape so escape beat from atria (top chambers) I think that's what they mean.. Escape beats can be completely normal esp if you are in sinus Rhythm. I am sure the doctor will explain it to you on Wednesday X are u feeling better? How do u feel about being signed off again? X

Thanks, thats helpful. I don't mind as its likely I will get fit for work note when I see her. I understand him not wanting to do it. I have never seen him before. It also gives work more time to make adjustments and arrange phased return times etc. They have said they will give me a parking space too so if I was to go back straight after Christmas, it would be more difficult to arrange as there is nobody at the school to discuss with beforehand xx
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Sinus rhythm means it's a normal rhythm X I think VE means ventricular escape ( a random extra beat that escapes from the ventricles - two lower chambers of the heart) and AE means atrial escape so escape beat from atria (top chambers) I think that's what they mean.. Escape beats can be completely normal esp if you are in sinus Rhythm. I am sure the doctor will explain it to you on Wednesday X are u feeling better? How do u feel about being signed off again? X

Thanks, thats helpful. I don't mind as its likely I will get fit for work note when I see her. I understand him not wanting to do it. I have never seen him before. It also gives work more time to make adjustments and arrange phased return times etc. They have said they will give me a parking space too so if I was to go back straight after Christmas, it would be more difficult to arrange as there is nobody at the school to discuss with beforehand xx

That's good Hun :) sounds like your work are really good :)
Sinus rhythm means it's a normal rhythm X I think VE means ventricular escape ( a random extra beat that escapes from the ventricles - two lower chambers of the heart) and AE means atrial escape so escape beat from atria (top chambers) I think that's what they mean.. Escape beats can be completely normal esp if you are in sinus Rhythm. I am sure the doctor will explain it to you on Wednesday X are u feeling better? How do u feel about being signed off again? X

Thanks, thats helpful. I don't mind as its likely I will get fit for work note when I see her. I understand him not wanting to do it. I have never seen him before. It also gives work more time to make adjustments and arrange phased return times etc. They have said they will give me a parking space too so if I was to go back straight after Christmas, it would be more difficult to arrange as there is nobody at the school to discuss with beforehand xx

That's good Hun :) sounds like your work are really good :)

They really are. Even when I say I want to come back, they say they would love me back but only when I am well enough. It was lovely last time because she said "please don't think we don't want you back, we would love you back, everyone speaks very highly of you as a teaching assistant but you need to be well". It was nice to hear that people have nice things to say about me as I am always quite hard on myself. I am sure I will be back on the 9th, looking forward to it but nervous as I do get baby brain and sometimes I just don't think straight xx
Sounds like a great place to work, lisey. Hope you get the all clear when you usual GP returns.

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