May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I have seen some that just go on the bars and they are breathable ones. I take it the worry is if it's not secure and can fall onto baby? The cot I want has bars all the way around, no solid ends.

Hope it eases off soon Lou, I have been feeling sick again unfortunately over the last few days. Not nice as thought was over all that now.
Lovely about feeling lots of movement and so nice that your hubby can feel them too xx
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You can get a kind of mesh one that goes all the way round too lisey. I might get one of those as my other two never slept well with the open bars of a crib so I figure its more cosy and nest like with that on. I really fancy one of those sleepyhead things but they are quite pricey. X
hey ladies hope your all having a nice weekend.

betty I hope things are better now with your oh.

finally finished our Xmas shopping today so I've just got to wrap it all up tonight! it's going to take hours lol
I'm still needing a few last min things I think. I've had major toothache or rather gum ache the past two days. Hoping it's gone tomorrow.
You can get a kind of mesh one that goes all the way round too lisey. I might get one of those as my other two never slept well with the open bars of a crib so I figure its more cosy and nest like with that on. I really fancy one of those sleepyhead things but they are quite pricey. X

Yes, it's a mesh one I have seen. Think will go for that xx
Shopping is just about done. One more item to get and a few more were ordered last week and will arrive in the coming week, so there will be some late wrapping going on. As it's just my dw and I and her parents, not much in the way of gifts, especially with all the money spent this year to buy a flat and get pregnant. I've already been given the two best gifts possible. I'm really looking forward to a walk through the Kew Garden Christmas lights on the 23rd.

So many scans coming up next week! Can't wait to hear about them all.
Kabuk, we did the walk through kew for my sons bday. It is beautiful, it was unfortunate that it poured with rain for us, typical. It is lovely though xx
Lou - I keep getting sick again lately and wonder if it's growth spurts. Not feeling any movement yet. Kabuk I love Kew but have never been at Xmas, must be amazing. Eryinera how are your teeth today?

Things aren't great with me. I still can't decide what to do. I actually asked him outright this morning if there was anyone else he was interested in and if there was the best thing he could do was to be truthful with me. He denied anything was going on at all. Then I had a call from a friend who has broken up with her boyfriend and my oh proceeded to tell her the most important thing in a relationship was integrity trust and honesty. When I got off the phone I questioned him on what integrity trust and honesty mean to him and there wasnt any mention of what has happened. I probably just need to tell him that I know and have it out with him but I know he'll probably deny he's done anything wrong and it's going to massively stress me out. I'm so worried about how this is all affecting my baby and so worried about the possibility of having to do this all on my own. He seems so loving today as well I just don't know where I stand. I'm definitely ready for a good break away with my mum! Xx
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So after feeling lots of movement last wed/Thursday to feeling virtually nothing :( Lots of pains, nothing really bad hoping its all just stretching. Baby does seem to have shifted though (I think) as hear beat was always quite far lower left abdomen and is now a bit more central. Hoping alls ok.

Betty I really feel for you having to go through all this extra stress when its the last thing you need. You have said it yourself though, you do need trust in a relationship. If you can, be honest about your worries and what you know, perhaps getting it out in the open will help? I would imagine your worried incase your worries have some foundation to them, but you are already fearing the worst, those fears will either get dismissed or confirmed so surely that means you can then go about trying to resolve any issues or put it behind you.
Stay strong and hoping you manage to get the answers your looking for x
Somehow I've never made it Kew before, and I love Christmas lights and miss the Christmas Village trip that was tradition when I was growing up, so I'm hoping this will be a good alternative. I love the area and we're going to dinner beforehand.

It really sucks that you're going through all this betty, especially whilst being pregnant and at the holidays. If he really hasn't done anything wrong, then why not tell you what the girls was texting him. My dw has been hit on plenty over the years (been together 9+ years now & married for 3+ years), as have I, and we've always told each other. Because of the open and honest communication, we've never once argued about or had any argument related to jealousy or doubt. Hopefully he's just worried about how you'll react and once it's out in the open he'll realise that open communication about it is the only way to go. From what you've said, his silence may not equal guilt, but it might be a case of him loving the attention. So whilst he many not be overly flirtatious back, he isn't stopping her either. I really hope you are able to resolves things soon so you can be less stressed and just enjoy your pregnancy.
oh betty that's awful you should ask him outright hun it will drive you insane trust me

been making candles with the boys today for family with their drawings on and Christmas cards. I much prefer handmade presents rather than ones bought from the shops :) got to make Xmas biscuits as well later for my eldest's homework. can't wait for school to finish on Wednesday!
It is lovely there kabuk. We are lucky in that we live really close to kew. Some of the food smelt amazing too so visit some of the stalls. We didn't get anything as my son struggles to wait in queues and the rain didn't help.

It must be so hard Betty, I agree with kabuk, if people have tried it on with me, I have told OH. I have had random men message me on Facebook before who I am not even friends with and one friend of a friend practically proposed lol, we laughed about it as it was innocent on my part. It could be a matter of him liking the attention, an ego boost etc but I always think people are too quick to blame the other party when they in fact don't owe anyone any loyalty. Even though, anyone decent, shouldn't do that xx
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So after feeling lots of movement last wed/Thursday to feeling virtually nothing :( Lots of pains, nothing really bad hoping its all just stretching.

Same here. Although I think I have felt some sort of movement, just not the obvious flutters and kicks. I've noticed my belly really seems to flop from one side to the other when I turn over in bed. Is this normal?? I thought it would stay pretty much in the same place.
Since posting that I've had about 10 kicks. Hope that means it's ok :)
I probably just need to tell him that I know and have it out with him but I know he'll probably deny he's done anything wrong and it's going to massively stress me out. I'm so worried about how this is all affecting my baby and so worried about the possibility of having to do this all on my own.

Could you write him a letter? That way you get to empty all of your thoughts onto paper so that they aren't all floating about in your head and stressing you out. Plus, you'll be able to avoid conflict with your boyfriend. I always think it's easier to be nice and stick to the facts in a letter. When you're face to face it becomes accusatory and heated. Maybe you could leave him it before you spend time with your family and request to chat once you're back?
lisey, we currently live in SW London, so we aren't far from Kew. I prioritised it this year because we are moving back to SE as we couldn't afford to buy in the area. I'm sure we'll try some of the food, but as our entry time is just after 8pm, I have to have dinner before then. I can't last much past 6pm for food.

That's great Dovekie. It's still quite early, so you may go a day or two without noticing movement, especially if the little one moves towards the back.
Aww yes, I am the same. Can't go too long without eating, esp dinner.
Anywhere in London is too expensive isn't it. Crazy money for what you get!!
Dovekie, movements can be really inconsistent still, it's only past week or so that I would say I feel baby daily and she still has more quiet days xx
my little ones had a couple of quiet days as well she's started moving again now tho! I've finally finished for Xmas
I've made 11 candles with the kids today for family members plus cards and Xmas biscuits I'm shattered!
I've not felt much from my lo today.

Mind you, I've been asleep since 6.30 and just woken up in time to go to bed!! Lol!!

sounds like my kind of day Emily kids have completely worn me.out today can't wait to get into bed! housework will have to wait till tomorrow!

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