May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Well. Last night and this morning baby has been having a party in belly lol. Looks like s/he'll be having a better birthday than me lol
Happy Birthday Ery!

Good luck at your scan today Snowbee! Enjoy seeing bubba again!

I'm so tired today. Not really sure how I'll get through the day! Got work today and a full day tomorrow and just want to sleep!

I feel ya hun. I got a mac lippy a pregnancy pillow trivial persists a chocolate lolly maker and a wholesalers amount if chocolate lol and some piggy slippers!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!

I felt quite a few kicks this morning too. I even managed to feel one from the outside :)
happy birthday ery!

baby was moving loads yesterday too she seems to move more when I'm sort of bent over rather than laying in bed I can feel it more lol. I've struggled to get out of bed every day this week can't wait for the school holidays to start next week!

good luck today snowbee! mine still seems ages away lol
Happy birthday ery :) have a lovely day xx

Enjoy your scan snowbee :) xx

Happy 16 weeks Leigh!

Hope everyone else ok xx
Hope you have a great scan Snowbee
Happy 16 weeks Leigh
Happy Birthday Ery and thanks, yes next scan 06.01.17 x

Can anyone tell me if we are not supposed to sleep on our backs now? I read it somewhere but would have though that would be more in the 3rd tri?? Sleep is elusive enough without restricting sleep positions lol
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Happy birthday Ery!!!

Snowbee, enjoy watching your little bub today!

Gesic, most of what I've read is that you shouldn't be on your back for a prolonged period after 16 weeks. I decided then to surround myself with pillows to make sure I remain mostly on my side. Without the pillows, I always end up on my back.
Happy Birthday Ery!!

little alien had me worried last night, after all my pains through the day i started bleeding after my bath!

after rushing to hospital it seems i have cervical ectropion so looks like i might bleed on and off all the pregnancy :(
Oh god I bet that was a frightening experience for you.
I have experience of it but not in pregnancy am afraid, Did the hospital give you any information as to any concerns you may have?
I know its fairly harmless but is a worry if you keep bleeding. I have heard of those with a weakened cervix having a stitch put in place to provide support but not sure if this would be applicable as its not a weakening as such?
Would the midwife give you any more information? Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge will be along to provide some reassurance x
i was so worried but hearing its heart beat i was assured.

the midwife did an internal to look at my cervix etc and she said its very normal in pregnancy due to increased hormones, she described it as a little scab which when it gets knocked it bleeds, like after dtd or bowel movements etc. i believe it was because i had a hot bath which softened it causing it to bleed. She did make it bleed again to show me its on the outside of my cervix and not the inside, she did this just by brushing a swab against it

was just light pink blood but very worrying this far in. she said it may happen all the way though and not to be concerned by it worry when bright red blood is seen.

im seeing my local midwife on monday so i will ask her a bit more

she sent my swabs away for testing hopefully everything comes back clear, she said it may be down to an infection thats upset it.

this morning no blood so im happy xx
Aw Leigh, how scary. I had that when I was on the pill, due to the hormones. It just meant I bled a bit more than normal during a smear test. It sounds as though it's completely harmless, so try not to worry..... and happy 16 weeks :D
Gesic, most of what I've read is that you shouldn't be on your back for a prolonged period after 16 weeks. I decided then to surround myself with pillows to make sure I remain mostly on my side. Without the pillows, I always end up on my back.

My doctor told me that it's ok. I went to see her because my bursitis is getting worse every night and it's starting to hurt through the day now. She said that lying on your back when the baby is bigger can block some of your major arteries and cause you to faint, but that at this stage it's too small. I don't feel comfortable on my back now though.
Leigh, what a scary experience but glad little bubs is fine :) xx
I watched a video from a top oybgn or whatever they have in America. They said try not to lie on your back from 20wks onwards.
Got my pregnancy pillow today so I'm hoping for a more comfortable nights sleep tonight!
Yeah, it said on my app a few weeks ago to avoid sleeping on back. I have a massive pregnancy pillow but still end up laying on my back sometimes, I just wake up that way. I am going to have to prop extra pillows I think xx
I'm really not having a great time. I found a load of naughty messages between my partner and a woman he met at work. Bit gutted is an understatement. Feels worse as it's happened whilst I'm pregnant. I don't know if he's actually done anything physical with her or not but I know they've met up. None of my neighbours are home and there's no one I can go and talk to right now. Not sure what to do. Xx

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