May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I had some pains through the night. Not sharp but all over my bellly like cramping. I think I might be constipated.

How much water are you all drinking? I'm rubbish at drinking.
I drink hardly any water I'm terrible but I hate water I have juice but probably not as much as I should
I drink pints and pints of water. I never used to be able to drink water but went on a fitness thing a year or so ago and just made myself. For a long time in pregnancy, I couldn't drink it though as made me sick. I am always so thirsty though so do drink alot now xx
It probably is constipation. I can get really bad pains from it. I cancelled my CrossFit session on Sat because of it. It's been very stressful at work, and stress goes right to my digestive track. I've been taking lactalose- it was recommended as the body doesn't absorb it but does pull fluids to your intestines.

I've kept a pretty good high fibre diet, but it doesn't seem to prevent constipation. The amount of water I drink varies. I drink at least 2 litres when home and on days I workout about 3 litres. When at work, it's quite cold and then I struggle to drink water and may only get 1-1.5 litres in that day. I also have a glass of orange juice every morning. And I still have to use lactalose.
I could have written word for word what lisey wrote lol. Well the bottom bit anyway not the stuff about going on a fitness spree lol.. I can't stop drinking now (again can't have English water makes me sick. Spanish tap water is fine but English water gives me a jiffy belly. So it's juices (lucazade sport raspberry and d&b) I pay for it through the night with my 16 wees lol.

Oh and I forgot to mention my teeth are much better now. Just one tiny hole which I knew already and a mild gum discomfort but I wouldn't call either pain now.

Also good luck at the 4d scan today!
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I get constipation too, was even taking fibogel and lactulose twice daily which still didn't ease it :( My diet is terrible which wont help, lots of starchy foods as all I can stomach, but now that's easing I am trying to eat more fruit and veg (other than potatoes!). It is awful though and will aggravate any abdominal discomfort.

Had a bit of a scare this morning, checked the babies heart beat with the Doppler and was down at just over 80! Kept looking and found another slower (mine I assumed) beat further down. Was thinking the worst, got up showered and thought I will check again prior to bothering the MW. Found the 80 bpm and then another 145bpm phew! not sure why I have 3 different pulses in there but so relieved. Dopplers can be a godsend but boy the worry you get when you don't hear what you should hear!
Gesic. It could be an artery or placenta. I can often find baby's heartbeat and then the echo of baby's heartbeat. Must have been so scary bit glad you found little one ok in the end xx
I've told a few more people as I'm seeing some relations this week so need to tell before then so that noone feels put out that they weren't told. Still doesn't seem real somehow. I'm getting excited about Christmas though, and even more excited about Christmas next year lol.
Christmas next year will be amazing lol. Though I think I'll be back working by then!
Oh no Ery, hopefully you can get some days off around christmas at least xx
I literally haven't sat down today been running round the shops like a headless chicken now got to do the school run I'm exhausted! finished work last week for the Xmas holidays so just preparing for Xmas now!
I'm lacking any kind of festive cheer atm which is odd as I'm normally crazy about Christmas! Not sure whats going on with me
Feeling very lacklustre about scan day tomorrow too. There's a chance the ferry home will be cancelled because of the weather too so just stresing I think. The weather forecast for up here this week is mad. 80mph winds and also (not getting my hopes up) snow on Christmas day! My daughter is convinced it has to snow at Christmas so would be nice if it did even if it is a wee hurricane force blizzard! X
We don't need full bladder for 20 week scan do we? Xx
Hope you can get home tomorrow, eek.

Pretty sure it isn't going to snow for Christmas here.

I'm supposed to be tidying the house but I would like a nap!
I didn't have a full bladder for mine (but I do need to pee all the time anyway!).
I was told you don't need one lisey.

There are lots of movements in my belly today. I'm really beginning to feel pregnant. Never imagined you'd feel so much though!
God, I'd kill for some snow. My fb feed has been full of snowy pics as all my family is in the States and getting a good amount of snow. I always loved the snow! I spent many winter outside in the snow. The best was the blizzard we had in 1996 what had schools shut for 2 weeks.

Our futon arrived from IKEA today. That was a pain to put together. I'm pretty good at that sort of thing, but I had to be so conscious of my surroundings and how I moved. Can't just lean over things anymore. My lower back and hips now hurt from sitting in funny positions to screw the pieces together. My dw was very helpful and patient, thank goodness. It's not really her thing, but I definitely couldn't do it alone.

Dinner never tasted so good after that. As soon as I sat down to rest, the little one started moving like crazy- still seems to be having a ball in there now. The movement is both the weirdest and greatest thing I've ever felt!
my little one is definately getting stronger now :)

my letter says to have a full bladder at the 20 week scan lol
I think I will call in the morning as it seems to vary xx

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