God, I'd kill for some snow. My fb feed has been full of snowy pics as all my family is in the States and getting a good amount of snow. I always loved the snow! I spent many winter outside in the snow. The best was the blizzard we had in 1996 what had schools shut for 2 weeks.
Our futon arrived from IKEA today. That was a pain to put together. I'm pretty good at that sort of thing, but I had to be so conscious of my surroundings and how I moved. Can't just lean over things anymore. My lower back and hips now hurt from sitting in funny positions to screw the pieces together. My dw was very helpful and patient, thank goodness. It's not really her thing, but I definitely couldn't do it alone.
Dinner never tasted so good after that. As soon as I sat down to rest, the little one started moving like crazy- still seems to be having a ball in there now. The movement is both the weirdest and greatest thing I've ever felt!