May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Lou. Bubs is prob just having a quiet day. Mine does that too and then gets moving again xx
I am not feeling well today, very breathless, not sure if it's anxiety. Meant to be going out with friends tonight but after much deliberating I cancelled because I just feel rubbish!! Feel really uncomfortable and hardly felt any movement if any today! :(


I'm feeling this way at the moment. My belly feels uncomfortable and I'm getting pains here and there. It also feels heavy down in my lower belly/groin area. I've felt a few little pops but not much.
my belly is feeling really heavy as well I'm struggling to get off the sofa and when I do it feels like a massive weight lol feeling uncomfortable!
I am glad I am not the only one struggling to get up. I made the mistake of laying on the floor the other day and couldn't get up. OH found it hilarious lol xx
What are we gonna feel like next trimester when we're carrying melons!
it's an effort just to get off the sofa or out of bed and we're not even halfway yet lol imagine us in another 10 weeks!
I'm starting to be unable to get up without sound effects!! Lol!!

Oh I am the same. Always a little noise to go with the movement! I am even having trouble putting my boots on lol xx
yeah I'm finding it hard to bend to put socks on and shoes have to do I at a funny angle lol
Same here. I don't remember struggling to do anything when I was pregnant with my son. Maybe it's because I was younger? I showed alot later with him but even at the end, I could manage to paint my toenails, put shoes on etc!! Xx
I've got flu I've never had it before, I'm trying to get into my doctors today because I think I have a chest infection. I've gone from sickness bug to flu and I'm a bit peeved that o had my flu injection to. Let's hope both my scans are ok next week, I'm not feeling much movement either xx
Nikki, I was thinking the same thing. I sat on a very low couch yesterday and it took so much effort to get up. I feel proper pregnant now. I now feel like there is something in me. My lower belly is feeling the weight.

Xjdx, I hope you feel better soon and that your scan offers some reassurance. Unfortunately the flu jab only covers the strands that have been predicted to be the most common that season. It really sucks when the odds go against you and you get that off strand. Rest up and try to relax. I know- easier said than done, but it's the only thing that helps. Really hope it passes soon!
I'm glad I'm not the only one managing to beach myself like a whale on chairs and beds lol
The flu jab takes 2 weeks to take affect to . Not sure when you had yours. I had flu once, apparently people only get it once or twice in their lives (a nurse doing the jab told me this). I could not move and lost so much weight. Hope you feel better soon xx
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morning Girls!

JD i got flu with mine too - only just getting over it now

i have what feels like growing pains in my tummy is this normal? or should i be concerned they are high up near my belly button.
morning Girls!

JD i got flu with mine too - only just getting over it now

i have what feels like growing pains in my tummy is this normal? or should i be concerned they are high up near my belly button.

I wouldn't be too worried (sais me lol, been mega paranoid since my bfp!!) unless its severe and accompanied by bleeding.
I am still getting pains now and have done pretty much the whole way through and been told its fine perfectly normal, in fact the midwife yesterday was pretty candied about it and said pregnancy is hell with all the crappy stuff we have to put up with lol.

Sorry you have flu JD, but the vaccine is not 100% however it should mean that you don't get it as bad or for as long.
im just mega paranoid lol - its just on and off, not sure if maybe the baby is having a growth spurt and its my tummy muscles thats what it feels like not very painful. i always think the worst tho!

im seeing the midwife on monday so ill ask her then, ive sent her a text but she may not reply.
Snap, its hard as anxiety and hormones don't help either.
I frequently got a persistent lain lower central abdomen which worried me as it was in the middle not the sides, but must be stretching and growing to accommodate as all is ok.
I would imagine a 1st baby may cause a bit more discomfort as these ligament etc have never been stretched before.
I would say don't worry but that's impossible, I know, just be open about any anxieties and hopefully others who have been through can provide reassurance as there is plenty on here with knowledge and experience between the times your not seeing midwives etc x
I've had pains the whole way through too I'm putting it down to stretching
thank you very much for your support girls. im probs over thinking as i do! i will mention it to the midwife on monday but im not bleeding its not painful! just a strange feeling, does feel a bit like stretching.

wish we had a window on our tummies to see little baba moving and growing so we can be assured lol

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