Rosie's Mummy
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Hi Everyone,
At long last I have found the time and energy to log on here and let you all know how it went.
I went into hospital at 1.30am on the 11th August after being woken up by frequent very strong period pains. They were relentless from that point, coming more than once every five minutes and quite painful. My mum and my MIL arrived and of course Rosie got up to see what was happening - she sensed something was up and was pretty upset and clingy to me. I think that quite upset me, having to leave her all upset and not coming back for who knows how long.
Once I got to the hospital they gave me a lovely large delivery room, I guess having a previous section they needed more room for me. Things get a little blurry here but I remember using my hypnobirthing CD to get me though the early to mid contractions. This really helped and I think that if Matthew hadnt had been laying posterior it would have seen me through a lot longer. The MW was very attentive and hardly left me, she was keeping a close eye on my contractions as they were very strong, I was having 3-4 every ten minutes quite early on, which was tiring. I asked for some Entinox when I got to around 6cms I think, the pain was getting really severe. I actually couldnt believe how much it helped me - for now..
Things really progressed from here and time turned into a big blur, I had some pethidine and then asked for some more around 3 hours later, things were really getting to the stage where I wanted to just get up and go home. I can't explain how bad the pain was, I had pressure in my bottom and with every contraction the pain in my back increased to the point where I had a job to breath. I still don't know how I didnt pass out; these contractions were far and above the pain I had experienced with an induced labour and nothing helped at all. I could hardly move off my left side as when I moved my entire bump felt as if it were about to explode. Now at the end of each contraction I cried with relief. The doctor at the end of the nightshift had wanted to do ARM and put a clip on Matthew's head because he wasnt happy with the monitoring machine, there had been nothing wrong with the readings, they were consistent all the way through - the MW with me wasnt happy with that plan either and did tell me that they were going to shelf it until the day staff came on. I was so concerned that the pain would get even worse if they broke my waters - I already though I was going to die from it!
Anyway, I carried on and laboured with my mum rolling a cold bottle of water onto my lower back and Steve holding my hands and arms throughout every contraction, by now I had almost bitten through the Entinox tube - it wasnt really doing much for me now. I was examined by a surgeon and found to be 9cms, this was around 3.30pm. They had examined me earlier and I was 9cms then too so this doc did a scan and found that the baby's head was facing upwards - this was stopping me from going to 10cms; howeverm they knew how important this vaginal birth was to me so they gave me an hour to see if things progressed. He was lovely and explained that they would try a forcep delivery first and if that was not possible then I would need a repeat section. I was prepared mentally anyway and because of the hard time I was having I was actually relieved. The MW at the time said I couldnt go through an hour more of that pain and so they gave me an epidural - this didnt take away the pressure in my back though. The hour was up and still no progression so I went to theatre, to cut a long story short they attempted a forcep delivery but it was not possible - I was prepped for the section and a short time afterwards Matthew was lifted from my body into the world weighing a hefty 8lb 15oz.
My OH stood up and was shown the sex of the baby so he could tell me, which he did fighting through tears, we had had such an enduring 14 hours - well I had!
It turned out that my previous section scar had adhered to my bladder so there were additional cuts they had to make; they surgeon had attached a drain to me deep inside which stayed in for two days - the removal of which I will spare you of, in case any of you have to have one one day. I had a brilliant stay on the ward, lots and lots of pain in my abdomen due to trapped wind but nothing some morphine didnt help! My post-surgery bruising has been really helped by taking Arnica tablets, today it is much better indeed.
I can now honestly say that even though throughout my pregnancy I had said I didnt want certain things - like an epidural - but this labour has taught me to be uber flexible, I think I can relate this to life in general too; You just don't know how things are going to roll..
Thanks for reading, I have the most beautiful child laying in a basket next to me and I want to just share with you the love I have for him. Im not sure if its because he will me my last baby or not but there is something deeply special about him, not more than Rosie - I think its because I know what Im doing this time around, things are easier and the pressure is off somehow leaving me time to focus on him!
Thanks to Mamafy for being my text buddy - MMGAI I wasnt sure if you had access at the time so I organised an understudy for you

At long last I have found the time and energy to log on here and let you all know how it went.
I went into hospital at 1.30am on the 11th August after being woken up by frequent very strong period pains. They were relentless from that point, coming more than once every five minutes and quite painful. My mum and my MIL arrived and of course Rosie got up to see what was happening - she sensed something was up and was pretty upset and clingy to me. I think that quite upset me, having to leave her all upset and not coming back for who knows how long.
Once I got to the hospital they gave me a lovely large delivery room, I guess having a previous section they needed more room for me. Things get a little blurry here but I remember using my hypnobirthing CD to get me though the early to mid contractions. This really helped and I think that if Matthew hadnt had been laying posterior it would have seen me through a lot longer. The MW was very attentive and hardly left me, she was keeping a close eye on my contractions as they were very strong, I was having 3-4 every ten minutes quite early on, which was tiring. I asked for some Entinox when I got to around 6cms I think, the pain was getting really severe. I actually couldnt believe how much it helped me - for now..
Things really progressed from here and time turned into a big blur, I had some pethidine and then asked for some more around 3 hours later, things were really getting to the stage where I wanted to just get up and go home. I can't explain how bad the pain was, I had pressure in my bottom and with every contraction the pain in my back increased to the point where I had a job to breath. I still don't know how I didnt pass out; these contractions were far and above the pain I had experienced with an induced labour and nothing helped at all. I could hardly move off my left side as when I moved my entire bump felt as if it were about to explode. Now at the end of each contraction I cried with relief. The doctor at the end of the nightshift had wanted to do ARM and put a clip on Matthew's head because he wasnt happy with the monitoring machine, there had been nothing wrong with the readings, they were consistent all the way through - the MW with me wasnt happy with that plan either and did tell me that they were going to shelf it until the day staff came on. I was so concerned that the pain would get even worse if they broke my waters - I already though I was going to die from it!
Anyway, I carried on and laboured with my mum rolling a cold bottle of water onto my lower back and Steve holding my hands and arms throughout every contraction, by now I had almost bitten through the Entinox tube - it wasnt really doing much for me now. I was examined by a surgeon and found to be 9cms, this was around 3.30pm. They had examined me earlier and I was 9cms then too so this doc did a scan and found that the baby's head was facing upwards - this was stopping me from going to 10cms; howeverm they knew how important this vaginal birth was to me so they gave me an hour to see if things progressed. He was lovely and explained that they would try a forcep delivery first and if that was not possible then I would need a repeat section. I was prepared mentally anyway and because of the hard time I was having I was actually relieved. The MW at the time said I couldnt go through an hour more of that pain and so they gave me an epidural - this didnt take away the pressure in my back though. The hour was up and still no progression so I went to theatre, to cut a long story short they attempted a forcep delivery but it was not possible - I was prepped for the section and a short time afterwards Matthew was lifted from my body into the world weighing a hefty 8lb 15oz.
My OH stood up and was shown the sex of the baby so he could tell me, which he did fighting through tears, we had had such an enduring 14 hours - well I had!
It turned out that my previous section scar had adhered to my bladder so there were additional cuts they had to make; they surgeon had attached a drain to me deep inside which stayed in for two days - the removal of which I will spare you of, in case any of you have to have one one day. I had a brilliant stay on the ward, lots and lots of pain in my abdomen due to trapped wind but nothing some morphine didnt help! My post-surgery bruising has been really helped by taking Arnica tablets, today it is much better indeed.
I can now honestly say that even though throughout my pregnancy I had said I didnt want certain things - like an epidural - but this labour has taught me to be uber flexible, I think I can relate this to life in general too; You just don't know how things are going to roll..
Thanks for reading, I have the most beautiful child laying in a basket next to me and I want to just share with you the love I have for him. Im not sure if its because he will me my last baby or not but there is something deeply special about him, not more than Rosie - I think its because I know what Im doing this time around, things are easier and the pressure is off somehow leaving me time to focus on him!

Thanks to Mamafy for being my text buddy - MMGAI I wasnt sure if you had access at the time so I organised an understudy for you

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