Well here goes my birth story! I am writing this 2 weeks later and already feel like I have forgotten half of what happened!
I had been getting pains all week and had had a show 2 weeks earlier but nothing was happening. All day I hadn't really felt baby move and was getting concerned. Then that night (a day before I was 39 weeks) I felt some trickling and couldn't decide whether it was my waters or not. I put a pad on and saw that the waters were pale pink. So I phoned my OH to get out of the curry house
and phoned the hospital. They told me to come in to see if it was my waters and to be monitored.
We arrived at the hospital at 10:30pm and I was half expecting to be sent home and it was going to be a false alarm. The MW checked my pad and did confirm it was my waters. She hooked me up to the monitor and baby starting kicking like mad - typical after I had not felt him all day!! Why do they do this??! Because I wasn't really contracting, she said she was going to send me home. I told her that I was concerned because I had had my first son in a 3 hour labour so she agreed that I would be sent up to the ward instead but would monitor me for another 10 mins. During this time, my contractions kicked off and started coming really quickly. She came back and said that it didn't look like we would be going home and she would come and examine me later. She must have been gone an hour (it felt like it!) and I was in agony. I couldn't find a position to get comfortable in and needed gas and air. I also threw up everywhere and remember feeling really sick. She eventually came back and I begged to be examined. I was 7cm
She said that she could feel my waters bulging and it must have been my hind waters that were leaking. So she popped these and I instantly wanted to push. I also had the gas and air which was great!
She put my legs in the stirrups and eventually after an hour of pushing, little Nathaniel was born with the cord around his neck
at 1:40am. He weighed 7lb 4oz. I had a tiny tear but no stitches were needed.
It was a lovely experience compared to my first son who was 6 weeks early. This time we just had the one midwife with us who was so nice and calm compared to the 6 people I had last time. Nathaniel was left on my chest for ages and breast fed straight away whereas my first son was rushed off in an incubator. It was really nice to be able to bond with him straight away. We stayed overnight and were allowed to go home the next afternoon.
Nathaniel seems like a chilled out baby so far and I am completely besotted. My first son also seems to be accepting him and keeps giving him kisses - bless! Thanks for everyones support through my pregnancy
and here is a little piccie xxxx
I had been getting pains all week and had had a show 2 weeks earlier but nothing was happening. All day I hadn't really felt baby move and was getting concerned. Then that night (a day before I was 39 weeks) I felt some trickling and couldn't decide whether it was my waters or not. I put a pad on and saw that the waters were pale pink. So I phoned my OH to get out of the curry house

We arrived at the hospital at 10:30pm and I was half expecting to be sent home and it was going to be a false alarm. The MW checked my pad and did confirm it was my waters. She hooked me up to the monitor and baby starting kicking like mad - typical after I had not felt him all day!! Why do they do this??! Because I wasn't really contracting, she said she was going to send me home. I told her that I was concerned because I had had my first son in a 3 hour labour so she agreed that I would be sent up to the ward instead but would monitor me for another 10 mins. During this time, my contractions kicked off and started coming really quickly. She came back and said that it didn't look like we would be going home and she would come and examine me later. She must have been gone an hour (it felt like it!) and I was in agony. I couldn't find a position to get comfortable in and needed gas and air. I also threw up everywhere and remember feeling really sick. She eventually came back and I begged to be examined. I was 7cm

She put my legs in the stirrups and eventually after an hour of pushing, little Nathaniel was born with the cord around his neck

It was a lovely experience compared to my first son who was 6 weeks early. This time we just had the one midwife with us who was so nice and calm compared to the 6 people I had last time. Nathaniel was left on my chest for ages and breast fed straight away whereas my first son was rushed off in an incubator. It was really nice to be able to bond with him straight away. We stayed overnight and were allowed to go home the next afternoon.
Nathaniel seems like a chilled out baby so far and I am completely besotted. My first son also seems to be accepting him and keeps giving him kisses - bless! Thanks for everyones support through my pregnancy