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Freddie John James Seaborn 2/09/08 6lb9oz at 38+1


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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It's taken a while for me to get this written and unfortunately it is a long one, sorry!
Well after spending weeks in and out of hospital they finally decided that inducing me was the best plan of action so on Saturday 30th August off we went to the maternity ward where for the first time in ages my BP wasnt playing up...this made the midwife worry that we were doing the wrong thing and she got my consultant to talk to me about putting it off! I was about to go crazy, I wasnt giving up without a fight but alas the consultant was aware of how frustrated I was with my situation and he said if I wanted to continue that was ok with him. So off came my pants and the first tablet was put in...the midwife was not very confident that it would work and she kept telling me that we could be there for days. Little did I know! To pass some time we went out for an hour or so, I started to become very uncomfortable so we headed back to the ward, after several hours they checked me over and nothing had happened so we had the second tablet put in. After a short time I was in a lot of pain having contractions all over the place. The midwife told me that I was probably not in labour and that it was just the tablet doing its thing and hopefully it would be ripening things up. I spent the night wide awake and in extreme pain I really thought that this was it and really wanted my partner to come in and be with me to help me cope. They gave me some pethadine so that I could sleep but I only really got an hour or two. I was sure that I would be in a much better position by the morning. A new midwife examined me and told me she thought I was just under 3cm and that she would have no probs breaking my waters. We were told to sit tight for the delivery suite to become available...it never did! We waited all day and then after all that they couldnt take me down because it was too busy! A new midwife examined me and said that she disagreed with the previous women and that there was no way my waters could've been broken anyway, by this time we were getting quite frustrated as nobody was really saying anything and we had effectively wasted a day doing nothing so we insisted that we have a third tablet, which we got...so I spent another sleepless night in agony with contractions coming every 4mins and lasting for a minute each this time they couldnt give me anything stronger than paracetemol which might as well have been a breath mint for all the good it did! I walked around the ward most of the night as I couldnt sit down it hurt too much and with every pain I was wetting myself (tmi)! By the time my partner arrived at ten the next morning I was shattered but the pain had started to subside again! I was examined and I hadnt really done anything more so it was decided we would try a new technique using a balloon! Once the delivery suite was free we went along, all excited as we thought we would be staying there until it was all over. I was put in stirrups and the dr inserted a catheter into my cervix on either side was a balloon which she filled with saline, the idea being that the two balloons work together to soften things up and get things moving. We then had to go back to the maternity ward which was again frustrating as we had been told that we were gonna stay in delivery! With the balloon we were told that it would either be removed after 12 hours or that as it did its thing it would come out on its own before the 12 hours were up. After an hour of it being in place I had a big bleed which they put down to the dr hitting a capillary as she put it in and I was in even more pain than I had been in for the last two nights. They gave me some pethadine which helped me to get through the pains and to catch a few winks of sleep inbetween. We were told that no matter what time it was we would be going to delivery once this thing was out of me...at half one in the morning the dr came and took it out as unfortunately it hadnt come out on its own and then he told me there was no point going to delivery at that point and that I would have to wait until the morning. So after 3 nights of pain and very little sleep they finally let me go to delivery where they would try and break my waters. I was told I was to be nil by mouth as they were convinced that I would be having a section. They werent going to let me have water even! At about 08:45 now on delivery they said that was silly and that I should have water which was a huge relief as I was gagging for a drink. They examined me around 9ish and to my joy they were able to break my waters! Very odd feeling! They decided that I should go straight on the drip as there was no point hanging around and although I hadnt really wanted one they suggested I had an epi so that I could get some rest before it all kicked off. The drip went in at around half ten and I was already getting fairly regular pains by the time the epi was put in. Once in I tried to sleep and the other half went to get a sarnie from the local shop, he was gone all of twenty minutes and as he arrived back he found me on my own and in complete agony, I couldnt reach the alarm button to ask for help but the epi wasnt working and the pains were coming 4 in every ten minutes. They tried to top up the epi but it didnt work for more than twenty minutes again so it was a waste of time having it in the first place. It was gas and air for me and I'm so glad that stuff was there! Because of my high BP I had it checked every 5 mins which was doing my head in, I told the student who was taking it to leave the cuff on my arm but she wouldnt listen and as the pains were so frequent every time she took it I was having a contraction so it was pointless and my BP was all over the place. After an hour I told the MW I was ready to push to which she said no you dont...how the hell does she know what my body needs to do? Twenty minutes later I told her again and reluctantly she checked me and found I was 9cm with a little rim of cervix left so she said not to push quite yet as things would just swell up if I did. Another MW came in just a few minutes after and I told her I needed to push, she told me to do what my body was telling me to, so I did! With every contractions I was pushing a little bit and I started to feel as though I needed to poo, I thought to myself that if I could just get this poo out it would all feel ok again! It wasnt a poo, it was a baby! I told the MW once again that I needed to push she lifted the sheet and told me she could see the head! People came in and with one contrction I pushed about three times and out popped his head! It felt like forever until the next contraction but once it came I pushed one more time and out came our baby at 14:28 just 4 and a half hours after the drip was put in! He was covered in vernix and had his eyes wide open, he didnt make much of a cry unlike me and his daddy! After all that I had grazed myself on both sides so to avoid them fusing together they stitched one side. After being cleaned up we went back to the ward. Because of my medication Freddie's glucose levels were low and we had a few probs feeding so we spent a couple of nights in for that and because my BP was still a tad too high. We eventually got let out on the Thursday night. Freddie is amazing, he is a greedy boy and I spend most of my time feeding him but I could not love him more, it is the most fantastic thing I have ever done!

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