I don't want a testing date, because it's a 2ww that wasn't planned but I need some where to talk and ss as I'm crazy in my 2ww lol. I have a period tracker that is usually quite good so not sure on exact ovulation.
Tracker said 18th, but I felt twinges on 16th pm on left side. Dtd 15th,17th and 21. Cm was also quite on spot with 16/17th too.
So I'm going by Tues the 16th as ov day. So af should be due on the 1st.
Toay I'm 7dpo and have had pulling pains and a bit of period cramp. ( I symptom spot like a mad woman lol)
After telling you my life story can I join in but with no testing date... As I'm sure af will arrive.... BTW were ntnp so it wasn't just a mistake to dtd them days x x