**//**march testing thread**\\**

Hi, I am also new to this forum so just getting grips with it all. AF is due on the 29th of February so fingers crossed I will test sometime in march. Any advice?

Thanks 😊
Hi nemi... Thanks for hosting!! Can you put me down for 4 March please? I'll be cd14 and absolutely not going to test until then!! (????????) x
Gooseberry, We're all poas addicts I'm afraid, but if you can wait you'll probably keep your sanity! X
Please could I be put down for 5th March? I think I ovulated late this cycle so won't manage to get to test in February as I had hoped x
God is it that time already!! Can you put me down for the 6th please.

Decided to go for it after all! Can you put me down for March 2nd/3rd please?

Thank you
Can I have the 23rd please :) lots of babydust to you all x
March 10 for me. We are getting married on the 12th. I would really love to give my man a BFP for a wedding gift. Fingers crossed.
Hi everyone! I'm desperate to join you all but still waiting for OV :( Days and days of high fertility on clear blue and almost positives on OPKs, even some cramping yesterday but no temp shift yet :(

I'm on day 20 now and OV day 17 last month so starting to lose hope for this cycle!

Baby dust to you all and I'll keep my fingers crossed that I can add my testing date soon!
Hi Nemi can you change me to 6th please? Just got my pos opk so a little earlier this month and there's no way I can resist poas! hehe. Thanks xx
Hi. Still no AF and no signs or symptoms she is coming yet. So I may as well jump off this wagon and take pressure off myself to be testing next month as if the next cycle is like this, I won't be :sad:
Updated now!! Can't wait to start get March started!
Me too! Got my peak today so tomorrow is 1DPO - here comes the TWW! xx
Janine, we're almost in sync... And Gail! Fx for us!!!
I don't want a testing date, because it's a 2ww that wasn't planned but I need some where to talk and ss as I'm crazy in my 2ww lol. I have a period tracker that is usually quite good so not sure on exact ovulation.
Tracker said 18th, but I felt twinges on 16th pm on left side. Dtd 15th,17th and 21. Cm was also quite on spot with 16/17th too.
So I'm going by Tues the 16th as ov day. So af should be due on the 1st.
Toay I'm 7dpo and have had pulling pains and a bit of period cramp. ( I symptom spot like a mad woman lol)
After telling you my life story can I join in but with no testing date... As I'm sure af will arrive.... BTW were ntnp so it wasn't just a mistake to dtd them days x x
Hello girls!!

Please can you put me down for 19th?

I've been ttc baby number two for 16 months and have sadly suffered two mmc in that time.

I'm now having my first cycle since my most recent mmc and I'm praying that it'll be third time lucky!

Good luck ladies! Here's hoping for bfps all round!!

Hi, sorry to be a huge pain but could I be moved from 3rd to the 10th March please? I miscalculated (oops!) :oooo:

Thanks xx
Hello girls!!

Please can you put me down for 19th?

I've been ttc baby number two for 16 months and have sadly suffered two mmc in that time.

I'm now having my first cycle since my most recent mmc and I'm praying that it'll be third time lucky!

Good luck ladies! Here's hoping for bfps all round!!


All the luck in the world Emily... I totally get how tough ttc and early pg is after mc... It's a tough journey but of course so worth it in the end. I've had 2 early mcs since my son (started trying in Sept) and 5 before at varying stages of tri 1, but still feeling positive. Here's to third time lucky for us both! X X

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