And Petit Pois.. 7dpo, couldn't sleep last night, woke up about 3 times so I'm nackered this morning at work. Every other symptom is in my head lol. Im going to keep an eye on your TWW as we have a similar cycle
Eek! Good luck for then - if you can wait that long
Well I've just realised my app is set to a 28 day cycle...
I still don't really know how my cycles are going (33 days coming off the pill, chemical was next cycle, then had a 37 day cycle following that) so if I took an average that would give me a 35 day cycle... that means I'm not due til 4th April!!!
I can't tell even when taking it apart. I thought the same, it does look closer to the control line than they usually do. Argh! Trying not to get my hopes up again.
I can see something but it doesn't look quite right iykwim? Like PeanutButter said it looks like it might be a shadow! How annoying!! Test again!! Haha
i can't work out if its too near the control line. You can't tell in the photo but it was defo pink. I've ran out of tests, so going to wait a few days and then retest!
I think i've just got my hopes up and don't want to test again in case its a BFN. I usually am on a 28 day cycle but lat month it was 45 days. Completely got my hopes up and was absolutely devastated when I found out I wasn't pregnant.
I hate waiting! I'm having to stop myself getting a test.
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