March 2021 testing thread

Hi, I'm new here (well not really I joined nearly 7 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter but that was a long time ago ). We thought we were done but have decided to try for one more. I've been lurking for a little while but this will be my first official month trying. Af is due on the 8th so I'll be testing then if it's not arrived. I'm on CD 11 today and started opks yesterday. I have no idea when I might ovulate because I've never used tests before when I've had my kids. Basically I have no idea what I'm doing but glad to be here!

Fingers crossed for us all

Hi @Shan92 i have added you to the first page. Welcome xx
I have spoken GP surgery just now as when I looked online yesterday couldn’t get in for 3 week's! They have a telephone consultation available later today woooooooo x
Can you add me for 31st? I think my cycles might be longer so won’t be due AF til April but will do an early test end of March xx
Welcome @Shan92. I’m also TTC#3 and will be starting to track ovulation using the clear blue ovulation tests In March

Until I was struggling ttc#2 I didn't realise there were only a handful of days a month could actually get pregnant!

Hope you aren’t waiting long for your BFP x
Thank you everyone. We've been really lucky in the past and have fallen pregnant relatively quickly without needing to look in to dates or ovulation. I was 21 when I fell pregnant with my youngest child though and I'm 28 now so who knows if it'll be as easy! I only had my coil out at the beginning of the month so my cycles could be completely different to what I'm used to.

I distinctly remember becoming addicted to peeing on sticks from before though so no doubt I'll test early anyway :rotfl:
Thank you everyone. We've been really lucky in the past and have fallen pregnant relatively quickly without needing to look in to dates or ovulation. I was 21 when I fell pregnant with my youngest child though and I'm 28 now so who knows if it'll be as easy! I only had my coil out at the beginning of the month so my cycles could be completely different to what I'm used to.

I distinctly remember becoming addicted to peeing on sticks from before though so no doubt I'll test early anyway :rotfl:

What kind of coil did you have @Shan92 i had a copper one a few years back now absolutely loved it didn’t interfere with any hormones and quite effective had it out and got pregnant right away! Only now we are struggling x
What kind of coil did you have @Shan92 i had a copper one a few years back now absolutely loved it didn’t interfere with any hormones and quite effective had it out and got pregnant right away! Only now we are struggling x

I had the mirena one. I originally wanted the copper coil but when I went to get it fitted I was 23 and she convinced me to have the mirena as I was 'at such a fertile age'. Luckily I didn't really have any issues with the hormones, as I have had with the pill, maybe gained a bit if weight but that might just have been my over eating :shhh:.

Fingers crossed you get your bfp soon <3
I had the mirena one. I originally wanted the copper coil but when I went to get it fitted I was 23 and she convinced me to have the mirena as I was 'at such a fertile age'. Luckily I didn't really have any issues with the hormones, as I have had with the pill, maybe gained a bit if weight but that might just have been my over eating :shhh:.

Fingers crossed you get your bfp soon <3

Ohhh I was a similar age when I had mine had it in for about 6 years.

Thank you I hope you do too! X
I know I’m trying so hard to be patient haha x
I've just had a huge argument this evening over the colour of a scramble bug we want to get Pari for her 1st birthday lmao I think I might be stressed...x
I've just had a huge argument this evening over the colour of a scramble bug we want to get Pari for her 1st birthday lmao I think I might be stressed...x

Birthday presents cause massive issues in our house too but they are both so close to Xmas it’s a real nightmare! I totally get it x
Birthday presents cause massive issues in our house too but they are both so close to Xmas it’s a real nightmare! I totally get it x
That must be so hard to think of things too and space it out with them all being in December. Also do they get really overloaded? I find my 2 year old struggles over christmas with all the excitment and new stuff and she gets really emotional and needs a lot of extra support.

I struggle with my parents birthdays being in Feb after christmas so can't even imagine trying to buy for two children AND their christmas presents haha are you super organised and buy through the year or like me and leave it all last minute? in my defence my little girl was obsessed with peppa pig for like 2 months, then lived and breathed paw patrol for a whole big month so I leave it nearer the time cuz honestly, its flavour of the month haha shes currently stuck on frozen.

I've been lucky that my eldests birthday is in august so it's really spaced out then the littlest one is May which I think will be handy for presents like bikes etc that she can get at the start of the summer. We bought a trampoline for J's 2nd birthday last year and gave it to her the day we bought it cuz like..shed have missed the whole summer getting it in august haha xx
That must be so hard to think of things too and space it out with them all being in December. Also do they get really overloaded? I find my 2 year old struggles over christmas with all the excitment and new stuff and she gets really emotional and needs a lot of extra support.

I struggle with my parents birthdays being in Feb after christmas so can't even imagine trying to buy for two children AND their christmas presents haha are you super organised and buy through the year or like me and leave it all last minute? in my defence my little girl was obsessed with peppa pig for like 2 months, then lived and breathed paw patrol for a whole big month so I leave it nearer the time cuz honestly, its flavour of the month haha shes currently stuck on frozen.

I've been lucky that my eldests birthday is in august so it's really spaced out then the littlest one is May which I think will be handy for presents like bikes etc that she can get at the start of the summer. We bought a trampoline for J's 2nd birthday last year and gave it to her the day we bought it cuz like..shed have missed the whole summer getting it in august haha xx

I leave it later and buy closer to the time it’s especially hard with the eldest as her interests vary massively. I’d really love to be able to buy through the year but like you Amelia loved peppa for a bit then found blippi and she is obsessed with him and Paddington bear x
I leave it later and buy closer to the time it’s especially hard with the eldest as her interests vary massively. I’d really love to be able to buy through the year but like you Amelia loved peppa for a bit then found blippi and she is obsessed with him and Paddington bear x
Once they get to the age they can start choosing their own stuff you are pretty much unable to buy ahead I think, obviously my eldest is 2.5 so thats the extent of my experience personally but I know friends whose kids have changed their minds or lost interest in things and they've bought them 6 months in advance. Even now Jasmine will tell me what she wants- she announced a few days back she wants a frozen tea set she saw in a youtube play video and it has a purple lid, 2 cups, 3 saucers and 1 spoon. Im not a mathematician but I'm doubting theres a teaset out there being sold in that configuration ... x
Once they get to the age they can start choosing their own stuff you are pretty much unable to buy ahead I think, obviously my eldest is 2.5 so thats the extent of my experience personally but I know friends whose kids have changed their minds or lost interest in things and they've bought them 6 months in advance. Even now Jasmine will tell me what she wants- she announced a few days back she wants a frozen tea set she saw in a youtube play video and it has a purple lid, 2 cups, 3 saucers and 1 spoon. Im not a mathematician but I'm doubting theres a teaset out there being sold in that configuration ... x

Hahaha that is brilliant! Bloody YouTube doesn’t it just get them earlier and earlier! My eldest wants to be a YouTuber god help me :rotfl:
Hahaha that is brilliant! Bloody YouTube doesn’t it just get them earlier and earlier! My eldest wants to be a YouTuber god help me :rotfl:
oh god hahaha good luck to you! I hate it tbh, my husband started it!!! She used to be obsessed with sesame street and the only place I could find it was youtube so id put it on the tv for her and then my husband would want to play xbox so hed frisbee his phone over to her so he could claim back the tv without her losing her little mind. She obviously learned very quickly she could select her own viewing and I tried to switch her over to the kids youtube app cuz he was just setting her loose on the normal one but it was too late. She watches this young american girl who plays with these elsa and anna dolls constantly and another one called toys unlimited which is basically just a bunch of toy reveals and surprise bags and it's insane the things she asks for now!!! x
I'm back at the hospital this morning, fingers crossed my levels have dropped :pray:

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