March 2021 testing thread

@LuckyLaura are you continuing feeding her or straight up cold turkey? I have heard of ladies taking Sudafed to dry up I don’t know how true it is that it works but if you stuck to correct dosage I can’t see it being a risk or anything.

I’m really upping the game this month and have been taking soya isoflavones to see if it brings my ovulation earlier and am being religious with pre natals eating lots of fish green veg and lean beef. I’m getting a bit sad now of tormenting myself every month symptom spotting for it to be nothing. I fell pregnant so easily with Amelia and feel like I may have depleted all of my nutrients by breastfeeding so long it’s probably utter crap but something has to have altered and I don’t know what! X
Be careful with soya products hun as they can mess with your cycle. Even stop ovulation if you have to much.

my friend was trying for over 20 years, and after lots of heartache, she had a little boy naturally. But the first thing her fertility consultant said was to stop and limit soya products xx
Be careful with soya products hun as they can mess with your cycle. Even stop ovulation if you have to much.

my friend was trying for over 20 years, and after lots of heartache, she had a little boy naturally. But the first thing her fertility consultant said was to stop and limit soya products xx

Yeah I have read this. It seems like it’s ok to take what I am taking as long as your cycles are irregular which mine are. I’m being very careful to make sure there are no other forms of soy in my diet while taking them x
@LuckyLaura yeah I know the feeling I had gestational diabetes last time and it was horrendous don’t know why I’m in a hurry to do it again!

Haha a cure for impatience! Well it sounds as though you’ve plenty to keep you busy x
hahaha I swear we are twins. I had gestational diabetes both time- my issue isnt high levels tho, mine go too low!! x
I'm sorry I can't remember your name , I'm rubbish with names :rotfl:
I had a MC 2 and half weeks ago. I'm being monitored weekly on Saturdays to check my hgc levels are decreasing, but its being very slow. I took another hpt test this morning and its still positive so I'm not at 0 yet.
No worries haha I'm so sorry that you are going through this xx
hahaha I swear we are twins. I had gestational diabetes both time- my issue isnt high levels tho, mine go too low!! x

No way! I managed to stay controlled with metformin but I am T2 now :(

How old is everyone? I am 32 x
No way! I managed to stay controlled with metformin but I am T2 now :(

How old is everyone? I am 32 x

I have such mild gestational diabetes that I can manage it with diet basically and my second pregnancy apart from my levels going too low you wouldnt have thought I had it at all.

Im 31 :) I always get stressed out about the biological clock but I think its just me being stupid because I know years ago they used to always act like 30 was super late in life but nowadays women are having babies waaaay later with no issues x
I have such mild gestational diabetes that I can manage it with diet basically and my second pregnancy apart from my levels going too low you wouldnt have thought I had it at all.

Im 31 :) I always get stressed out about the biological clock but I think its just me being stupid because I know years ago they used to always act like 30 was super late in life but nowadays women are having babies waaaay later with no issues x

Even with mild if you go too low it can make you feel very poorly I had the same issue occasionally.

I say I’m 32 I’m actually not hahaha I am 32 on March 23rd. I always get mixed up I thought I was 33 this year lol! X
I’m just about to turn 36 and have anxiety that it will be much harder to conceive this time but only because all stuff read about the biological clock!
I’m just about to turn 36 and have anxiety that it will be much harder to conceive this time but only because all stuff read about the biological clock!

Ah we are all a mix then at the moment! I’m the same so worried I won’t be able to conceive x
haha I love that you got mixed up what age you are! I just turned 31 in Nov and I told my husband no im actually 30 again and he got me balloons with 30 on them :rotfl: I love it when he humours me x
Random question ladies- if I were to get one step opks, how many do you guys think I should get as a minimum?

TMI backstory :P For 3 days there I was getting ewcm out of nowhere, like I mean loads. We actually dtd on sunday then mon/tues I was feeling like I had to kept checking to see if my period had arrived as it felt like it had but instead there was just loads of ewcm and then today has kinda eased off. I monitored this kinda thing for 4 months when ttc my 1st but that was 2017 so I can't seem to remember anything. Am I correct in thinking maybe the ewcm might be a sign of ovulation? does that mean I missed it?

thanks x
Turning 29 in April here, soon to be hubby is turning 29 in September :)

I swear as soon as we started trying, every patient I see at work is pregnant or bringing a still-in-a-carrier aged baby :P
Turning 29 in April here, soon to be hubby is turning 29 in September :)

I swear as soon as we started trying, every patient I see at work is pregnant or bringing a still-in-a-carrier aged baby :p
Loads are announcing it also on Facebook :sad:
Random question ladies- if I were to get one step opks, how many do you guys think I should get as a minimum?

TMI backstory :p For 3 days there I was getting ewcm out of nowhere, like I mean loads. We actually dtd on sunday then mon/tues I was feeling like I had to kept checking to see if my period had arrived as it felt like it had but instead there was just loads of ewcm and then today has kinda eased off. I monitored this kinda thing for 4 months when ttc my 1st but that was 2017 so I can't seem to remember anything. Am I correct in thinking maybe the ewcm might be a sign of ovulation? does that mean I missed it?

thanks x
I think it means you're about to ovulate
Random question ladies- if I were to get one step opks, how many do you guys think I should get as a minimum?

TMI backstory :p For 3 days there I was getting ewcm out of nowhere, like I mean loads. We actually dtd on sunday then mon/tues I was feeling like I had to kept checking to see if my period had arrived as it felt like it had but instead there was just loads of ewcm and then today has kinda eased off. I monitored this kinda thing for 4 months when ttc my 1st but that was 2017 so I can't seem to remember anything. Am I correct in thinking maybe the ewcm might be a sign of ovulation? does that mean I missed it?

thanks x

For one step needs loads until get to know your cycle can test every day from CD10 to make sure don’t miss surge and I think they recommend do those twice a day.

I’ve splashed out on 20 clear blue ones that just get a smiley face etc and hope they will last me 2 months. They are on offer on Amazon. Drove myself mad with the one step ones last time!
On the ewcm I have no clue and don’t think same for every person. I had blood tinged ewcm early this week and thought was gross but googled and some people say means you are very fertile so then I was thrilled about it!!

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