Lost my angel - 35+6

What a beautiful name x can't wait to see her picture either sweetheart xxxx big hugs <3 xxxx
Absolutely beautiful name hun all mine and my families love x
Luna Jac Giaffreda was born sleeping today at 11.13am into a beautiful quiet and peaceful theatre. She weighs 5lbs 5.5oz and is 17inches long.
I'm completely smitten. She's beautiful and I just wish I could keep her. I will post a pic later xx


Just read this to my partner my viice cracked and then i cried, so sad, im soo sorry hun xx
BeAutiful nAme darling xxx I hope this time with her is peaceful xx

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Beautiful name hun Luna was just way too special to be on earth. Heaven must be needing an extra special angel today to look after the others! Thinking of you and your family tonight x x x
What a lovely name. So sorry your time together on earth was so short but I'm sure she knew she was loved very much by you all. Sleep well little angel. Xxxx
What a lovely name n hope u get lots of cuddles. Big hugs hun my thoughts r with u n ur family xx

Babydust to all
beautiful name. Thinking of you and your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss a beautiful name for a beautiful angel xxx
Beautiful name, she will always be your special angel xx
Wow. Beautiful beautiful name. U are a very special and amazing lady. I hope U have some very special time with her and have lots of cuddles. I hope you and your OH give each other lots of support and hugs. Your pf family are all here for U. Xxxx
Just read this thread and have to say I have been sitting in tears! My heart goes out to u and ur family and u r so incredibly brave!! I'm sure the love and support from family and friends will keep you strong through this dark time. Sending massives hugs :hugs: xxx
Beautiful name, hope you have had plenty of cuddles from your angel my thoughts are with you all xxx
Beautifull name for ur precious angel, hope the time u had with her was special, u are so brave I'm thinking of u and ur family xxx
Gorgeous name. I'm so sorry and thoughts with you and your family. Xx

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You are being so strong for your beautiful girl Luna. Sending lots of love your way. Xxx
What a beautiful name, perfect name for a perfect little girl <3

I found the c section with our little boy very peaceful, although difficult that it led to a c section they were trying to do what was best for both of us at the time.

Enjoy your special moments with her and just take it all in, she can play with the other beautiful angels now <3

Please look after yourself, take things slow, a day at a time and accept any help you are offered to help you through this difficult time. It does get easier, I never believed to could but with time things become more manageable. You will never forget your little Luna, she will be with you forever - looking over you and the rest of her family.

'An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth and whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth"'
Hope you got to spend lots of time with your beautiful girl. I've been thinking of you all weekend and cannot imagine the pain you are going through. You have been so brave throughout this. Still thinking of you all. Xxx
So sorry to read this, can't imagine how you are being so strong.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

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