Lost my angel - 35+6

11.30am. Her dad and I will hold her little pink coffin in the back of the car with us which I think is really special.

I'm going to copy the poem from my oh. I'm so proud of him writing it and letting his feelings out. He's being so strong for me. Absolutely one in a million xx

Will be thinking of you on Monday, and will have a minutes silence at 11.30 as a mark of respect for Luna xxxx
so pleased you are there for each other. How are you doing physically...everything healing ok? xx
Im doing ok thanks. Still in some pain but my pain was mostly trapped wind, etc. Scar is healing nicely and blood pressure is falling xx

Its funny cause I feel like I shouldn't be even thinking about my healing xx

of course you should my darling...Your little one would not want her mummy being poorly and you have your family who want you to be better too. Make sure you look after yourself xxx
I think you are amazing Simone and I've always thought you have such wisdom beyond your age.

It is a very rare gift to have the ability to reach out and touch other people in times of such sadness. Your strength and the ability to have even a smidgen of positivity at such a horrendous time is special - you should be very proud of yourself and your family.

I know it's very early days and there will be a long, long road to you even beginning to feel a semblance of normality but your attitude, your family and your strength will get you through the dark times.

I will make sure that at 11.30 on Monday I take some time to think of you and Luna and your beautiful family.

I think you are amazing Simone and I've always thought you have such wisdom beyond your age.

It is a very rare gift to have the ability to reach out and touch other people in times of such sadness. Your strength and the ability to have even a smidgen of positivity at such a horrendous time is special - you should be very proud of yourself and your family.

I know it's very early days and there will be a long, long road to you even beginning to feel a semblance of normality but your attitude, your family and your strength will get you through the dark times.

I will make sure that at 11.30 on Monday I take some time to think of you and Luna and your beautiful family.


Thank you. That means so much to me.
I can already see something positive and maybe one of the reasons Luna came to us for a short time. I've been toying with the idea of becoming a midwife for a long time and the only thing that stopped me was the fact I would have to deliver babies who were stillborn. I didn't know if I could cope with that. But Luna taught me that there's nothing to be afraid of. She was beautiful and perfect and wonderful to hold in my arms. If I can help women even half as much as some of my midwives helped me then I'll be happy.

Only special families are chosen to have angels and we're one of them. I won't let myself forget that xx

I think that is a very good way to look at this Simone, and I too think Luna was sent to you for a reason.

I think she was sent to inspire you and guide you.

I know its early days and as I said you are very far away from normality but I just get the sense, watching how you are dealing with this, that you are going to come out fighting and that is what Luna would want.

I got to see her again! I didn't think I would because of how long its been and other things but our funeral director said she looked perfect and he was right. She's tucked up so snug and secure in her coffin. Its so beautiful. Xxx

Aww Simone glad you got to see her one last time. :hugs:


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Glad you got to see your precious girl one last time.

I will have some quiet time on Monday for you all.

I hope im half the mother you are to my little boy when he arrives, you have shown such strength, love and courage and i can be this too, i hope it gets easier in time for you xxxx
I'm so pleased you got to see your LO looking perfect again. You will be in my thoughts on Monday, I hope the service is as beautiful as its sounds like its going to be. X
all your plans sound absolutely perfect Simone. I have typed, re-typed and deleted mesages every day as none of them will ever be enough to let you know how much of an inspiration you have been to me and how often you, your beautiful little girl and your family are in my thoughts. Sending you all my love and best wishes, Kelly xxx
I'm angry tonight. Feel like everyone is sweeping Luna under the carpet.
Why shouldn't I talk about her? I don't have to cry every time she's mentioned. I was incredibly lucky to have spent the time with her that I did. Not every mummy gets that.
I am proud to be her mummy. I won't allow people to forget that I have three children. Its just that I carry 2 in my arms and one in my heart. I don't care that baby loss is a hard subject for some people, she's not their baby, she's mine. She deserves to be spoken about. She deserves to have her photos in a frame. She deserves the celebration for the joy she brought me!!!

Of course she does!! I feel privileged you shared her with us, with me. She is the most perfect little girl I hope no-one has been making you feel you shouldn't talk about her hun x talk as much as you want here x

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Oh love , you talk about your beautiful girl all you want . Your her mummy and your always will be ! She's so beautiful and for let anybody make you feel like you can't celebrate her and grieve in equal amounts x

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