Lost my angel - 35+6

You are being so strong hun I'll be lighting a candle for your angel too xxx

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Sorry I posted that by accident and just edited it. I hope no one minds that I'm using this kind of as a journal xx


I think using this space as a kind of journal is a great idea :) if you can maybe in time print it off too keep? Like someone said above Luna has touched so many people here, you and your family and little Luna will genuinely be in all of our hearts... Many of us haven't spoken to you much but I know we've all followed one another's journeys through reading and replying to posts and you sharing Luna with all of us is very special, hugs lots hun xxx
I'll also be lighting a candle, what a beautiful idea :) xxx
We're going to be releasing balloons at her grave side. Every other baby left hospital with loads and loads but she didn't so we're making up for it :)




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Simmy, Luna is gorgeous thank you for sharing her pics.

The balloons are a lovely idea.

Thinking of you & family at this time love xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you for sharing her pictures with us. She is just beautiful. It's such a heartbreaking thing to have to do. That's nice about the midwives, little Luna has touched a lot of people's hearts. She will love the balloons. Lovely idea.xxxxx
Oh hun, Luna is so beautiful. I will be thinking of you and yours on Monday, and I think the balloons are a lovely idea. I too will light a candle for your little angel on Monday. Much love and big hugs to you

She's just so beautiful simone I hope Monday goes ok I'll be thinking of you. I think what the other girls have said about keeping this as a journal is a great idea and I hope you take some sort of comfort knowing that Luna is in all our hearts and we'll probably never ever forget her even though we never had the pleasure of meeting her.
I'll be lighting a candle for her on Monday in her memory
She's a beautiful angel.
You are incredibly brave, I will be thinking of you and your family on Monday x
I chose my daughter's coffin today. I never thought I would ever utter those words about any of my children. The pain is almost unbearable.

If I keep taking my meds then I'm doing ok recovery wise but if I miss them I'm screwed. Feel like a walking zombie I'm on so many drugs.

Our undertaker is picking Luna up tomorrow and bringing her back to dress her in the special dress we chose with the cardigan our midwife bought her and the hat our other midwife bought her. These ladies visited Luna in their own time, singing to her, holding her,etc.
We'll be burying her on Monday. I miss her so much.

I'm off now for hubby to give me my clexane injection

Thanks again ladies xxx


Absolutely heartbreaking, I'm welling up reading this, you and your family are in my prayers xxx

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Ur so strong simone. The pictures are lovely. I'll be thinkin of u monday. Sleep tight little angel xxx
Luna is beautiful. I cannot believe how brave you are being through this nightmare , I will be praying for your family on Monday .
What a beautiful wee girl :hug:

My heart truly aches for you and your family, will be thinking of you all on Monday x
Luna is beautiful and you are amazing! So sorry for your loss xx
I hope no one minds that I'm using this kind of as a journal xx

I think everyone appreciates that you are sharing your story and Luna with us. It's thoughtful of you to let us know how things are going and if it can bring you any small comfort that is even better.
So sorry to read this. Beautiful name and gorgeous photos! Sending you lots of love x
Chose Luna's flowers today. We got her a big butterfly in white pink and purple :) butterflies have been a running theme for us really. I hope they're as beautiful as I imagine.

She should be in her little outfit tucked up safe and sound in her blanket by now :)

Its not been easy today but at least now I have a time for the funeral and something arranged for afterwards.

This pain is strange. I can get things done and do what I have to then suddenly it hits me. I feel like I'm suffocating and drowning and my heart hurts so badly all at once. My arms are empty where a warm snuggly newborn should be. I'll never be able to fill this space xxx

You're being so so strong hun. I'm sure the flowers will be beautiful xx

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My heart aches for you when I read your updates. I'm thinking of you. Hope you're getting all the support you need. X

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