Lost my angel - 35+6

Apparently I'm wrong to be happy that I saw her again today. I'm wrong to want to talk about her perfect little fingers with her little nails that look manicured and polished or her little perfect lips or her button nose that is identical to her brother and sisters.
But mostly I'm apparently wrong to have started a sentence with " when I have another baby..."

I don't feel wrong. I'm doing what comes natural. Letting my instincts take over. Do I break down and find myself curled up sobbing? Yes! But I also smile and sometimes I even laugh!

Fucking hell.who would tell you you're wrong!! I'm gobsmacked you are dealing with this amaZingly and in your way which can quite frankly any damn way you like??? There is no wrong or right way

You carry on Simone your beautiful angel deserves it xx

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
I can't believe anyone would say that to you . Off course your not wrong , it's wonderful that you got too see her again and too see how beautiful and perfect she looked . It must been a little bit comforting to have see her looking safe and snug ? It's inspiring that you can say when I have another baby , it really shows how strong you are . Honestly love right now nothing you do is wrong regardless if its curling up sobbing or emailing about seeing your daughter .
I'm a lot more calm now I've ranted. Thank you ladies :)
I'll always be astounded by the stupidity of some people I guess.
Think my girl is sending her mummy some strength <3 xxx

I can't believe anyone would say that to you . Off course your not wrong , it's wonderful that you got too see her again and too see how beautiful and perfect she looked . It must been a little bit comforting to have see her looking safe and snug ? It's inspiring that you can say when I have another baby , it really shows how strong you are . Honestly love right now nothing you do is wrong regardless if its curling up sobbing or emailing about seeing your daughter .

I completely agree, Ive been absolutely amazed at the strength you have shown and nobody has the right to question anything you do or say xxx
I'm angry tonight. Feel like everyone is sweeping Luna under the carpet.
Why shouldn't I talk about her? I don't have to cry every time she's mentioned. I was incredibly lucky to have spent the time with her that I did. Not every mummy gets that.
I am proud to be her mummy. I won't allow people to forget that I have three children. Its just that I carry 2 in my arms and one in my heart. I don't care that baby loss is a hard subject for some people, she's not their baby, she's mine. She deserves to be spoken about. She deserves to have her photos in a frame. She deserves the celebration for the joy she brought me!!!


You are so right hun, you should be so so proud to be mummy to such a gorgeous girl!! I can understand why perhaps people may worry about talking about her, as I expect they worry they will cause you further upset. But show them the joy she has bought you and show them how much she deserves to be celebrated!

Your beautiful daughter has touched the lives of each and every one of us here and i know i shall never forget her. She has made me realise how lucky I am and what is truly important in life. And you Simone, you are an inspiration to us all. Your strength throughout all of this has been amazing and finding positives out of the situation is truly admirable. I honestly do not think i could be so strong.

I shall light a candle on Monday and you will be in my thoughts all day, as you lay dear Luna to rest. We are all here for you Simone and will support you through this in any way we can for as long as you need us.

Glad u got to see ur little girl again:) on Monday u will be in my thoughts at half 11. U talk about ur little one, don't let people's ignorance stop u. You are a proud mummy ! X
You have every right to talk about her and to celebrate her, don't ever feel like you shouldn't xx
I can only apologise for how long it has taken for me to write this but from the minute you posted about your loss I was stuck for words that would even be able to console you in the way I intend them to. I can't even begin to put into words how sorry I am to hear of your loss simone and at the same time I want to say how amazing you are. Your little girl is absolutely beautiful. You will all be in my heart and mind on Monday and most likely for the rest of my life xxx
I'm angry tonight. Feel like everyone is sweeping Luna under the carpet.
Why shouldn't I talk about her? I don't have to cry every time she's mentioned. I was incredibly lucky to have spent the time with her that I did. Not every mummy gets that.
I am proud to be her mummy. I won't allow people to forget that I have three children. Its just that I carry 2 in my arms and one in my heart. I don't care that baby loss is a hard subject for some people, she's not their baby, she's mine. She deserves to be spoken about. She deserves to have her photos in a frame. She deserves the celebration for the joy she brought me!!!


Dam right Simone bless you darling u talk about her lots n lots bm me n il chat all night with you no probs, u have to keep her ,Emory alive best u can :))) massive hugs xxx
Luna is one lucky girl to have such an amazing mummy and you are so inspirational, I will be thinking about you and your family Monday I'm glad you got to spend time with your beautiful girl and wish you all the best in the future. You are still a proud mummy of a special little girl and she will be so proud of you.
Sending u hugs hun i hope Mon goes ok for u. I think talking about her is healthy she is ur little princess n always will be xx stay strong xx

Babydust to all
Simone you are amazing, you really are. You are proving time and time again in every word you type just how inspirational you are and I am truly envious of the person you are. I could only hope to be as brave, strong and courageous as you in any terrible situation.

On Monday I will be thinking of you and your family and of course the beautiful Luna.

Take care hunny xxx
You talk about her as much as u fucking like Simone she's your beautiful angel and needs to be shown! I hope you realise just how much she's touched all our hearts! Ill be thinking of you all tomorrow and will light a candle tomorrow night for her stay strong x x x
Hun u talk about your beautiful baby girl as much as you want , I actually can't believe someone said that to u x
You have been in my thoughts and heart since I read your tragic news. She is absolutely beautiful and she definitely deserves to be spoken about with love and joy in your voice. I will be thinking about you again tomorrow xxxxxx
I don't want tomorrow to come :(


Oh sweetie, of course you don't want tomorrow to come.

It is going to be such a difficult, bittersweet day for you.

I know you are having a low key ceremony but you will have people there that love you and will support you, they understand (as much as they possibly can of course) how hard tomorrow is going to be.

When tomorrow comes you will face it with the bravery and dignity you already shown during this past week or so.

Sending love for tomorrow and love for little luna. What a special lady you are. Xxxx

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