Life is so cruel :( - misoprostol and MVA advice on page 3


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2019
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16 months after our last miscarriage we finally conceived after our HSG test only for it to end in another MC. Started on Saturday with brown clumpy discharge and loss of symptoms as well as clear blue being stuck on 2-3 for 11 days. Had a scan yesterday which showed a small 3mm black hole in my uterus with nothing in it. I bled substantially all last night, red and clots. Midwife called me today to say that my hormones are at 708, almost identical to what happened in my last MC! Back tomorrow for more bloods and hoping to see a significant decrease especially after the bleed since last night. Really really hoping it comes away naturally this time as I believe my d&c caused me a lot of issues with no periods for 5 months after and super light periods since.

to make matters even worse we took comfort knowing at least our cat was due to have kittens so we would still have some happiness in our home soon. She went into labour last night and gave birth to two stillborn kittens and then her labour stopped although she still has what the vet thinks is ‘one or two’ live kittens left inside so she is currently in theatre having a c-section.

we just can’t believe how cruel life has been recently. My partner, who is usually the most optimistic person, said that ‘all we want are babies to love, why is this so hard for us?’

every time we have some joy it gets swept out from under us.

Hoping it doesn’t take another 16 months to fall pregnant again :(
My heart breaks for you Yvonne, I really hope you and your partner get through this together and that it's not as traumatic as your last (I'm in no means saying this is not traumatic I just mean with the d&c and the issues) I've been thinking about you loads my lovely, I really hope your cat will be alright too, life is really cruel I don't understand it lately I'm always here if you ever wana talk don't be a stranger.. I do understand if you feel you can't talk tho but know iam here for you babe <3 xx
I'm so sorry @Littleperson. I absolutely pray you don't have to have a d&c again and things can happen naturally this time.

Your poor cat too, I hope she's feeling better soon x
16 months after our last miscarriage we finally conceived after our HSG test only for it to end in another MC. Started on Saturday with brown clumpy discharge and loss of symptoms as well as clear blue being stuck on 2-3 for 11 days. Had a scan yesterday which showed a small 3mm black hole in my uterus with nothing in it. I bled substantially all last night, red and clots. Midwife called me today to say that my hormones are at 708, almost identical to what happened in my last MC! Back tomorrow for more bloods and hoping to see a significant decrease especially after the bleed since last night. Really really hoping it comes away naturally this time as I believe my d&c caused me a lot of issues with no periods for 5 months after and super light periods since.

to make matters even worse we took comfort knowing at least our cat was due to have kittens so we would still have some happiness in our home soon. She went into labour last night and gave birth to two stillborn kittens and then her labour stopped although she still has what the vet thinks is ‘one or two’ live kittens left inside so she is currently in theatre having a c-section.

we just can’t believe how cruel life has been recently. My partner, who is usually the most optimistic person, said that ‘all we want are babies to love, why is this so hard for us?’

every time we have some joy it gets swept out from under us.

Hoping it doesn’t take another 16 months to fall pregnant again :(

I am so so gutted for you, I was really hoping it would be positive for you this time. Sending lots of hugs xxxx
I'm so sorry to read this @Littleperson , I really hope you're ok.
I hope your hormones drop quickly and it doesn't end up being a d&c.
Try to stay strong, big hugs. <3

I hope your cat is ok xx
I am so sorry, TTC is incredibly difficult and soul destroying then getting that BFP only for it to be taken away is heartbreaking. I hope you manage to get your sticky bean soon, keeping everything crossed for you.

I hope your cat is ok too xx
Sending you big hugs. So sorry you are experiencing this again. Xx
I'm so sorry hun... It isn't fair. Some women get pregnant by accident and don't even want a child, and some will have to keep trying and trying...
It's not fair. Hope the miscarriage will take it's course soon, but I was given 3 options with my MMC:
1. Let nature run it's course
2. Have a pessary inserted to soften the cervix.
3. D&C

I had chosen the D&C because I could not bear the thought of carrying it any longer, but also had on and off bleeding for 11 weeks thereafter due to something that was left behind. I had positive tests for those 11 weeks until the thing passed. I can understand the dilemma and would not be sure if I would choose one again, being in your position.

I hope you do fall again quickly hun!x
I’m so sorry to hear this. Life can be cruel. I’m sending you my love big hugs xxx
Thank you so much for all of your kind words ladies.

yesterday’s bloods dropped to 553 which is heading in the right direction but I need to go back for more bloods tomorrow because they can’t rule out an ectopic pregnancy as the drop was not substantial enough! So for now it is ongoing.

My darling cat is home with 3 beautiful kittens so that has been a lovely distraction for me.

ive been off work this week because of the MC, my boss was very understanding. However this is the second time I’ve been off due to a miscarriage. Part of me wonders if I’m being a wimp? And the other part of me truly believes it should be a woman’s right to take the time she needs when going through this. I just worry it will happen again and they won’t be so patient and understanding with me.
I’m sure there’s been other women in my work miscarry and come in like an absolute champ and just get on with it with the rest of us being none the wiser, but I just don’t know if I could be that strong! It’s playing on my mind a lot.
No your not a wimp at all. Your very strong and those that matter will only have best wishes for you. Big hugs xxx
Thank you so much for all of your kind words ladies.

yesterday’s bloods dropped to 553 which is heading in the right direction but I need to go back for more bloods tomorrow because they can’t rule out an ectopic pregnancy as the drop was not substantial enough! So for now it is ongoing.

My darling cat is home with 3 beautiful kittens so that has been a lovely distraction for me.

ive been off work this week because of the MC, my boss was very understanding. However this is the second time I’ve been off due to a miscarriage. Part of me wonders if I’m being a wimp? And the other part of me truly believes it should be a woman’s right to take the time she needs when going through this. I just worry it will happen again and they won’t be so patient and understanding with me.
I’m sure there’s been other women in my work miscarry and come in like an absolute champ and just get on with it with the rest of us being none the wiser, but I just don’t know if I could be that strong! It’s playing on my mind a lot.

Im so sorry for your loss lovely, life is absolutely shit sometime

OMG you are not being a wimp at all, there is no way you will be fit for work, both mentally and physically, when I had a miscarriage (all passed naturally) I was off for two weeks, my manager was off for 3 weeks with hers, another lady I work with was signed off for 6 weeks due to her mental state, ours were all uncomplicated 1st tri miscarriages, there is no set timescale in which we are supposed to be ok to go back to normal life and every woman deals with it differently, personally I was probably physically able to go back to work after a week but I was too tearful and couldn’t think straight and didn’t want to have to make small talk with people, I wasn’t really 100% ready after two weeks either and first day back a colleague announced her pregnancy, due in the same week as mine, so yeah that was nice for me! Take as long as you need, at the end of the day women are the ones who bear the children, we are the ones who have to suffer this shit while still holding down jobs so employers just have to bloody be understanding about it

I hope it’s all as uncomplicated and straightforward as it can be for you xx
Im so sorry for your loss lovely, life is absolutely shit sometime

OMG you are not being a wimp at all, there is no way you will be fit for work, both mentally and physically, when I had a miscarriage (all passed naturally) I was off for two weeks, my manager was off for 3 weeks with hers, another lady I work with was signed off for 6 weeks due to her mental state, ours were all uncomplicated 1st tri miscarriages, there is no set timescale in which we are supposed to be ok to go back to normal life and every woman deals with it differently, personally I was probably physically able to go back to work after a week but I was too tearful and couldn’t think straight and didn’t want to have to make small talk with people, I wasn’t really 100% ready after two weeks either and first day back a colleague announced her pregnancy, due in the same week as mine, so yeah that was nice for me! Take as long as you need, at the end of the day women are the ones who bear the children, we are the ones who have to suffer this shit while still holding down jobs so employers just have to bloody be understanding about it

I hope it’s all as uncomplicated and straightforward as it can be for you xx
Thank you so much for this! This is the reassurance I needed right now! It’s hard enough what I’m going through without the added pressure of being scared of what people will think of me! I work in a school and am employed by the council so I’m entitled to this time it’s more like the attitude of people I work with that I worry about you know? Everyone wants to know everyone’s business and people are so judgemental! Like I don’t need to tell anyone what’s happened but everyone will ask! No one in my work place seems to have any respect or boundaries really! But honestly that should be the least of my worries and you really have set my mind at ease about it! Xxx
No your not a wimp at all. Your very strong and those that matter will only have best wishes for you. Big hugs xxx
You’re so right the people that matter do! Thank you so much xxx
Yout not a wimp at all babe, you need time to heal and get your head round things doesnt matter if you was a day pregnant or 9 months pregnant it was your baby and its never guna be easy no matter when this cruel thing happens, my heart breaks for you my lovely, I'm glad your cat is doing well xx
I look for your posts time to time because I’ve been anxiously waiting for you to get pregnant and following your journey in hopes it happens for you. I am so sorry. I had two miscarriages prior to getting pregnant with my son, and it is hard and you should take the time off to heal physically but also as much as you can mentally. I’ll be thinking of you and my fingers are crossed you will have your rainbow baby soon!
I look for your posts time to time because I’ve been anxiously waiting for you to get pregnant and following your journey in hopes it happens for you. I am so sorry. I had two miscarriages prior to getting pregnant with my son, and it is hard and you should take the time off to heal physically but also as much as you can mentally. I’ll be thinking of you and my fingers are crossed you will have your rainbow baby soon!
Thank you so much! There is something really comforting about knowing that there are people out there who are routing for me even from a far! I really appreciate it xxx

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