So that didn’t work! My uterus is both bicornuate (heart shaped) and tilted! The tools wouldn’t open the cervix enough for him to see which direction to go in without hurting me and that was with local anaesthetic. I’ve to go under general to get it done! They don’t have an exact time available for me so I’ve to go in at 7pm tonight and do an overnight and they’ll take me whenever there is time! Could be midnight, could be 8am tomorrow morning! Who knows!
I was an absolute nervous wreck, shaking like a leaf and bawling like a baby.
had to have w covid test done too so they know I’m safe for theatre when I go in! Had the suppositories up my butt too so literally the only hole in my body that’s not been invaded today is my ears lol!
What a bloody hellish ordeal!
The midwife (nicest woman ever) is referring me to the multiple miscarriage people even though I’ve only had 2 as apparently when you’re in your 30s two is all you need for them to help you! She said it could take a couple of months but that they’d do what they can to help my body keep a pregnancy in future!