Sorry its been so long! - MMC & partial molar


Active Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Hi All,

I haven't posted here now for probably 10 months...My wife and I had a bit of a traumatic time last year. Now I feel its time to share our experience, maybe to others if in the same situation:

Last year, around this time, my wife became pregnant with our second child. We were obviously very pleased, and already had a 15 month old son.

As with our first, my wife had very heavy morning sickness from about week 5, but we didn't think much of it, neither did the doctors.

It was at the 12 week scan that we found out that my wife had had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks (or so we thought)...It was hard enough being told that, and very upsetting - especially as we were more or less frog marched through a waiting room full of pregnant women with my wife in tears (not hard to guess what had happened), to a side room to see a doctor.

We were told that we would have to wait for 2 days befor a dnc could be performed as there was no room on the ward, and were then sent home. Not a nice 2 days as I'm sure you can imagine.

After the dnc, we received the results about a week later. We weren't actually expecting anything as we thought we were simply another statistic. We were told that my wife had actually had a 'partial-molar' pregnancy.

A quick explanation is that basically 2 sperm fertilise 1 egg at exactly the same time. Instead of a normal pregnancy, a mass of malformed cells is developed, which can turn malignant (although this is quite rare, and fortunately didn't get that far in our case).

It meant that my wife had to be referred to a specialist hospital for ongoing monitoring for a minimum of 6 months. They check the HCG levels in the urine to make sure they decrease at the correct rate. Fortunately they did, and my wife got the all clear in December.

On the plus side, we just found out that my wife is pregnant again (6 weeks), and after just having a early scan (requested by consultant), they found a very tiny heartbeat. Its early days yet, but at least it looks like a viable pregnancy this time :D

Hope I haven't deperessed you too much, but wanted to share our story.

Thanks for listening.

ive never heard of that sort of thing before. thanks for sharing and i hope you and your wife have a happy and healthy nine months now. Yoiu deserve it :hug:
Good luck with pregnancy. Hope everything goes well for you and your wif.
good luck mate, wishin ur wife a happy and healthy 9mths!!!
ah im sorry for you and your wifes loss, i havent been through that myself but i have been through a mmc, and i know how much it hurts and affects. You havent depressed us at all if we can help anytime then please let us know,

good luck with the new pregnancy im sure everything will be fine take care :hug: :hug:
sorry to hear about last yr must of been so hard for ya both :hug: :hug:

Gratz on ur BFP and i hope u have a very healthy and happy pregnancy :hug:
Hi Paul,

So sorry for your is a terribly sad thing to go through and it must have been frightening to have the extra worry of a molar pregnancy too. I am delighted that you are expecting again, it is lovely news.
My love and best wishes to you and your wife
Welcome back, fingers crossed everything goes smoothly this time :D
Hi Paul,

Sorry to hear of your loss, sounds like you've had a pretty hard year.
Great news on the new pregnancy though, wishing you all the very best and do keep us posted!

Congrats to you and your wife! :D

Jo x
Sorry about your loss but good luck with the new pregnancy :hug:
Hi Paul! :wave:

A good friend of mine had a P/M pregnancy. Her and her OH waited a year and quickly conceived a little girl, who's 20 months, very happy and healthy now. :D

Good Luck!
:wave: hi paul, thank you for sharing your story, I believe it does help others in there loss, makes us feel like we are not alone,I know i can relate to the walking through a waiting room full of PG ladies with me hyisterical and in tears, the waiting for a hospital slot for D&C too, i am sure there will be mum's here who can relate and your story will give them hope for the future too...
Good luck to your wife in her new pregnancy, and thank you for being so supportive too..
I wish you all good health, lv yvonne xx :hug:
Hiya- I had a molar pregnancy in Jan 05- it was a very distressing time and it's hard because you then have to explain it to everyone.
Congratulations on the current pregnancy--My little boy is now 5wks old and doing well, we didn't have any major worries with the second pregnancy :D :D :D

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