***June Mummies***

Oh Max, I really hope you are wrong and that everything is okay :hug: x
The cramping is like bad period ache still. I lost all of my symptoms and expecting to bleed hopefully sooner than later. We discussed this and we won’t be trying again after this as there is no way I can go through this again. I have never felt sooo sad in my life but I think you just know when something is wrong
Thread crashing to send you love, Maximus. I am so sorry. I do still hope that your bad feeling is wrong and that the blood results show good levels for you and this little bean. I'll be checking in <3
Sorry to hear this Maximus and I hope you're wrong but usually you 'just know' when something isn't right. I know I did. Sending all my love to you xx
So sorry maximus, can only echo what others have said. I hope your wrong in yiur gut feeling and Ive got fingers crossed that the hcg results are good.

Really sorry your going through this. Where all here if you need us xx

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hiya quick update, I have the worst cramps ever, its like giving birth , my whole stomach is contracting, no bleeding yet, feel very light headed and sick. I hardly slept last night and right now sitting with a hot water bottle and took strong painkillers. Its all happening and I am totally devastated. We decided not to TTC anymore, as my husband said there is no way he can go through this and see me go through this physical and emotional pain. I kind of agree with him but letting go of my dreams of having a second child. I have never felt so defeated in my whole life and I might to live to regret this but there is nothing I can do. I am so so sad and don't wish this to anyone , I hope you girls get the baby you want, but for me I think it's all over . I might come here and update again , good luck x
Oh maximus :( I'm so sorry. Did they scan you when you went for a check up on Tuesday? Maybe give them a call back and tell them how intense the pains are now?

I still have everything crossed that all this will resolve itself and you'll get good news.

Please keep us updated, much love Sent your way xxx

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No scan and nothing will be visible on there yet. Just took bloods. Still cramping but no bleeding yet. I took codeine for the pain so much better. I just know that I am losing as I have lost all of my symptoms. I miss them ...
just done a digital test and said 'not pregnant', my hormones must have dropped significantly :(
I'm so sorry maximus :( I don't know what else to say other than that. I'm truly heartbroken for you xxx

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Early pregnancy unit called me and they said my hcg levels are low 22 so it confirmed my miscarriage. I don&#8217;t even need to go back to have a repeat blood tomorrow. She said to only come back if it still says pregnant on the test which already doesn&#8217;t. No bleeding still cramps are less so not sure why I haven&#8217;t started bleeding? Just a waiting game... I just knew from the beginning about this as my tests were not getting darker and loss of symptoms. When my daughter was playing with me today she said imagine these dolls are your babies I broke down in tears. She would be a lovely big sister and she keeps saying she would push the buggy, share her toys. I am sooo sad as there will be no more children. My husband said no way and that&#8217;s it. I thought that&#8217;s how I felt too but now I am thinking maybe we try one more but he says no. I think I am depressed right now. I can&#8217;t stop crying &#55357;&#56866;
Oh maxi I am so so sorry, it’s really not fair :-( I’m heartbroken for you, I will be thinking of you xxx
Max I am so sad for you :(
Maybe give yourself some time to recover from this 2nd miscarriage and then ask your husband again. At the moment it&#8217;s very new and raw so might be the reason he is so against it.
If You are adamant you do want to try again you will both need to sit down and have a serious chat and say give it one last go because I think you might always be thinking what if.
Thinking of you hun x
I wasn't sure at first if I wanted to try for a third time and even now I am terrified at this third chance. But I changed my mind after a short while because it's what we want. You will know in time. Give yourself time to grieve, a mc is so hard I know, I am wishing you all the best xx
Hey girls so I started to bleed this morning. At least that&#8217;s started and hopefully I can move on. Thank you so much for all your support here and good luck to everyone
Hey girls so I started to bleed this morning. At least that’s started and hopefully I can move on. Thank you so much for all your support here and good luck to everyone

I'm so sorry Maximus. Please take care of yourself :hugs:
So sorry Maximus.

I think your OH is saying no more trying because of how he sees it affecting and upsetting you, if you want to try again, maybe try convincing him that you are okay and will just be relaxed about it and see if it happens. On here you can do all the obsessive ttc we do, just keep it away from him if you know what I mean.

I like you, would love to make my daughter a big sister and will be gutted if it doesn't happen.

But more than anything, at the moment, look after yourself physically and emotionally. :hug: x
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Hi all! I got my bfp last Friday and am now 4wks 5 days with an edd of 8th June

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