***June Mummies 2016 Tri 2***

Just noticed there's a September thread! That seems so long away and makes me feel so much closer to the end of this pregnancy. X
Ya it's so strange. I know a girl due in September. She told everyone straight away when she found out in Jan. I feel like I have known forever and her scan has not even come round yet. Makes my pregnancy feel so short as I will have a 3 month old when her baby is born.
Happy anniversary Kanga!
My partner's a bit of a mum's boy too, even though they're near Middlesborough and we're Leeds, it seems like they're either up here or he's going round there every other weekend lol
They are lovely, but I do sympathise about wanting alone time with your OH! Especially on an anniversary.
Lovely bump pics btw, ladies - was just catching up. Maybe I'll put one up later on...
Just noticed I'm on 100 days to go too... eek
;) x
No not planning anything for our anniversary least not this weekend, I told him this morning I was sad about doing nothing at all this weekend but I don't think he listened. I'm still at home alone with two very tired grumpy boys waiting for him and his parents to arrive with food!! Feel as though I just want to go upstairs and cry :(

He seems happy to just put off doing anything til our week off next week but I doubt he will organise anything! The closeness he has with his parents is the thing that has bugged me most of all with my job. I work mon-fri in the evening going out as soon as he gets in from work so no evenings together apart from Sunday and that's not happening this week as I have to go into work as didn't work last night as he was out for a birthday meal. So no time together at all. We will have some time tomorrow but I doubt we will do anything as he has worked all week and will want to chill out!!

Sorry that is all over the place and very moany :( Feeling very sorry for myself, stupid hormones! xx
Just some advice ladies - was up last night with some sickness, which I suspect was some mild food poisoning from a burger I ate at lunch from a local diner (I don't usually have burgers but I was just craving some meat and it was Friday!), my heart was going like the clappers and I was overheating. If it was food poisoning does that have any effect on the babe? I know there's risks with listeria poisoning, hence staying away from soft cheeses and all... Have felt the little 'un move today, but not overly active, and I'm still not feeling that great! Any advice? Or am I completely wrong about food poisoning and it's just another pregnancy side-effect? xx
Kanga, definitely organise something for your mutual time off - get his folks round for childcare and get ye to the cinema or out for a meal or something :) It's important! I know what ya mean - I get that eye-twitch going when mine is constantly arranging stuff with his folks. Strangely, it didn't bother me so much until I got pregnant - used to enjoy him being out of the house lol - but when he's away at the moment I feel a bit alone and emotional... and then when we're with his parents I feel exhausted! Damn hormones, eh? Hugs ;)
Just some advice ladies - was up last night with some sickness, which I suspect was some mild food poisoning from a burger I ate at lunch from a local diner (I don't usually have burgers but I was just craving some meat and it was Friday!), my heart was going like the clappers and I was overheating. If it was food poisoning does that have any effect on the babe? I know there's risks with listeria poisoning, hence staying away from soft cheeses and all... Have felt the little 'un move today, but not overly active, and I'm still not feeling that great! Any advice? Or am I completely wrong about food poisoning and it's just another pregnancy side-effect? xx
I think the biggest thing with food poisoning is to watch for becoming dehydrated due to vomiting so much. I don't think it has an affect on baby. Hope you're feeling better? xx
Looking at NHS sites, I think it's mainly the listeria that's the one to worry about in pregnancy specifically. Going to keep monitoring movements today more to be sure. Tbh, I've had worse food poisoning than whatever last night was in the past - a couple of porcelain-hugging bouts and then managed to keep water down, think today I'm just mainly feeling the lack of sleep and a bit off-colour! Just suddenly had a bit of baby panic, is all, I'm sure all is good :) xx
Just some advice ladies - was up last night with some sickness, which I suspect was some mild food poisoning from a burger I ate at lunch from a local diner (I don't usually have burgers but I was just craving some meat and it was Friday!), my heart was going like the clappers and I was overheating. If it was food poisoning does that have any effect on the babe? I know there's risks with listeria poisoning, hence staying away from soft cheeses and all... Have felt the little 'un move today, but not overly active, and I'm still not feeling that great! Any advice? Or am I completely wrong about food poisoning and it's just another pregnancy side-effect? xx
Just make sure you don't get dehydrated hun, plenty of fluids and baby should be fine. Had mild food poisoning on my first and doc told me up my fluid intake and wait for it to pass.
Kanga- hope you feel better soon. I honestly do know how you feel. Tomorrow is mothers day and I know for a fact my DH has not even bought a card. I remember crying my heart out on my very first mothers day. To be honest I just don't think they understand how much it affects us. I try to explain to DH that I'm not asking for the earth, just a token is enough. But it goes in one ear and out the other. I'm used to it at this stage. :hugs:
Thank you Love87, I should be used to it all by now we've been married 4yrs and together 14yrs, but it still sucks! I didn't get an anniversary card as apparently asda didn't have any due to all the mothers day card?! I know he has got a mothers day card for me as he ordered it from moon pig along with a birthday and mothers day card for his mum tomorrow. Otherwise I don't think I would have got one, they really don't see how much it means to us at all. Doesn't help that my mum passed away 12 years ago this year so makes tomorrow a hard enough day as it is.

Also my 1st mothers day I think I cried too as hubby didn't get me a card or nothing and was poorly with a d&v bug so I ended up going out and buying myself some flowers and a new changing bag with his debit card lol

Yorkslass I will see about going out with hubby and the inlaws babysitting but they did it for us a couple of weeks ago for hubby's birthday so not sure if they will or not xx
I can't believe your hubbies don't do mother's day! My first mother's day was literally just after our daughter was born and my OH still managed to get me a card! Last year I got a handmade present (plus chocs and a bath) and this year we're going out for lunch. Have you told them how you feel? Maybe you need to tell them what to do...
Happy anniversary kanga! Sorry its been a bit sh*t:-( your OH sounds like mine. I pretty much have to ask for romance otherwise there is none. I, too, cried on my 1st mothers day as hubby had not organised anything. He was poorly and i had to get up with a 7mth old. I made myself some toast and cried whilst eating. His excuse was he was poorly but surely he could've bought a card earlier in the week?! It's very hard to miss it with all the signs in all the shops. He's better now but i feel like he buys stuff because he should - not because he wants to. So i sympathise. And hope you get some alone time. im surprised his parents havent said "its your anniversary, why dont we come round to babysit" or "we wont bother you today - you should have some alone time" Big hugs!
Yorkslass, hope you feel better. Sounds like bubba is fine but i understand your worry. As everyone said, plenty of fluids and rest. Xx
I can't believe your hubbies don't do mother's day! My first mother's day was literally just after our daughter was born and my OH still managed to get me a card! Last year I got a handmade present (plus chocs and a bath) and this year we're going out for lunch. Have you told them how you feel? Maybe you need to tell them what to do...
I have told DH but I just think it was his upbringing. We are together 10 years and married 2 years. We would never do anything for anniversarys either only for I plan it (he pays) haha. I used to be bothered but this year, my daughter made me a lovely card at school. I will probably get a card (which he will purchase in the morning) but that will be about it. I think I'm getting used to it at this stage. I will admit I do get a bit jealous when some of my friends on FB are spoiled. But I also have friends who's OH's are just like mine so I know we are not alone. He is a great dad and really is a fantastic person, I just don't think he can do the whole thoughtful presents and soppy things.
I know I am kinda annoyed they still came round as normal today, but that is the type of people they are plus hubby doesn't see it as a big deal so even if they did say are you sure you want us to come he would have just said it's fine! They are still here now and I'm tempted to just go up to bed as I'm in so much pain.

Thank you for sharing ladies and I'm glad I'm not alone with having a useless hubby. Although I can't complain too much as he does do so much at home and with the boys especially with me suffering so much this pregnancy so it's not all bad. I don't think I want the full on spoiling that some fb friends get, just a card would be nice and not have to remind him or get one on the day. I think last year he bought my mother's day card on the day whilst we were all shopping! xx
Oh yay - joining the double figures club today :)
Think I'm over whatever that sickness was, which is good, as off to North East for partner's grandmother's 90th today... gonna be an exhausting one with his whole clan! Will keep an eye on what my dog is having - last time, his gran gave her a whole sandwich and was trying to give her custard creams...
Happy Mothers day ladies. I got a card and a photo frame which is babies 1st year so add a picture every month. That will look nice on our wall. Hope all ur hubbies are looking after you today xx
Back home now and knackered... and yep, spotted partner's gran feeding the dog a chocolate finger before I could stop her!

Happy mothers day, mothers ;)
Morning ladies, glad you had good mothers days if a bit exhausting. Mine sucked like I thought it would. I got up with the boys, sorted their milk and breakfasts all before hubby cae downstairs and then because I was in a mood with hubby I put some washing on and emptied the bins!! Told him if he wasn't going to do anything I may as well treat it as a normal Sunday! I then went to work during the day rather than the evening as he was going to his parents with the boys, so I escaped that. Then I rushed around the shops before they closed.

They only good thing to happen yesterday is we may have sold the car already, a guy is coming to look at it this morning and paying £400 more than we were willing to drop too!! So it will pay off my grandma, 2 credit cards and 2 store cards so I'm feeling relieved to have it sorted before baby is here.

Told hubby we need a night out to ourselves next week when we are off so that we can celebrate our anniversary but whether he will sort it with his parents I don't know! xx
Kanga sorry to hear yours was a wash out. I was seeing family then met my mum and dad at there social club where I had an argument with a guy who everyone hates but to scared to say anything. Only I'm not one of them so we argued and then I left before I kicked him in his tiny bollocks. I was furious and did not sleep well because of it. My hips and back was killing me plus baby was having a dance or something lol. Think I might have felt hippcupping this morning only for 30 sec tho as hubby put his freezing hands on my belly and think she must have moved, not 100% tho it was like a tap but every 3 seconds. Hope everyone has a nice day x
I hate it when something like an argument ruins sleep :( I was in agony yesterday with my hips too on top of the sciatica, felt as though everything was pulling downwards and could barely move at one point.

Sounds like it could have been baby hiccupping, I haven't felt them yet this time but sounds similar to when I did.

I'm feeling surprising happy and motivated today considering. Seeing my grandma soon and then I need to pop to the post office to post a book out for hubby that he sold on eBay last night. Hope you have a good day too blueclass xx
I'm pretty bloody sad about Mothers Day. I've certainly been hinting for a couple of weeks that a card would be really special and a lovely keepsake. I really did expect something... not even a cup of tea. I didn't get anything for Valentine's either. When should I give up with expectations, do you think?
He did say yesterday before I brought it up "I have got you something, it just isn't ready yet" - still waiting, but we'll see...!

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