So having a catch up as didn't actually get chance to read yesterday.
Glad your growth scan went well blueclass, I have my 4d scan next Wednesday and I'm excited to see baby again.
Glad your scan went well too Yorkslass and that baby is doing well with their kidney. I think your placenta can still keep moving up as your grow until 36 weeks so probably by then it will be alot higher and out the way of the cervix.
Baby can move positions from breech to head down all the way up to labour, but generally mw's don't worry until 36wks.
Sorry your feeling so poorly still Love87 and I hope your DD isn't too bad with it, hope you both get well soon.
Yay for Tri 3 blueclass, hopefully we can all start posting over there now most of the regular June mummy posters have moved over.
I'm glad it's Friday too as after tonight I have 9 nights off work, then 4 nights in, 4 off then 4 in and then that's it for a whole year hopefully