***June 2018 Mums***

Went in stressing about movements tonight, all fine once in triage obviously!’ However had to wait for doctor as I’ve been in a few times before and they wanted to induce me as I’m now 39 weeks. I said no and he went to get a second opinion, I still said no as they said they could do a scan tomorrow instead. Me and husband were trying to explain my anxiety issues and that my trips to triage over movements probably are more me than baby actually not moving as much but they still wanted induction...Home now and exhausted and realising that I’m not mentally prepared for labour at all!!!
I was the same, I went in one day with reduced movement and had 6 follow up appointments as a result and they wanted to induce me early because of it and I wouldn't be able to use midwifery suite. Did as you did and said no. I had only gone in the once but they viewed it as 7 visits. Think it was all a big misunderstanding and I think I'm able to go naturally and in the midwifery suite now.

Easier said than done but try not to get too worked up. Enjoy your last days/weeks with your bump :)
Baby moved non stop for 3 days after that fiasco! Settled a bit now but still quite active, X-ray baby.

Due in 2 days...sweep in 3...everything is ready except my brain!! Finished work and don’t know what to do with myself to keep my mind occupied!
Hope everyone is well! On Saturday st 8.37pm my little man entered the world! I went for induction at 37+4 and on examination was 4cm so just broke waters! 7lb 14 of total perfection kody lee pridmore has completed our family! Will try upload photo later! Good luck ladies soon be ur turn!!!
Congrats spriddy!!!

I’m due today but nothing yet...sweep tomorrow morning, getting v anxious over every twinge but obviously they lead to nothing!!
Congratulations!!!!!! Hope mumma and baby are well :)
Congratulations Spriddy!!! Looking forward to seeing a pic!
4 days overdue, and now caught a cold so I feel horrendous!

Hope everyone else is feeling better than me!!
Nope, no signs either!

Been for a walk and going to have spicy food tonight, even if it just clears me out, feeling so rundown with my bloody blocked nose, sore throat and slight ear pain. It’s also too damn hot! But we bought a fan so that is permanent on currently!

I’m absolutely petrified of giving birth but this is taking so long that I actually want it to happen just so it’s something different to do ahha!
Bought my fan last week, not been off!

I've been drinking raspberry leaf tea, eating a LOT of pineapple, walking, eating spicy food and DTD to try and get the baby moving. I know I'm 11 days before my EDD but want the wee one to make an arrival.
Can't even suggest anything else for you to try...
41 weeks today and still no signs, what is wrong with my body?!
Oh Princess! I can’t imagine how frustrated you are. But there’s nothing wrong with your body - maybe the little one is just a little too relaxed in there (which might bode well for after they are born!). I hope he/she (sorry, I can’t remember who’s blue/pink/yellow!) doesn’t keep you waiting too much longer. X
41 weeks today and still no signs, what is wrong with my body?!

The end is near it really is.
I went to 41+3 and went naturally 2 days before induction. I had a quicker labour too then my 1st who came at 39 weeks.
It's not nice and you must be so fed up. Enjoy these last few days and try to relax x
2nd sweep booked for this morning and I’ll get an induction date, hopefully my body will then realise that it’s time!!
Baby’s head still not engaged any more since over 5 weeks ago??! Another sweep down but I don’t imagine it’ll work, not much change from last week the midwife said. Induction on Sunday :(
Aw princess it'll happen when it happens.
I'm booked for induction next Friday (40+1) so if the baby doesn't come before that, induction will hopefully work first time.
2 weeks old tomorrow kody x


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Good luck ladies the end is near and so worth it xx
So cute spriddy!

I’m in hospital now being induced. Got the 24hr pessary at 12pm, midwife said I definitely needed it so even at 40+12 my body clearly doesn’t want this to happen!

Very bored, dreading husband leaving for the night but I just need to relax and get through it, my anxiety will not be helping move things along!

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