***JULY TESTING THREAD*** 8 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg anna i can see the line too!! what on earth is an evap line? post asap!! good luck hun!!!! lol sounds daft but im sooo excited for you!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I can def see a faint line Anna :dance: :dance:

Good luck for tomorrow :pray:

Holly - Never seen those tests before with the two lines as well as the control line. Were are they from?
BFN for me and no sign of AF

Maybe i'm gonna have a missed period or my cycles have changed :shakehead:
:cry: it was a evap line, the test we took this morning was of the same brand, type everything i did it properly and guess what it's a bfn, Mat said he will get a pen and draw on it so we have a bfp :rotfl: but no realy it's a negative we are not pregnant i'm upset as i was soooo hoping it to be a bfp i even thought i could see a line on the test lol but Mat couldn't and being truthfull no there is deffo no line nvm there is always next month, i won't take another test now i'll just wait for my af to come i guess becasue of our loss it's taking a bit longer to get my body back to normal :( i wish i would just come on as this is killing me
Mum_2besoon said:
BFN for me and no sign of AF

Maybe i'm gonna have a missed period or my cycles have changed :shakehead:
hugs i hope it sorts itself out soon
Anna I think the same about me, I just want af to hurry now, I think shes coming as my cervix is opening, we will get pg next month :hug:
Anna :hug: next month!!! :pray:

It's a bugger, when you dont want to ttc you want long cycles, but when you are ttc you want short cycles just so you don't have this wait and to know where you're at. :wall: I think these 'evap' lines are bloody cruel :evil:
skairdykat said:
I can def see a faint line Anna :dance: :dance:

Good luck for tomorrow :pray:

Holly - Never seen those tests before with the two lines as well as the control line. Were are they from?

That was me being daft. I thought the red test line was just that, a test line, didnt realise it counted for a negative, so i would expect 3 lines in total for a positive and 2 for a negative :doh: I read it all wrong :roll: I know now though! if I had ever got that 2nd line I would have put it down to being a negative!
plz could u put my testing date to the 28th (just realised its my daughters birthday) my chart put my ovulation forward grrrr.
jemz24 said:
plz could u put my testing date to the 28th (just realised its my daughters birthday) my chart put my ovulation forward grrrr.

not a problem darling xx
i just googled evap lines and thought this might help for people who don't know what they are:
What are evaporation lines?

Evaporation lines, as the name suggests are caused due to evaporation of the urine in then test area. These are lines that shows in the result window of the test, exactly where a positive sign would be. An evaporation line develops when the urine on the test area begins to dry, leaving a faint, usually colorless line. Evaporation lines appear to show up (or not show up) as a result of the composition of the particular urine specimen - and they may appear on any test regardless of brand.

How can you avoid formation of evaporation lines?

You should always read the literature that comes with the test and look for instructions on when to read your results. Usually home pregnancy tests have a reaction time of three to five minutes. While some tests are no longer accurate after a certain amount of time, others have been known to pick up Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) after a longer period of time than is recommended. You can only know for sure by testing again a few days or a week later. If you don't see a positive result in the amount of time that the manufacturer states, you should not rely on that test result. Evaporation lines can cause confusion if the home pregnancy test is not interpreted within the clinically recommended time frame.
So it doesn't matter if you get a real cheap test or an expensive one then.
I was reading the packet on mine and it says to re test after 7 days (like anyone is going to wait a week!).

11 days till I can do it, how do people get through this waiting period? I cleaned out my kitchen cupboards last night and going to finish them tonight. I can't remember how I filled my time before! :think:
the 2ww is horible but worth the wait if you get a bfp, i've just been alseep for the past 2 hours i feel totaly drained, i have been doing so much housework today then after lunch (we had a l8 lunch) i thought i was going to pass out so lyed on the sofa then i fell asleep, i'm so drained still :sleep: :sleep:
sorry anna23 and mum to be for your BFNs big hugs xx :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: sorry to read about the BFN's. whats for you wont go by you and all that jazz ( if anyone said that to me after getting a BFN id probably punch them so sorry :doh: ) thanks for the info on evap lines!
If AF dosent arrive in the next couple of days I'm gonna visit the doc (they will probably say it's stress or some nonsense :wall: )
I've read a postive might not show up till AT LEAST 4 days after AF due, and it can be negative right up till then! So I wouldn't give up all hope this month just yet. :hug:

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