***JULY TESTING THREAD*** 8 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awww ladies thanks :hug:

Tabby - I bought some Tarot cards years ago but never got round to learning how to do them lol. I love all things paranormal/spiritual etc :D

I hope your's & jemz good feeling about me is right :pray: :hug:
I just did a dummy test run (now I know why they supply a latex glove I wish I'd used it :lol: ) and I didn't get any lines at all, just the red test line, was expecting it to come up as negative but got nothing, so not putting much faith in these pound shop testing strips. :shakehead:
I haven't ovulated yet so I've got a feeling I'm going have to wait for the august test list but we'll see :think:

Holly Hobby the pound shop ones are supposed to be quite good and so are the tescos, I use the internet cheapies (as I have a POAS addction so it doesn't cost me a fortune :rotfl: ) and they were accurate when I got my BFP

By the way I find it much easier to pee into something (I use a disposable cup) then dip the stick into the pee in the container
skairdy im like u i love the paranormal etc. google for free tarot readings. Me and my sister decided to get online tarots done. the woman fones us within secounds it was freaky. My sisters reading, she decribed my sister down to a T, and also told her (this was b4 i put in for one) that her sister (me) have been having problems with her overies. (my pcos) My reading however she basically told me that i have physic abillities and gave me a sceance to do when i ready to do it. Very strange.
Sounds good Jemz :D

Well the spotting is now more like smudging if you know what I mean. Like just a few streaks of light brown when I wipe (TMI sorry). And we BD'd last night and only a little bit of blood not like to torrent I get usually if we BD in the week before AF when I'm spotting.
Still finding hard to believe this could be our month though :think:

Hows everyone else doing?
HollyHobby said:
I just did a dummy test run (now I know why they supply a latex glove I wish I'd used it :lol: ) and I didn't get any lines at all, just the red test line, was expecting it to come up as negative but got nothing, so not putting much faith in these pound shop testing strips. :shakehead:

When you just get the test line that is negative hun. It only gets another line if it's positive no matter how faint (that's if your talking about pregnancy tests not ovulation tests) so it sounds like they are working as they should be.
mrs_metal said:
I haven't ovulated yet so I've got a feeling I'm going have to wait for the august test list but we'll see :think:

Holly Hobby the pound shop ones are supposed to be quite good and so are the tescos, I use the internet cheapies (as I have a POAS addction so it doesn't cost me a fortune :rotfl: ) and they were accurate when I got my BFP

By the way I find it much easier to pee into something (I use a disposable cup) then dip the stick into the pee in the container

so is that poas addiction or a dias addiction (dipping in a stick) :rotfl:

on a serious note though are your cycles always irregular? how do you know you haven't ovulated yet - do you chart or look at your CM? i have really irregular periods and not sure quite what is happening yet so i chart which i find really useful. good luck x

and good luck skairdy sounds promising xx
I feel awful today :( I'm still constipated despite taking a senokot last night, I want to conceive a poo right now :rotfl: . I went to bed in pain, had a sore nipple and they were darker (even my husband agrees). I'm really trying hard not to get into this symptom spotting, as it could be nomal for me and I just never took any notice before, and I don't want to be disapointed and get obsessional. I've also got a classic pre-period spot on my chin :evil:
I also never thought to get my roots done and hair straightened befoe trying :doh: so if AF visits I am going to make sure I remember to do those!!!

12 days till testing on the 30th though, getting closer!

Hope all you ladies are feeling better than I right now xx
skairdykat said:
HollyHobby said:
I just did a dummy test run (now I know why they supply a latex glove I wish I'd used it :lol: ) and I didn't get any lines at all, just the red test line, was expecting it to come up as negative but got nothing, so not putting much faith in these pound shop testing strips. :shakehead:

When you just get the test line that is negative hun. It only gets another line if it's positive no matter how faint (that's if your talking about pregnancy tests not ovulation tests) so it sounds like they are working as they should be.

The instructions said a red test line, then one other line for negative and 2 for a positive and it's got a diagram, so there by rights should have been the test line and one other line. This was a pregnancy test.
mrs_metal said:
I haven't ovulated yet so I've got a feeling I'm going have to wait for the august test list but we'll see :think:

Holly Hobby the pound shop ones are supposed to be quite good and so are the tescos, I use the internet cheapies (as I have a POAS addction so it doesn't cost me a fortune :rotfl: ) and they were accurate when I got my BFP

By the way I find it much easier to pee into something (I use a disposable cup) then dip the stick into the pee in the container

I got a small container with it , really shallow, and a glove and I thought I'll not need the glove, I'll do a good aim! I need more practice with them obviously :shock: or stand up or something :think: .
lol well we had a lovely day today in town, i don't know where the time has gone toady it's gone so fast hehe. Well i have been COMMANDED to take a test tomorrow :rotfl: :rotfl: by my dh to be :lol: :lol: to cut the long story short we tested this moring but i think i did the test wrong i peed on the control window by accident ( :oops: :oops: ) so we arn't sure if it worked properly :? :? so we have decided NOT to think about it today and wait for tomorrow
ok ok i just have to post this Flossy thinks it's a bfp what do you think a evap line or a bfp?
I can see one faint line, I thought we needed 2 faint lines or are different tests different? I don't know?
Hope someone comes here and sees and let's you know :pray: :pray:

Oooh bet youre dead excited right now :cheer: :cheer:
the strong line is the one that shows the test has worked and the realy faint line is the line that shows pregnant (or could be evap line), on these tests if the control line shows up and no other line it's neg and if there is 2 lines it's positive :D
Anna23 said:
the strong line is the one that shows the test has worked and the realy faint line is the line that shows pregnant (or could be evap line), on these tests if the control line shows up and no other line it's neg and if there is 2 lines it's positive :D

Well i am seeing a definite line Anna!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Maybe my dummy run test did work then, as I was taking the test line to not be one of the lines to look for.

Anna signs are looking good for you i would say. Are you going to take another test tomorrow? How many days before you were due?
Hoping someone else will come and tell you thye too can see a line, cos I can!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
lol i'm 4 days late, Yes i'm going to take a test tomorrow morning :D
:D The presence of two lines in both control region and test region means you are likely to be pregnant --- and I think you might very well be Anna :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Will save congrats till tomorrow as I don't know what an evap line is, but secretly---> (congrats Anna :cheer: :hug: :dance: looks like youre the 3rd this month! )
unless my eyes are terrible in my not so old age i can see the 2nd faint line! Good luck sweety :hug:

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