***JULY TESTING THREAD*** 8 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wanted to say hello everyone. Congrats to the BFPs :cheer: fingers crossed for anyone still waiting and Sorry for all the BFNs this month :hug: Roll on August!

(aka Suzicat)
Lisa (aka Suzicat!)

I just had to change my ticker as I've OV'd today, way earlier than expected so are we testing buddies again?! (August 2nd...?)
ejjie said:
Lisa (aka Suzicat!)

I just had to change my ticker as I've OV'd today, way earlier than expected so are we testing buddies again?! (August 2nd...?)

:dance: yey for a shorter cycle ellie!! what a relief for you did you manage to Bd enough?? not knowing when you were going to ovulate etc?? good luck for your BFP this month xx :hug:
Hi Ellie,

That's great news...I'll be testing 5th Aug. I OV-ed early this month. First time with OV testing sticks & I get a surge the first day I test (Thurs). OH was away until the next day but we bd loads friday. It was weird - I got pains Friday morning til about 11ish in my right hand side so pretty sure I OVed around then. OH wasn't back til late that night but I'm really hopeful we've caught that egg. If not next month we'll be aiming at OV on day 12 of my cycle reather than day 14.

I'm determined not to sympton spot this month - I feel like a fool every time I convince myself I'll get a BFP and then AF turns up.
Good luck lovey and fingers crossed for BFPs in 2 weeks time.

(aka Suzicat)
HollyHobby said:
I've read a postive might not show up till AT LEAST 4 days after AF due, and it can be negative right up till then! So I wouldn't give up all hope this month just yet. :hug:

Thanks Holly :pray:
We do have lots more testers the end of this month! Baby dust and prayers to all and a big congrats to our BFP's!! H and H 9 months to you both! :cheer:
10/11 days for me to go, getting excited!
Is mastitus a symptom? On second thoughts don't tell me! :wall: Have had like the feeling of pins sticking in my boobies all afternoon :evil:
I so want it to have worked :pray:

Good luck all those who are yest to test, and loads of luck for next month all the rest - we'll all get there one day!!! :hug:
Think I ov'd on saturday so I shouldn't test til 2/8 but 1/8 is the anniversary of when I met DH so I might test then :think:

So no entry for me on the july testing list :( Might have to change my ticker as I think it'll be a couple of days out (cycles have been all over the place since m/c so any ticker I do is pure guess work :lol: )

Good luck and baby dust to those still to test in July
how many days until you test skairdy?

I honestly have such a good feeling about you , if I'm wrong you may pinch me :rotfl: x
HollyHobby said:
10/11 days for me to go, getting excited!
Is mastitus a symptom? On second thoughts don't tell me! :wall: Have had like the feeling of pins sticking in my boobies all afternoon :evil:
I so want it to have worked :pray:

Good luck all those who are yest to test, and loads of luck for next month all the rest - we'll all get there one day!!! :hug:
i had Mastitus when i was breastfeeding my daughter it's horible, i didn't know you could get it when not breast feeding :)
Think i got a bfp!

I'm not getting excited just yet, i've still got 10 days before af due, so it's early days, anything could happen, but i used a savers 10 (mlu?) early detection stick, and it's there! I's faint but didnt need to squint or anything - need to do more tests, but it's looking hopeful :pray:

I bought 7 tests yesterday and used 2 already! :rotfl:

it showed within 2 mins, or a minute, it seemed like 2 mins! very faint but pink all the same (must be a girl if pink right? :rotfl: )
oh my god holly are you serious!!!

Well done :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: !!!!

Go get a digi test when you can!!!

HollyHobby said:
Think i got a bfp!

I'm not getting excited just yet, i've still got 10 days before af due, so it's early days, anything could happen, but i used a savers 10 (mlu?) early detection stick, and it's there! I's faint but didnt need to squint or anything - need to do more tests, but it's looking hopeful :pray:

I bought 7 tests yesterday and used 2 already! :rotfl:

it showed within 2 mins, or a minute, it seemed like 2 mins! very faint but pink all the same (must be a girl if pink right? :rotfl: )

woohoo :cheer: :cheer: get a digi test bought and put us all out our misery :lol:

I like how calm your post seemed id be climbing the wallls by now :rotfl:
HollyHobby said:
Think i got a bfp!

I'm not getting excited just yet, i've still got 10 days before af due,

I didn't think it's posible for a BFP to show up at only 3-4 DPO! Are you sure you only ovulated a few days ago? If you're getting a BFP now you must have ovulated about 10 days ago??

Anyway CONGRATULATIONS :cheer: :cheer:
Just popped in to pinch Tabby lol.
AF got me at 3am this morning..............two days early :shakehead:

Oooo Holly you must have OV'd really early this month for it to show up 10 days before AF :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Good luck to the rest of you still waiting :pray:
HollyHobby said:
Think i got a bfp!

I'm not getting excited just yet, i've still got 10 days before af due, so it's early days, anything could happen, but i used a savers 10 (mlu?) early detection stick, and it's there! I's faint but didnt need to squint or anything - need to do more tests, but it's looking hopeful :pray:

I bought 7 tests yesterday and used 2 already! :rotfl:

it showed within 2 mins, or a minute, it seemed like 2 mins! very faint but pink all the same (must be a girl if pink right? :rotfl: )

oh my goodness!!!!! take a digi test!!!!
ohhh get a pic lol and take a digi, congratulations :D
I'm laughing here cos I just extended the 2 week wait :doh:
It's only 8 days to AF if this was a 27 day cycle, and 9 days if a 28!

I've got 6 50p tests and 2 better ones from wilkinsons left that has a window, both 25mlu sensitivity, so I take it you have to be very near to AF to use those ones?

We're going to go to Savers and get some more of the 10mlu ones. Will probably get those tomorrow!

I'm pretty sure I ovulated around the 13th if we're going for EWCM and pains, only 10 days past AF - the calculator had me down as ovulating on the 17th so we went by that as well just incase.

I don't know, I felt like I should test today even though I had period pain last night and told hubby I don't think any luck this month. I woke up at 8am dying for a pee and that's not like me at all, then at 9.30 I just thought I should use the 10mlu test! what the heck! And there it was, so very faint but there!
I'll go take a photo but I doubt it'll show up!
BBS :cheer:
my faint evap line showed up so hopefuly it'll show up on urs :D congrats again :dance: :dance:
It wont show up and it looks like the test strip has faded since this morning and I can hardly see the line - do they fade through the day????? It's blotchy. Its been lying on my bedroom floor all day.
I just tried a wilkinsons 25mlu and it doesnt show any hint of a positive at all :wall:

I'll get some more of the 10mlu ones and re test in a day or two. My husband says he definately saw it too so we are either both imagining it or it was there!!!

I'll try and get photo straight after testing (this is why I'm not overly excited, it was too faint to sink in - I want a dark dark line :dance: )

To recap on evap lines, these only happen after a certain amount of time has lapsed right? So to get even a faint pinky line with 1-2 mins is a good sign?

God this is frustrating :doh:

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