***JULY TESTING THREAD*** 8 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hug: sorry skairdy to hear this hunny xx

holly hobby wow!! how exciting :cheer: hope it is a BFP :pray:
I thought i had a BFP a couple of months ago. This faint line showed up within 5 or 6 mins and stayed there for a long long time. I went to show OH when he woke up and it had gone! I did another test and like before there was a faint line within minutes. It was visable without having to hold it up at certain lights and could be seen from 3ft away easily. OH agreed it was definately there and then when i checked it a few hours later that had gone as well. The damn line was a shade of pink as well so I was convinced it wasnt an evap.... BUT it was because a predictor test came back as a DEFINATE BFN. Thats the trouble with these cheap tests, you get what you pay for (although i still havent learnt my lesson as i have just bought some more!!!! :doh: ) Good luck :hug:
rusks said:
:dance: yey for a shorter cycle ellie!! what a relief for you did you manage to Bd enough?? not knowing when you were going to ovulate etc?? good luck for your BFP this month xx :hug:

Thanks Rusks, I'm really excited to be able to even have a ticker. I don't think we BD enough but we arranged a dirty weekend at home for August OV so I am happy planning for that!!!

suzikat said:
Hi Ellie,

That's great news...I'll be testing 5th Aug. I OV-ed early this month. First time with OV testing sticks & I get a surge the first day I test (Thurs). OH was away until the next day but we bd loads friday. It was weird - I got pains Friday morning til about 11ish in my right hand side so pretty sure I OVed around then. OH wasn't back til late that night but I'm really hopeful we've caught that egg. If not next month we'll be aiming at OV on day 12 of my cycle reather than day 14.

I'm determined not to sympton spot this month - I feel like a fool every time I convince myself I'll get a BFP and then AF turns up.
Good luck lovey and fingers crossed for BFPs in 2 weeks time.

Ooh I hope you caught it Lisa, I'll keep everything crossed for you! I got the pain the day before I got a +ve on OV test so you should be alright? We BD on the day of and the day after but that was it. I'm away next week so no access to my laptop to be able to obsess, I think that will be a good thing. Back on line for testing day

Let's all assume we're not pg until we get BFP after our AFs are late :fib: :rotfl:
skairdy :hug: keep at it :hug:

Thanks rusks, so do I, but I'm now not convinced :| (what a whirlwind day)

Sammy I'll have you know I paid a whole pound for that test :rotfl: cheap indeed :lol: I don't know what to think now, I know the best thing is to wait till the 30th/31st, but I'm going to retest on he 10mlu on thursday morning and see what it says.
I can't be affording to be buying all these tests every month so next month I will say now, will only test if miss a period ( :fib: )

I really did see a faint pink line :?
skairdykat said:
Just popped in to pinch Tabby lol.
AF got me at 3am this morning..............two days early :shakehead:

So sorry Skairdy :shakehead:

im absoluty gutted :x guess cheri was wrong.

aww hun :hug:
:rotfl: @ Holly! I think mine are about 10p each... the "classy" version :fib: Mine were slight pink lines as well. It was like the edging of the line itself without the middle bit coloured in if you see what i mean... probably not! lol. Keep testing... i never took no for an answer :) I will warn you though the more tests you buy the more chance that you will become a POAS addict! I started off having a little chuckle at the girls in the forum for testing so often and then before i knew it i was buying bundles of 50 of the damn things and ended up far worse than anyone :doh: Good job they are cheap or I would not be able to actually afford a baby by the time it got here :rotfl:
Well I think I am out this month, the witch is gonna turn up soon, probably today I can feel it. :(
Sammy I could have bought a good few baby gro's by now and I'm not even finished month one yet, after 6 months I bet I could have bought a pram 8) :roll: Addicitive it certainly is!

My dear dear hubby went out first thing and bought me 5 of the 10mlu ones so I could use my first pee, and I did 2 and both negative :wall:

Feel so s**t today after getting all excited yesterday, Oh well, only a week Or 8 days to wait.

Lorna, hang in there, I've read feeling like youre going to start can actually be a symptom, but if she does, next month :pray: :hug:
Lorna said:
Well I think I am out this month, the witch is gonna turn up soon, probably today I can feel it. :(

its not over till shes here darling xxx :hug:
IF my cycle is the same as last time i am due to ovulate on sunday :wink:

but i am working thurs night, my mum is here fri morning and all day looking after DS, DH is away friday night playin poker, saturday we are out all day as we have friends emigrating to australia, out in the evening and have 3 friends staying at ours, so as far as i can see we can only BD sunday night after everyone has gone home and DS is in bed :wall:

....and we'll probably be so hungover we won't be in the mood :wall: i think i am going to miss the eggy again this month and i am hating these long cycles as its so long til ovulation again!!

*sorry moan over i had to get that frustration out*
awwww rusks darling.... ya never know once ya have had a drink... ya know what that normally leads to :lol: hope you catch the egg this month! xx
Rusks it's not impossible for the sperm to live for 4 days so wednesday night *nudge nudge wink wink* :hug:
awww skairdy * rubs arm where you viciously pinched it* hope you catch the egg next month!!

holly I am really praying that its a bfp! :pray: :pray: :cheer: !!!

My mum's down visiting the weekend I'm ovulating next month!!! She's down for 4 days lol so me and Mr Twinkles shall be bding veeeery quietly lolol!!! :rotfl: xxx
Tabby Twinkles said:
awww skairdy * rubs arm where you viciously pinched it* hope you catch the egg next month!!

holly I am really praying that its a bfp! :pray: :pray: :cheer: !!!

My mum's down visiting the weekend I'm ovulating next month!!! She's down for 4 days lol so me and Mr Twinkles shall be bding veeeery quietly lolol!!! :rotfl: xxx

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: love it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I was supposed to come on 21st 22nd was gonna test on the 21st. Still waiting for AF to show, keeping fingers crossed am never this late on 33 day now. To nervous to test, will prob test on sat now
Mrs Brightside - are you testing tomorrow...?
Cramping, depressed and a BFN with FMU this morning...
ejjie said:
Mrs Brightside - are you testing tomorrow...?

hiya hun, yeah im due to test the morra BUT thats with a 26 day cycle and im not sure thats what im on to be honest!! ive done a test tonight and got a BFN but im not sure where I am on my cycle... I wasnt holding out much hope this month anyway cause im not 100% sure when I ovulated! :?
MrsBrightside said:
hiya hun, yeah im due to test the morra BUT thats with a 26 day cycle and im not sure thats what im on to be honest!! ive done a test tonight and got a BFN but im not sure where I am on my cycle... I wasnt holding out much hope this month anyway cause im not 100% sure when I ovulated! :?

Good luck anyway, I'm off for a week but I want to see a BFP when I come back!!!

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