***JULY TESTING THREAD*** 8 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well i took a test even tho Mat said no lol he went out and i was sat here bored out of my mind lol well it is negative :( so mabe all the symptoms i have been having are wrong and i'm not preggers like i thought :cry: and all the positives were from bambino, ahh well back to the drawing board oviously i'll test again in the morning but i'm not holding out much hope oh well i'll have to start with the taking temprature stuff, i've never done this before so i'm gonig to sit here to do lots of resherch into it etc... and mabe start using fertility friend
thanks everyone for your wishes of a bfp but mabe it's for the best it's not a bfp atm becasue i realy should wait for my first hag then hopefully August WILL be my month :)
:hug: Anna, lets hope FMU will get you your BFP tomorrow :pray:

We seriously need some BFP's, I thought Cheri predicted loads this month??? where are they all??? I should be Ov this weekend although I did a OPK and no line?? normally I get a faint line by now?? maybe Ov is going to be late this month after all the stress. I guess I'll just BD every other day just incase!

Good luck everyone and :hug: for all those who have been visited by that wicked witch!
ok after talking with dh to be we are going to do it as fmu and going to do it tomorrow, we had a good look at that test and funnily there was a faint (extremly faint) positive however we arn't going by it, i was going to start with the temp thing today but i have been up with my bird Jack he is very ill well was i thought he was going to die he was that bad but now he is live and eating and drinking so i have been holding him most of the night to keep warm and now he is in his cage sleeping :dance: :dance: :D he is back on his perch and not on the floor which is great news :dance: :dance: soz i'm just so happy i got him after the mc and he is precious to me
Im so pleased that Jack is doing better... honestly you must be going through hell at the moment like I said on msn with all the tests been different poor you!!!

Wow this site is well funky now! I will be testing around the 20th been real good this month and b'd every other day, bet I get my period though! Good luck to all the rest of you weeing on a stick. fingers crossed we'll get to first tri in August and have babies in March!

There's got to be some BFPs on the way it's been soooooo quiet so far

ejjie said:

There's got to be some BFPs on the way it's been soooooo quiet so far


I know daring, there has to be some there was loads last month!!

I keep getting a faint 'feel' of AF type aches :roll:

I'm only 3/4 DPO though so it's way to ealry for AF but it does feel like the feeling I get a few days - a week before she comes :cry:
kat ive been gerrin funny pains as well.... I dont know if its OV pains or not cause I think ive OVed so aint got a clue whats going on!!!! thing is my OV pains are normally on the right side this time its on my left :? :?
:shakehead: symptom spotting girls!! now come on don't be despondant, just give it a couple of days and all will become clear when you get those BFPs :dance:
This TTC is such a pain (excuse the pun) isn't it?
I think I OV'd either last Wed or Thurs but thats just going off my cycle lengths and my OV calender.
And after the horrendous pains last week this month is turning into the month of aches and pains lol.
I'm sure we'll get there in the end hun.
rusks said:
:shakehead: symptom spotting girls!! now come on don't be despondant, just give it a couple of days and all will become clear when you get those BFPs :dance:

Mines more like AF spotting like a week and a half early :rotfl:
rusks said:
:shakehead: symptom spotting girls!! now come on don't be despondant, just give it a couple of days and all will become clear when you get those BFPs :dance:

im sorry im sorry :lol: you keep us all right hun!!! :lol: any way like I said earlier I dont think its my month anyway so im not expecting a BFP this month :(
argh i hate my body atm after giving me all these preg symptoms it decided to give me acking pains where my uterus is aswell as the usual preg symptoms, my breasts and chest are veiny (a sure sign for me) they are also sensitive and tingly, i've been feeling nausious, frequent toilet trips, i'm very emotional i even cried watching my big fat greek wedding I NEVER do that watching films but then again i can pass that off as grieving, i had what i remember with bambino stretching pains well basicly i've been feeling like i did with bambino, james and emma except with the acky tummy argh i wish i'd get that bfp or the hag decides to make her apperiance :roll: :roll:
Awww anna darling wish you knew one way or another babe!!! stay positive tho ya still in the TTC race!!! xxx

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
day 10 dpo for me..... only 9 more days before i can test..... praying i dont get AF before then tho. have got no symptoms whatsoever, apart from getting cramps on day 6dpo. so test day for me is the 23rd..... am trying not to get my hopes up too much, but every day that goes by without AF makes me more and more nervous!
My crampy feeling has gone now and feel completely normal now - well as normal as I get that is

Aww Anna it must be driving you mad. How many days late are you?

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