***JULY TESTING THREAD*** 8 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ejjie said:
MrsBrightside said:
hiya hun, yeah im due to test the morra BUT thats with a 26 day cycle and im not sure thats what im on to be honest!! ive done a test tonight and got a BFN but im not sure where I am on my cycle... I wasnt holding out much hope this month anyway cause im not 100% sure when I ovulated! :?

Good luck anyway, I'm off for a week but I want to see a BFP when I come back!!!

YES MISS!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: hope can give your the BFP when you come back :) see ya in a week xx
thanks tabby, I hope we both get a bfp! :hug:
(dont know why but when i see bfp i translate it as a big fat ''willy'' :moon: :moon: sorry :oops: )

Sandee, all the best for next onth if this month is out :hug:

caz H, my fingers are crossed for you! :hug:
and for everyone else!!!! :wave:

I'm making this my first and last month at this symptom spotting, it's taking too much out of me I have decided, but if you don't mind indulging me for this month then I can say i am perking right up tonight!
Since the 13th I have had period like cramps (not my normal), sore boobs (half my normal but some was not normal), bloating (normal), constipation (not the amount of time, but do get constipated now and then) , a bit sicky feeling (can be normal), spotty face (not normal), being really hot (it has been warm so...) and falling asleep alot (not normal, but maybe the heat had something to do with that) . And yesterday was convinced my period had started so rushed to check.(not normal this early)

I'm not convinced the faint pink line meant anything considering the 2 negatives yesterday, but if it does then those were my early symptoms!

I had a sleep earlier and since then no period like pains, bloating going down and feeling a bit more like my old self. Now worrying feeling better is a bad sign, which is why I wont be symptom spotting next month!
Hello there guys,

Mrs Brightside - I was thinking about you too last night. Fingers crossed for a BFP over the next couple of days. I'm taking my Mum up to Edinburgh for a weekend away and will be off line but checking when I'm back Sunday night as well.

Ellie - see you when you get back and hopefully we won't have long to wait for our BFPs too! Its very strange - loads of things at work are due to happen on 4th Aug and everyone is talking about it being a strangely significant date.....lets hope it is for us too.

See you soon ladies
well i dont feel like im going to come on!! aint got a clue whats going on suzie.... enjoy you trip to edinburgh!! hope I have some news for when u and Ellie get back !! :)

fingers crossed the 4th of august means summit to us as well :)
good luck mrs brightside for next couple of days :pray:
My AF came today, so guess I need to update my ticker guess my cycle has changed anyway :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
Still no AF???? So so wierd?? always around 28,29 cycle now on 33 day. Brough tests from sainsburys today but determined not to test till Sat morning as I d rather be excited about the anticipation that I may be pregnant rather than a big fat BFN (which i just know it will be deep down) cannot contemplate getting a BFP ever!!!
MrsBrightside said:
Lorna said:
Well I think I am out this month, the witch is gonna turn up soon, probably today I can feel it. :(

its not over till shes here darling xxx :hug:

she's here :wall: :wall: :wall:

oh well better luck next month, although it may not happen, we are moving house a fair few miles away so I think the stress of the move will mean it won't happen again.

Good luck and babydust to all those left to test. x

CazH good luck :pray: :pray: for your BFP xx
Morning everyone i think i'm coming down with something this morning Mat woke me up for bd but guess what i couldn't bring myself to wake up enough :oops: which is very rare for me i jump at the chance to bd :lol: i just wanna go back to bed :sleep: :sleep: but i can't the kids keep waking me up :evil:
MrsBrightside said:
well I still aint come on ....... :roll:
I dont think my ticker is right tho :(
i've still not had Af either its now day 39 :roll: :roll:
AF arrived for me today in full force CD 39 :wall: better luck next time

good luck to all the ladies due to test :pray:
Got my BFP today want to shout it from rooftops been a long wait!
Hi ladies, hope youre all well, I see we're up to 3 bfp's on this thread :dance: :clap:

Think PMT hit me yesterday, have been in an argumentative mood with hubby so focusing on next month I'm sure, no more early tests for moi!
On the plus side, I felt like my old self yesterday, loads of energy and pains have gone.

Good luck everyone :hug:
ok it's day 40 :roll: still no sign of period and had a bfn :roll: will wait till sometime next week to test if no sign of af :evil: :evil: i just wish she would come so i can get back to normal or i get a bfp, couldn't sleep last night it's toooooo HOT and it started getting light at like 4am :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: as you can tell i'm in a peved mood but on a bright side we have a wedding to go to, our vicar invited us as Mats never been to a wedding :D so we are looking forward to that, doesn't help my body tho i want a af or bfp

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