thanks tabby, I hope we both get a bfp!
(dont know why but when i see bfp i translate it as a big fat ''willy''
Sandee, all the best for next onth if this month is out
caz H, my fingers are crossed for you!
and for everyone else!!!!
I'm making this my first and last month at this symptom spotting, it's taking too much out of me I have decided, but if you don't mind indulging me for this month then I can say i am perking right up tonight!
Since the 13th I have had period like cramps (not my normal), sore boobs (half my normal but some was not normal), bloating (normal), constipation (not the amount of time, but do get constipated now and then) , a bit sicky feeling (can be normal), spotty face (not normal), being really hot (it has been warm so...) and falling asleep alot (not normal, but maybe the heat had something to do with that) . And yesterday was convinced my period had started so rushed to check.(not normal this early)
I'm not convinced the faint pink line meant anything considering the 2 negatives yesterday, but
if it does then those were my early symptoms!
I had a sleep earlier and since then no period like pains, bloating going down and feeling a bit more like my old self. Now worrying feeling better is a bad sign, which is why I wont be symptom spotting next month!